

单词 cut
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CUT〕to cut someone's hair, beard, or fingernails 剪头发、胡子或指甲朗文写作活用〔German〕a cut in German interest rates.德国利率的下调柯林斯高阶〔allowance〕to cut costs by allowancing its sales representatives通过给销售代表发津贴来削减成本外研社新世纪〔bias〕cut cloth on the bias 斜裁织物英汉大词典〔bluets〕to blunt the knife by using it to cut linoleum用刀砍亚麻油地毡而把刀口弄钝21世纪英汉〔bolt〕be cut from the same bolt 从同一块木料上锯下英汉大词典〔bone〕cut costs to the bone 把诉讼费用降到最低英汉大词典〔burr〕a tool that can cut through steel leaving a smooth edge and no burrs 一种使切口光滑无毛边的钢铁切割工具韦氏高阶〔cross〕cut the cloth on the cross 把布对角剪开英汉大词典〔cut into〕to cut timbre into logs将原木锯成段木21世纪英汉〔cut off〕an island nation geographically cut off from the rest of the world 不与世界上其他国家接壤的岛国韦氏高阶〔cut〕cut a class 旷一堂课英汉大词典〔cut〕cut down (on) smoking and drinking 少抽烟少喝酒英汉大词典〔cut〕cut down a tree with an axe 用斧子砍倒一棵树 英汉大词典〔cut〕cut grain.收割谷物美国传统〔cut〕cut off sb.'s head 砍掉某人的脑袋英汉大词典〔cut〕cut oil production 削减石油生产英汉大词典〔cut〕cut out smoking 戒烟英汉大词典〔cut〕cut their heirs off without a cent.完全剥夺了他们继承人的继承权美国传统〔cut〕a cut above the average.高于一般的程度美国传统〔cut〕a cut diamond 经过雕琢的金刚钻英汉大词典〔cut〕a cut in government spending政府支出的缩减外研社新世纪〔cut〕a cut in prices.减价。牛津同义词〔cut〕a cut on her hand 她手上的伤口牛津搭配〔cut〕a cut price 削减了的价格 英汉大词典〔cut〕a cut through the woods 林中开出的路英汉大词典〔cut〕a high-quality blade that gives a clean cut 切口光洁的高质量刀刃牛津搭配〔cut〕cocaine cut with chalk powder 掺着白垩粉的可卡因麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕the cut of his pants 他的裤子的款式韦氏高阶〔cut〕thinly cut cucumber sandwiches.切得很薄的黄瓜三明治柯林斯高阶〔cut〕to cut a long story.长话短说。牛津同义词〔cut〕to cut the grass/lawn/hedge 修剪草╱草坪╱树篱牛津高阶〔date〕cut the date 取消约会英汉大词典〔deep〕a deep cut 很深的伤口剑桥高阶〔downtime〕cut maintenance and downtime 减少维修和缩短停工期英汉大词典〔flare〕a simple black dress, cut to flare from the hips一条简洁的黑裙, 裁剪成从胯部向外呈喇叭形展开的式样外研社新世纪〔frill〕cut down frills 不摆架子(或不装腔作势)英汉大词典〔grain〕to cut a piece of wood along/across the grain 顺着纹路劈木头;横对纹路把木头拦腰截断牛津高阶〔haricot〕possibly from harigoter [to cut into pieces] 可能源自 harigoter [切碎] 美国传统〔hound〕hounded me until I agreed to cut my hair.向我喋喋不休直至我同意剪我的头发美国传统〔incentive〕a massive incentive to cut waste and operate more efficiently减少浪费和提高经营效率的巨大动力外研社新世纪〔lengthways〕make a lengthways cut in the cloth 将布直向裁开英汉大词典〔male〕a mannish cut to the suit; 男式裁剪的西服式样;美国传统〔nasty〕a nasty cut 严重的割伤朗文当代〔opening〕cut job openings 削减就业名额英汉大词典〔outline〕to cut around the outline 沿着轮廓剪牛津搭配〔phantom〕phantom limb pain(=pain from a leg or arm that has been cut off) 幻肢痛麦克米伦高阶〔pledge〕a campaign pledge to cut taxes 竞选/选举誓言麦克米伦高阶〔power〕a storm that cut off power to the whole region.切断了整个地区电力供应的暴风雨美国传统〔prime〕a young singer who was tragically cut off in her prime (=died while she was in her prime ) 英年早逝的女歌唱演员朗文当代〔riffle-shuffle〕ask sb. to cut the deck and then give it one thorough riffle-shuffle 叫某人签牌之后把一副牌彻底弹洗一遍英汉大词典〔route〕cut off all the escape routes 截断所有的逃路 英汉大词典〔severely〕her severely cut hair 她朴素的发型麦克米伦高阶〔sew〕sew up a cut on sb.'s arm 缝合某人手臂上的伤口英汉大词典〔stick〕carrot cut into sticks 切成条状的胡萝卜文馨英汉〔stripe〕cut sb.'s flesh with stripes 把某人打得皮开肉绽英汉大词典〔tooth〕director John Glen, who cut his teeth on Bond movies.从邦德电影开始初试牛刀的导演约翰·格伦柯林斯高阶〔truancy〕a government campaign to cut truancy 政府发起的一场减少逃学的运动牛津搭配〔with〕cut sth. with a knife 用刀子切割某物英汉大词典a half-point cut in interest rates 在利率方面削减了半个百分点牛津商务




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