

单词 comfortable
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Mark felt very comfortable in his new job, right from the beginning. 从一开始马克就对新工作感到很满意。朗文写作活用〔BEHIND〕Put a cushion behind you. You'll feel more comfortable. 在身后放个垫子,这样你会感觉更舒服一些。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕Take the larger cushion to sit on -- you'll be more comfortable. 拿那个大一点的垫子坐在上面—这样你会更舒服一些。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The new Toyota saloon is both roomy and comfortable. 这款新型丰田大轿车既宽敞又舒适。朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Our clients are assured of comfortable accommodation and the attention of our trained staff. 我们的客户保证可以得到舒适的住宿,以及训练有素的员工所提供的周到服务。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕Sit down and make yourselves comfortable while I get us some coffee. 随便坐,我去准备些咖啡。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕The truck gives you a surprisingly comfortable ride. 坐那辆货车会极其舒适。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕Thomas can sleep on the sofa, but I'm afraid it's not as comfortable as a bed. 托马斯可以在沙发上睡觉,不过恐怕没有在床上舒服。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕You'll probably be more comfortable if you tilt the seat back. 你把座位向后斜可能会觉得更舒服些。朗文写作活用〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕I've never been very fashionable. I'd rather wear what feels comfortable. 我从来不太喜欢赶时髦,宁愿穿感觉舒适的衣服。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕There isn't a comfortable chair in the house. 屋子里没有一把舒适的椅子。朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕In hot weather, loose cotton clothes are more comfortable. 天气热的时候,穿宽松的棉质衣服比较舒服。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕She tried to hide her nervousness, but it was clear she wasn't comfortable making the speech. 她试图掩饰自己的紧张,但是她发表讲话的时候显然很不自在。朗文写作活用〔PEACEFUL〕Once on board, you can relax in calm, comfortable surroundings. 登船后,你可以在宁静、舒适的环境中休息。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕The team are all set for another comfortable victory. 该队已准备就绪,要不费吹灰之力获得另一次胜利。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕When choosing a baby-sitter, look for someone both you and your child feel comfortable with. 选择保姆时,要找一个让你和孩子都感觉舒服自在的人。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕Would you be comfortable using this type of machinery? 用这种机器你会感觉轻松自在吗?朗文写作活用〔RICH〕They've had a much more comfortable life since she started her new job. 她开始新的工作以后,他们的生活宽裕多了。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕She seemed to regard an easy, comfortable life as some kind of birthright. 她好像把轻松舒适的生活看作是一种与生俱来的权利。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕I'm sure you'd be more comfortable if you spread yourselves out a little. 如果你们分开点,我肯定你们会舒服些。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Christopher came from a comfortable family of upper-middle-class achievers. 克里斯托弗来自一个很成功的中上层阶级富裕家庭。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕High-heeled shoes are flattering but not very comfortable. 高跟鞋好看,但不是很舒服。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕I never wear tight clothes - I just don't feel comfortable in them. 我从不穿紧身衣服,穿了会觉得不舒服。朗文写作活用〔VC〕They can have the most unique idea but if the VC is not comfortable with the team, it's not going to work.他们可以有最独特的想法,但如果副主席对该队不满意,那怎样都行不通。柯林斯高阶〔WIN〕He had won a comfortable victory in the general election. 他在大选中轻松获胜。朗文写作活用〔addition〕New additions to the library include reading lamps and comfortable chairs.图书馆新添的设备有台灯和舒适的椅子等。麦克米伦高阶〔adoption〕She tried to relieve the discomfort through the adoption of a more comfortable position on the sofa.她试图在沙发上摆出更舒服的姿势来缓解不适。外研社新世纪〔against〕I don't have anything against babies. I just don't feel very comfortable with them.我并不是不喜欢婴儿,只是觉得跟他们在一起不太舒服。朗文当代〔all〕I should like to rent a house—modern, comfortable and above all in a quiet location.我想租一幢房子,要求设备现代化,舒适,尤其是地段要清静。英汉大词典〔all〕This chair is not at all comfortable.这把椅子一点都不舒服。韦氏高阶〔ambience〕Every room of the hotel offers a comfortable, relaxed ambience.这家旅馆的每间客房都给人一种舒适轻松的氛围。外研社新世纪〔appreciable〕Summer temperatures are appreciably more comfortable there.那里夏天的气温明显舒服得多。柯林斯高阶〔appreciably〕Summer temperatures are appreciably more comfortable there.