

单词 calvin
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BODY〕Calvin was not happy with his body, no matter how much he exercised. 卡尔文无论做多少运动仍然对自己的体形不满意。朗文写作活用〔Calvinism〕The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.卡尔文主义:约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的救赎作用美国传统〔Genevan〕Of or relating to the teachings of John Calvin in Geneva; Calvinistic.加尔文教义的:属于或关于日内瓦的约翰·加尔文的传道的;加尔文教派的美国传统〔Protestant〕A member of a Western Christian church adhering to the theologies of Luther, Calvin, or Zwingli.支持路德,加尔文或茨温利神学的西方基督教教会的成员美国传统〔be〕Calvin Schultz is our Marketing Director.卡尔文·舒尔茨是我们的市场部主任。麦克米伦高阶〔case〕Calvin makes a good case for this unpopular policy in his article.卡尔文在文章里充分阐述了这一政策不受欢迎的理由。麦克米伦高阶〔cow〕The cow had difficulties calving.这头母牛生小牛难产。牛津搭配〔outwardly〕Calvin remained outwardly calm, but inside he was very angry.卡尔文外表保持冷静,但他内心极为愤怒。朗文当代〔poster child〕She went out with a Calvin Klein poster boy.她和卡尔文·克莱恩品牌的一个广告代言人谈过恋爱。柯林斯高阶〔reference〕He summed up his philosophy, with reference to Calvin.他总结了自己的哲学,还提及了加尔文。柯林斯高阶〔reformed〕Reformed Relating to or being the Protestant churches that follow the teachings of John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli. Reformed 新教教会的:有关信守约翰·卡尔文和乌尔里希·茨温利所授教义的新教教会的美国传统〔reply〕Calvin was insulted and replied in kind (= by insulting them back).卡尔文受到了羞辱,于是反唇相讥。牛津搭配〔snort〕Calvin snorted in disbelief.卡尔文怀疑地哼了一声。牛津搭配〔supply〕Calvin readily supplied the information.卡尔文欣然提供了信息。牛津搭配Calvin Klein signature brand sunglasses 卡文克莱印鉴品牌太阳镜牛津商务The calving was difficult and we had to call a vet.产犊困难,我们得叫兽医。剑桥国际




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