

单词 church
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Anglican〕the Anglican Church 圣公会韦氏高阶〔Church〕co-operation with the Church of Scotland与苏格兰长老会的合作外研社新世纪〔Gothic〕a Gothic church 一座哥特式教堂朗文当代〔Methodist〕a Methodist church 循道宗教会教堂韦氏高阶〔Pentecostal〕a Pentecostal church 五旬节派教会教堂韦氏高阶〔affiliate〕a school affiliated with the church 有教会背景的学校英汉大词典〔anomaly〕the anomaly of a state obeying the dictates of the church 国家政权听命于教会的反常现象英汉大词典〔back〕the houses back of the church 位于教堂后面的房屋牛津高阶〔bazaar〕a church bazaar.教堂义卖柯林斯高阶〔bong〕to bong the church bell使教堂钟声嘡嘡响21世纪英汉〔church〕a chamber concert at our local church 在本区教堂举行的室内乐音乐会牛津搭配〔church〕a short church service 简短的教堂礼拜仪式朗文当代〔church〕the division between Church and State 政教分离麦克米伦高阶〔conciliation〕a period of conciliation between church and state 教权与政权间的修好时期文馨英汉〔confront〕the problems confronting the church 教会所面临的问题麦克米伦高阶〔congregational〕the Congregational Church (基督教的)公理教会(由英国国教分出之一派,为独立教会之联盟,各教会自行处理其事务)文馨英汉〔cruciform〕a cruciform church 十字形教堂文馨英汉〔c〕a C19th church 一座 19 世纪的教堂牛津高阶〔debunk〕the Frenchmen of the enlightenment who debunked the church and the crown.揭露教会和王室真相的启蒙运动时期的法国人柯林斯高阶〔deconsecrate〕a deconsecrated church 改作俗用的教堂牛津高阶〔denomination〕a problem facing the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations 天主教会和基督教其他教派面临的问题麦克米伦高阶〔diet〕a diet of church officials 教会官员会议英汉大词典〔dogma〕one of the central dogmas of the Church 这个教会的核心教义之一牛津高阶〔ecumenical〕dream of re-creating an ecumenical church 梦想重创一个世界范围的大一统教会英汉大词典〔episcopal〕the Episcopal Church(= the Anglican Church in Scotland and the US) (苏格兰和美国的)圣公会牛津高阶〔estranged〕young adults who feel estranged from the church 感到脱离了教会的青年人朗文当代〔evangelistic〕an evangelistic meeting at All Saints Church Hall.在诸圣堂举行的福音传教士会议柯林斯高阶〔fabric〕the need to preserve the fabric of the church 保存那座教堂基本结构的必要性朗文当代〔fete〕the church fete 教堂的游乐会朗文当代〔go〕go to church 去做礼拜英汉大词典〔hassock〕a church hassock 教堂的祈祷跪垫英汉大词典〔hold〕an attempt to break the hold of the Church 冲破教会控制的尝试牛津搭配〔idiom〕a church in the idiom of the thirteenth century一座13世纪风格的教堂外研社新世纪〔integrate〕integrate African-Americans into the church 允许美国黑人进入(白人)教堂英汉大词典〔just〕just the east of the church 就在教堂的东面英汉大词典〔minister〕a minister at the local Baptist church 本地浸礼会教堂的牧师剑桥高阶〔mission〕a mission church 布道教堂韦氏高阶〔mosaic〕a church decorated with old mosaics 用古老的镶嵌图案装饰的教堂韦氏高阶〔organist〕a church organist 教堂管风琴手朗文当代〔organist〕a church organist 教堂风琴师韦氏高阶〔organ〕a church organ.教堂管风琴。牛津同义词〔ornamentation〕a church with no ornamentation 无装饰的教堂文馨英汉〔pastor〕the pastor of Carr's Lane Congregational church 卡尔里公理会教堂的牧师朗文当代〔purple〕the purple of church dignitaries教会显要人物的大红袍外研社新世纪〔remember〕a church service to remember the war dead 纪念战争死难者的教堂礼拜仪式牛津高阶〔resonant〕a resonant church bell 响亮的教堂钟声韦氏高阶〔ritual〕the ritual of the Roman Catholic church 天主教仪式英汉大词典〔separation〕a 'Christian republic' in which there was a clear separation between church and state.政教彻底分离的“基督教共和国”柯林斯高阶〔sit〕a little church sitting on a hillside 坐落在山坡上的一座小教堂朗文当代〔social〕a church social 教友联谊会英汉大词典〔spired〕a spired church 有尖塔的教堂英汉大词典〔superintendent〕the superintendent of the Methodist Church in Hawaii 夏威夷循道卫理公会负责人朗文当代〔supremacy〕factions fighting for supremacy within the Church 争夺教会内部最高地位的各个派系牛津搭配〔teaching〕the official teaching of the Church 教会的官方教义牛津搭配〔undivided〕an undivided Church 未分立支派的教会牛津高阶〔unleash〕the fury unleashed by the church schools' proposals.由教会学校的建议引发的熊熊怒火柯林斯高阶〔view〕the view from the top of a church tower 从教堂塔楼顶看出去的景色英汉大词典〔voice〕a community radio run by the Catholic Church which gave voice to the protests of the slum-dwellers.一家由天主教教会开办的、贫民区居民可以在其节目中表达抗议的社区电台柯林斯高阶〔worshipper〕regular worshippers at St Andrew's Church 经常到圣安德肋教堂做礼拜的人牛津高阶〔worship〕a church where people have worshipped for hundreds of years 人们做了几百年礼拜的一座教堂朗文当代




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