

单词 composure
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Olympian〕Washington abandoned his Olympian composure to ride among the men, cursing like a drill sergeant.华盛顿一改往日的威严姿态, 在士兵中间骑马, 嘴里还像带兵军士一样咒骂着。外研社新世纪〔behave with〕He behaved with great composure.他表现得非常镇静。21世纪英汉〔behave〕The prisoner behaved himself with great composure.囚犯表现得很镇静。英汉大词典〔blow〕To lose one's composure.失去冷静美国传统〔breakup〕A loss of control or composure.失控:失去控制或冷静美国传统〔composure〕After the initial shock she regained/recovered her composure.她刚开始吓了一跳,但之后恢复了镇定。韦氏高阶〔composure〕Carter looked stunned, but he soon regained his composure.卡特看起来很震惊,但他很快又恢复了镇定。朗文当代〔composure〕Dimbleby lost his composure and it was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks.丁布尔比情难自禁, 他唯一能做的就是忍住高兴的泪水。外研社新世纪〔composure〕Don't lose your composure.别沉不住气;不要慌了手脚。文馨英汉〔composure〕For once Dimbleby lost his composure. It was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks.这一次丁布尔比没能控制住自己的感情。他唯一能做的也就是不让欢乐的泪水流下脸庞。柯林斯高阶〔composure〕He answered with composure.他镇定地作答。韦氏高阶〔composure〕He has lost his composure under the pressure of the situation.他不堪压力失去了冷静。朗文当代〔composure〕He kept/maintained his composure.他保持镇定。韦氏高阶〔composure〕He stopped a while to recover [regain] his composure.他停了一下,以便恢复镇静。文馨英汉〔composure〕I didn't want to lose my composure in front of her.我不想在她面前失态。剑桥高阶〔composure〕Nothing could ruffle his composure.没有什么能让他慌乱。牛津搭配〔composure〕Sabik had recovered some of his composure, and he shrugged.萨比克稍稍恢复了镇定, 并耸了耸肩。外研社新世纪〔composure〕She answered with perfect composure.她极其镇静地回答。牛津搭配〔composure〕She closed her eyes for a moment, to gather her composure.她把眼睛合上了一会儿,努力恢复镇静。牛津搭配〔composure〕She showed great composure in the crisis.在这次危机中,她表现出很大的镇定。文馨英汉〔composure〕She totally lost her composure and began shouting.她彻底按捺不住,开始大叫起来。牛津搭配〔composure〕She walked with grave composure to the top step and stood to welcome us.她庄重沉着地走到最高的台阶上站着欢迎我们。外研社新世纪〔composure〕Stopping only briefly to regain her composure, she described her agonising ordeal.她只停顿了一小会儿让自己恢复平静,然后讲述了她无比痛苦的经历。柯林斯高阶〔composure〕The interruption gave him time to regain his composure.这次中断使他有时间恢复镇静。麦克米伦高阶〔composure〕The widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure.寡妇失声痛哭,但她的女儿都保持着冷静。朗文当代〔convenient〕It was convenient thunder, for he needed to account for his loss of composure.这雷打得正是时候,因为他刚好有必要对自己的仓皇失态作出解释。英汉大词典〔coolly〕At that, Reno lost her cool composure.听了那句话,雷诺失去了冷静。柯林斯高阶〔cool〕At that, Reno lost her cool composure.在这件事上, 雷诺失去了冷静。外研社新世纪〔crack〕The defendant's composure finally began to crack.被告最终开始失去镇定了美国传统〔crack〕The new evidence against him cracked his composure.新的不利于他的证据使他沉不住气了。21世纪英汉〔cross-legged〕The cross-legged deity exudes wisdom and composure.盘腿而坐的女神显得镇静而又睿智。外研社新世纪〔cross-legged〕The cross-legged deity exudes wisdom and composure.盘腿而坐的神像散发出智慧与沉静的气息。柯林斯高阶〔dignity〕She has shown extraordinary dignity and composure.她表现得极为端庄沉着。外研社新世纪〔discompose〕To disturb the composure or calm of; perturb.使不安,使心乱;使烦恼美国传统〔discomposure〕Absence of composure.失去冷静,不安美国传统〔discountenance〕With her composure, she survived every atempt to discountenance her.不管各种令她窘迫的企图,她都保持镇静,从困境中挺了过来。21世纪英汉〔equanimity〕She maintained her composure, though with difficulty, throughout the trial.尽管十分困难,她在这场磨难中还是保持冷静。美国传统〔equanimity〕The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.镇静:能保持平静温和脾气的特性;镇静美国传统〔poise〕Freedom from affectation or embarrassment; composure.泰然自若,沉着:不受影响或不尴尬;冷静美国传统〔pull〕To regain one's composure.恢复镇静美国传统〔recover〕For a minute he looked uncertain, and then recovered his composure.有一小会儿他看上去有些迟疑不定,之后又恢复了镇定。柯林斯高阶〔recover〕Marian managed to recover her composure and thank everyone for coming.恢复平静麦克米伦高阶〔regain〕He looked stunned, but he soon regained his composure (=became calm again) .他愣了愣,但很快就恢复了平静。朗文当代〔regain〕It took him a while to regain his composure.他过了一会儿才恢复镇定。柯林斯高阶〔regain〕She soon regained her composure.她很快就恢复了镇定。牛津搭配〔regain〕She struggled to regain her composure.她竭力恢复镇定。牛津搭配〔retain〕Throughout the crisis he retained his composure.危机期间, 他始终保持镇定。牛津同义词〔ruffle〕It is impossible to live without some daily ruffles to our composure.在日常生活中我们平静的心境免不了会受到一些干扰。英汉大词典〔ruffle〕Nothing could ruffle her perfect composure.没有什么能扰乱她的泰然自若。外研社新世纪〔ruffle〕Nothing could ruffle the perfect composure with which she casually greets members of staff.什么都不能扰乱她随意地和员工打招呼时流露出的那种镇定自若。柯林斯高阶〔soothe〕To bring comfort, composure, or relief.起抚慰、镇定和减轻作用美国传统〔stiff upper lip〕Concealment of emotions or feelings, especially of grief or fear; great restraint or composure.板起脸孔的:隐藏感情或感觉的,尤指悲伤或害怕;极大的克制或镇定美国传统〔struggle〕She struggled to maintain her composure.她竭力保持镇静。英汉大词典〔throw ... off〕His composure threw us off.他的镇静使我们上了当。21世纪英汉〔unglued〕To lose one's composure.心烦意乱,失去镇定美国传统〔unstring〕To deprive of composure or emotional stability; unnerve.使慌乱:使…丧失镇静或情感的稳定;使慌乱美国传统I did my best to regain my composure. 我尽了最大的努力恢复镇静。译典通It is impossible to live without some daily ruffles to our composure. 我们日常的平静生活免不了会遇到一些波折。译典通She was astonished to see me, but she soon recovered herself/her voice/her composure (= soon gave the appearance of being calm).她见到我很吃惊,但很快恢复了常态/声音/镇静。剑桥国际You may feel nervous but don't lose your composure (=calmness and control) in front of her.你也许会觉得紧张,但别在她面前沉不住气。剑桥国际




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