

单词 chunk
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PIECE〕A large chunk of plaster had fallen from the ceiling. 一大块灰泥从天花板上掉下来。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕Cut the potatoes into chunks and boil them for 15 minutes. 将马铃薯切成大块煮15分钟。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕Peanut butter is best spread on chunks of crusty bread. 花生酱在脆皮的大块面包上最好涂抹。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕I had to cut huge chunks out to get this essay to the right length. 我得把这篇论文大段大段地删节至适当的篇幅。朗文写作活用〔bite-sized〕The exams are taken in bite-size chunks over two years.这些考试零零碎碎,得两年才考完。牛津高阶〔bite〕He bit off a chunk of bread.他咬下一大块面包。牛津搭配〔bite〕He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off.他咬下了一大块面包。牛津高阶〔bite〕I bit off a chunk of chocolate.我咬下一块巧克力。麦克米伦高阶〔bite〕Year after year, the sea is biting off chunks of the land.海水年复一年地冲掉大片陆地。英汉大词典〔bound〕The manager of a company does not like having a large chunk of his wealth bound up in its shares.一家公司的经理不喜欢大笔钱财被套在自己的股票里。外研社新世纪〔break up〕He broke the bread up into chunks and gave Meer a big one.他把面包掰成数块,给了米尔一块大的。柯林斯高阶〔calf〕A large floating chunk of ice split off from a glacier, an iceberg, or a floe.冰山上崩落漂流的冰块:一个大的冰块,从冰川、冰山或浮冰块上脱落美国传统〔cash out sth〕Many executives cashed out large chunks of stock when the price was near its high.许多主管在价格临近最高点时售出了大量自己持有的公司股票。剑桥高阶〔chunk〕A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the end of the show.演出还没结束,一大批观众就站起来离场了。朗文当代〔chunk〕Cut the meat into chunks.把这肉切成大块。外研社新世纪〔chunk〕Cut the melon into chunks.把瓜切块。柯林斯高阶〔chunk〕Cut the melon into chunks.把瓜切成厚块。外研社新世纪〔chunk〕He bit a great chunk out of the apple.他咬了一大块苹果。牛津搭配〔chunk〕He cut the food up into bite-size chunks.他把食物切成能入口的小块。牛津搭配〔chunk〕He devoted a large chunk of time to the project.他把很大一部分时间都投入到这个项目上了。韦氏高阶〔chunk〕I bought the cheese in one big chunk.这奶酪我买来时是一大块。牛津搭配〔chunk〕I've already written a fair chunk of the article.我已写出文章的大部份。牛津高阶〔chunk〕Lurie risked a pretty big chunk of change on the race.卢里在这次赛马上冒险押了一大笔钱。朗文当代〔chunk〕She cut the fruit into large chunks.她把水果切成大块大块的。韦氏高阶〔chunk〕She spends a good chunk of her day on the phone.她每天花很长时间打电话。韦氏高阶〔chunk〕That's a big chunk of money to have to pay every month.这是每个月都得付的一大笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔chunk〕The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport.该公司拥有盖特威克机场周边的大片农田。柯林斯高阶〔chunk〕The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport.这家公司在盖特威克机场附近拥有大量农田。外研社新世纪〔chunk〕The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary.房租占去我月薪的一大部分。朗文当代〔chunk〕The texts consist of short, bite-sized chunks. () 文稿由一些小块文章组成。牛津搭配〔chunk〕They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice.他们必须当心大块浮冰。柯林斯高阶〔chunk〕They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice.他们需要小心那些大块浮冰。外研社新世纪〔chunk〕This one project has taken a substantial chunk of our budget.这一项目占去了我们预算的一大块。牛津搭配〔chunk〕Three hours is quite a chunk out of my working day.3个小时占了我一个工作日中相当长的一段时间。剑桥高阶〔chunk〕To form into chunks.形成块美国传统〔clod〕A lump or chunk, especially of earth or clay.土块,泥块:一块或一团,尤指土或泥块美国传统〔corner〕Zurich's affluence came initially from cornering a sizeable chunk of the 14th Century silk trade.苏黎世的富足最初来自于14世纪对丝绸贸易的高度垄断。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕Zurich's affluence came initially from cornering a sizeable chunk of the 14th-century silk trade.苏黎世最早是在14世纪靠垄断大量的丝绸贸易致富的。外研社新世纪〔crack〕A chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm.悬崖上的一块石头在暴风雨中崩塌下来。牛津高阶〔dented〕A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel, bursting the tyre and denting the rim.我车子的左前轮撞在一大块松动的路缘石上,导致车胎爆裂、轮辋凹陷。柯林斯高阶〔down〕Chunks of ice came floating down the river.大块的冰顺河漂下。朗文当代〔gobbet〕A piece or chunk, especially of raw meat.一片,一块:一片或一块,尤指生肉美国传统〔hack〕The butcher hacked off a large chunk of meat.屠夫砍下了一大块肉。剑桥高阶〔half〕Cut the remaining half into large chunks.把剩下的一半切成大块。牛津搭配〔hunch〕A lump or chunk.厚片或厚块美国传统〔masonry〕Large chunks of masonry were beginning to fall.砖造物的大块泥石开始崩落。文馨英汉〔plaster〕Each blow of the hammer removed a great chunk of plaster.锤子每次敲打都震落一大块灰泥。牛津搭配〔project〕The blast projected huge chunks of stone through the air.爆破引起的气浪把大块大块的石头甩到空中。麦克米伦高阶〔sizeable〕Harry inherited the house and a sizeable chunk of land.哈里继承了这座房子以及相当大的一片土地。柯林斯高阶〔split〕A large chunk of ice split off/away from the iceberg and crashed into the water.一大块冰从冰山上裂开,轰隆一声落入了水中。韦氏高阶〔text〕Use the mouse to move chunks of text from place to place.用鼠标将大段文字变换位置。牛津搭配〔zip〕I sent him the requested file, zipped and broken up into 10MB chunks.我把他索要的文件压缩后拆分成若干10兆字节大小的组块发给了他。外研社新世纪Chop the vegetables into small chunks before putting them in the liquidiser.把蔬菜切成块,然后放入搅拌器。剑桥国际He can recite whole chunks of books from memory.他能凭记忆背出整部整部的书。剑桥国际The butcher hacked off a large chunk of meat.屠夫砍下了一大块肉。剑桥国际The potatoes were pared and cut into chunks. 马铃薯被削了皮并切成了块。译典通Three hours is quite a chunk out of my working day.三个小时是我工作日中相当大的一部分。剑桥国际




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