

单词 cherries
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Nesselrode〕A mixture of chopped and boiled chestnuts, maraschino cherries, candied fruits, and liqueur or rum, used as a sauce or in puddings, ice cream, or pies.果实蜜饯:一种由剥开煮熟的栗子、野樱桃酒味的糖水樱桃、果脯和甜露酒或糖蜜酒的混合物,用作蜜饯或制布丁、冰淇淋或派饼美国传统〔READY/NOT READY〕The cherries on the tree were still unripe. 树上的樱桃还没熟。朗文写作活用〔cherry〕Containing or having the flavor of cherries.樱桃制成的或带樱桃味的美国传统〔cherry〕Life is not always a bowl of cherries.生活总有不开心的时候。英汉大词典〔decorate〕I decorated the cake with glacé cherries.我在蛋糕上放了些糖渍樱桃作装饰。外研社新世纪〔empty〕First they emptied the truck of its cherries.他们首先清空了卡车上的樱桃。外研社新世纪〔flower〕The park will have cherries in full flower this month.这家公园的樱桃花本月就会盛开。牛津搭配〔fruit beer〕Beer or ale to which fruit, such as cherries, or fruit syrup has been added for a second fermentation.水果啤酒:将加入樱桃或果浆的啤酒或麦芽啤酒再进行二度发酵美国传统〔kirsch〕A colorless brandy made from the fermented juice of cherries.樱桃白兰地酒:用发酵的樱桃汁制成的无色白兰地酒美国传统〔prune〕Apples, pears and cherries can be pruned back when they've lost their leaves.苹果树、梨树和樱桃树在落叶后便可修剪。柯林斯高阶〔self-unfruitful〕Sweet cherries are self-unfruitful.甜草莓自株传粉不结果实。英汉大词典〔stone〕Could you stone the cherries for me? 你能帮我把樱桃去一下核吗 ?剑桥高阶〔stone〕She washed and stoned the cherries.她把樱桃洗净去核。英汉大词典〔waste〕The cherries will just go to waste if we don't pick them soon.被毁坏;被浪费掉麦克米伦高阶Her mother made her a large cake with cherries on the top for her birthday.她的母亲为她的生日做了一个上层有樱桃的大蛋糕。剑桥国际Life's just a bowl of cherries for her --she's so rich that she'll never need to worry about money.对她来讲一切都完美无缺----她很富裕,从不需要为金钱担忧。剑桥国际She washed and stoned the cherries. 她把樱桃洗净并去核。译典通The girls are picking cherries. 姑娘们在摘樱桃。译典通They have planted 700 new oaks, maples and cherries in the park.他们在公园里新种了700棵橡树、枫树和樱桃树。剑桥国际




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