

单词 centre
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕a trendy street market in the centre of Paris 位于巴黎市中心的时髦街市朗文写作活用〔Indological〕a centre of Indological studies 印度学研究中心英汉大词典〔TOWN〕a charming little town with an unspoiled medieval centre 中心区中世纪风格未遭破坏的一座迷人的小镇朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕an out-of-town shopping centre 城外的购物中心朗文写作活用〔bisexual〕a drop-in centre for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals 专门为男女同性恋者以及双性恋者开设的无需预约咨询中心剑桥高阶〔bomb〕a bomb attack on a crowded bus in the city centre 市中心一辆拥挤的公共汽车上的炸弹袭击事件朗文当代〔centre〕centre one's attention 集中注意力英汉大词典〔centre〕a centre of commerce (trade) 商业(贸易)中心英汉大词典〔centre〕a sports/leisure/health centre 体育/休闲/保健中心剑桥高阶〔centre〕an adult education centre 成人教育中心麦克米伦高阶〔centre〕an attempt to make the Labour Party a party of the centre 使工党成为中间党派的努力麦克米伦高阶〔centre〕an exhibition at the Community Arts Centre 在社区艺术中心举办的展览朗文当代〔centre〕an issue that has been the centre of debate in this country recently 近来成为该国辩论焦点的议题麦克米伦高阶〔centre〕an urban centre (人口稠密的)市中心区英汉大词典〔centre〕lines radiating out from the centre 从中心向外辐射的线条朗文当代〔centre〕the centre of a circle 圆心英汉大词典〔centre〕the centre of a problem 问题的中心英汉大词典〔centre〕the centre parties.中间党派柯林斯高阶〔centre〕the European Centre for Nuclear Research 欧洲核研究中心朗文当代〔centre〕the Oxford Business Advice Centre 牛津商务咨询中心麦克米伦高阶〔centre〕the businessman at the centre of the row over political donations 成为政治捐款风波中心人物的商人朗文当代〔centre〕the economic nerve centre of India 印度的经济命脉牛津搭配〔centre〕the main route into Leeds city centre 通往利兹市中心的主干道朗文当代〔child-care〕a child-care centre 托儿所英汉大词典〔city centre〕a city centre pub一家位于市中心的酒馆外研社新世纪〔city〕the city centre 市中心牛津高阶〔clinical〕a clinical centre 诊疗中心英汉大词典〔day care〕a day-care centre for elderly people.面向老年人的日托中心柯林斯高阶〔day centre〕a local day centre for homeless people 当地为无家可归者服务的日间看护中心朗文当代〔directly〕directly in the centre of the room 在房间的正中英汉大词典〔financial〕a financial centre 金融中心英汉大词典〔flow〕a new road system to improve traffic flow through the city centre 提高市中心车流速度的新的道路系统朗文当代〔grand〕this grand building in the centre of town这座位于市中心的宏伟建筑外研社新世纪〔gravity〕a low centre / center of gravity 低重心牛津搭配〔health〕a community health centre / center 社区卫生院牛津搭配〔ill-treat〕a rescue centre for ill-treated horses 安置受虐马匹的援救中心朗文当代〔illiterate〕an educational centre for illiterates扫盲教育中心外研社新世纪〔in〕a new department store in the centre of London 在伦敦市中心的一座新百货商场麦克米伦高阶〔keep-fit〕a fitness centre with Jacuzzi, saunas, and keep-fit facilities有爵士按摩浴缸、桑拿和其他健身设施的康体中心外研社新世纪〔keep〕keep the centre of the road 走在道路中央英汉大词典〔leisure〕a centre designed for both leisure and business use休闲兼商务中心外研社新世纪〔mathematical〕hit the mathematical centre of the target 打中目标的正中英汉大词典〔parting〕a centre parting 〔头发的〕中分朗文当代〔personalized〕an ideal centre for professional men or women who need intensive, personalised French courses.面向需要个性化法语强化课程的专业人士的理想培训中心柯林斯高阶〔prettify〕prettify a shopping centre 装点一个购物中心英汉大词典〔proper〕the city centre proper 市中心朗文当代〔rehabilitate〕a drug rehabilitation centre 吸毒者康复中心牛津高阶〔rescue〕an animal rescue centre / center 动物救助中心牛津搭配〔rest〕a rest centre 休养中心英汉大词典〔round〕turn round the centre of gravity 沿重心旋转 英汉大词典〔scare〕the doctor at the centre of an Aids scare.身处艾滋病恐慌中心的医生柯林斯高阶〔school〕a riding school and equestrian centre near Chepstow.在切普斯托附近的一所骑术学校兼马术中心柯林斯高阶〔situation〕the best situation for a shopping centre 建购物中心的最佳地点英汉大词典〔space〕a pleasant town centre with plenty of open space 开阔宜人的市中心朗文当代〔spanking〕a spanking new shopping centre 一家簇新的购物中心朗文当代〔standing〕a research centre of international standing 具有国际声望的研究中心麦克米伦高阶〔suburban〕a suburban shopping centre in Sydney.悉尼城郊的购物中心柯林斯高阶〔suburban〕a suburban shopping centre in Sydney悉尼城郊的购物中心外研社新世纪〔tube〕the cardboard tube from the centre of a toilet roll 手纸卷中央的硬纸管牛津高阶〔wiretap〕a wiretap centre 搭线窃听站英汉大词典




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