

单词 close to the wind
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔close-hauled〕With sails trimmed flat for sailing as close to the wind as possible.张满帆的,迎风航行的:航行时调整船帆以便尽可能的与风保持一致的美国传统〔close〕We attempted to sail as close to the wind as we could to avoid being swept away by the tide.我们尽量迎风航行以免被海浪冲走。外研社新世纪〔eye〕In a direction opposite that of the wind; close to the wind.逆风:在风向的反方向;逆风美国传统〔point〕Nautical To sail close to the wind.【航海】 迎风行驶美国传统〔sail close to the wind〕The company was sailing close to the wind, but it's not clear if they were breaking the law or not.这家公司在冒风险,但尚不清楚是否违法。韦氏高阶〔sail close to the wind〕You were sailing a little close to the wind there when you made those remarks about his wife.你那么说他的妻子可有点儿冒险。剑桥高阶〔shiver〕To cause (a sail) to flutter by sailing too close to the wind.由于航行时太靠近风而使(帆)颤动美国传统〔weatherly〕Able to sail close to the wind with little drift to leeward.能迎风航行的:能迎风航行而不会顺风漂移的美国传统〔wind〕Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.马克斯警告她说她这是在玩火, 有被起诉的危险。外研社新世纪〔wind〕Nautical Close to the wind.【航海】 顺风的美国传统〔wind〕The only hope in the storm was to sail close to the wind.遇上暴风雨时,只有迎风行驶才有脱险的希望。英汉大词典The politician sailed close to the wind in his speech against the government. 那位政客在发表反政府演说时差点触犯法律。译典通You were sailing a bit close to the wind there (= taking a risk by doing something that was dangerous, illegal or unacceptable) when you made those remarks about his wife.当你在议论他的妻子时,你可是在冒天下之大不韪啊。剑桥国际




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