那里夏季的气温明显更舒适。外研社新世纪〔as〕The hotel is quite comfortable as such establishments go. The sun is hot, as everyone knows.就设备而言,这个旅馆相当舒适。太阳非常热,这一点众所周知美国传统〔at a slant〕The computer keyboard is positioned at a slant so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists.电脑键盘斜置是为了打字时手腕更舒服。韦氏高阶〔bag〕He bagged the most comfortable seat.他迳自坐上最舒服的座位。文馨英汉〔basic〕The motel is comfortable but pretty basic: you get the necessities all right, but no luxuries.这个汽车旅馆舒适不过只有基本设施:必需的东西都有,但没有可供享受的东西。韦氏高阶〔beaten-up〕Her sandals were old and somewhat beaten-up, but very comfortable.她的凉鞋旧了,多少还有点破,但是穿起来很舒服。柯林斯高阶〔bed〕I always put the children to bed (= make certain that they get into a bed and are comfortable there ready for going to sleep) at 7.30 p.m. 我总是晚上7点半就打发孩子们上床睡觉。剑桥高阶〔best〕It was comfortable and cheap: best of all, most of the rent was being paid by two American friends.房子既舒适又便宜:最妙的是,大部分租金是由两位美国朋友支付的。柯林斯高阶〔biomedical〕Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.生物医学研究将会使许多艾滋病患者的生命得以延长, 生活质量得到提高。外研社新世纪〔blindside〕The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.经济衰退出其不意地打击了那些先前想当然地认为自己应获得丰厚收入的律师们。剑桥高阶〔bonus〕The house is comfortable, and as an added bonus, it's near my work.这所房子很舒适,而且还有额外的好处 - 离我的工作地点很近。牛津搭配〔breathe〕The jacket is comfortable because the fabric breathes.这件短上衣穿着很舒适,因为这种织物透气。21世纪英汉〔by〕The journey wasn't a comfortable one by twentieth century standards.根据20世纪的标准,这次旅行可并不舒服。英汉大词典〔choice〕She repeated that she was very comfortable and lived here by choice.她一再强调自己过得很自在,是出于自愿住到这儿的。麦克米伦高阶〔circumstance〕I wouldn't have expected to find you in such comfortable circumstances.我怎么也没有想到你生活这么优裕。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕Are you comfortable or shall I turn the heat down? 你觉得舒服吗?还是要我把暖气调低点?剑桥高阶〔comfortable〕Are you sure you're comfortable there?你真的觉得在那儿自在吗?外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕By half distance we held a comfortable two-lap lead.到半程时, 我们以两圈优势遥遥领先。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕By half distance we held a comfortable two-lap lead.到半程时,我们轻松领先两圈。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕Did you feel comfortable and relaxed at the party? 你在聚会上感觉自在、放松吗?牛津搭配〔comfortable〕Do sit down and make yourself comfortable.请坐,别拘束。剑桥高阶〔comfortable〕He appeared to be heading for a comfortable victory.看起来他会轻松获胜。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕He has a comfortable job/income.他有份不错的工作/收入。韦氏高阶〔comfortable〕He liked me and I felt comfortable with him.他喜欢我,我跟他在一起觉得很自在。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕He was comfortable in ignorance of what he did not choose to know.他对自己不想知道的事一无所知,这使他感到内心平静。英汉大词典〔comfortable〕He was described as comfortable in hospital last night.据说他昨晚在医院状况良好。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕He was described as comfortable in hospital last night.据说昨晚他在医院状况良好。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕I don't feel comfortable in high heels.穿高跟鞋我觉得不舒服。剑桥高阶〔comfortable〕I don't feel very comfortable about it.我对此感到不太自在。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕I was just getting comfortable when the phone rang.我刚要放松一下,电话就响了。韦氏高阶〔comfortable〕I'll talk to them, but I won't feel comfortable about it.我会跟他谈一谈,但是我觉得有些尴尬。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕I'm not very comfortable with that idea.我不太能够接受那个想法。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕I'm very comfortable, thanks.我很舒服, 谢谢。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕In our business, we need people who are comfortable in an unstructured environment.我们这个行业需要的是能在乱糟糟的环境里应付自如的人。朗文当代〔comfortable〕Is everyone comfortable with the arrangement? 这样安排每个人都满意吗?麦克米伦高阶〔comfortable〕It's such a comfortable bed.这床真舒服。牛津高阶〔comfortable〕Jean's looking forward to a comfortable retirement.琼盼望着能过上宽裕的退休生活。朗文当代〔comfortable〕Kohl's retirement looks far from comfortable.看来科尔的退休生活一点都不自在。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕Lie down on your bed and make yourself comfortable.躺在床上,身体放松。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕She came from a stable, comfortable, middle-class family.她出身于一个收入稳定、生活宽裕的中产阶级家庭。柯林斯高阶〔comfortable〕She came from a stable, comfortable, middle-class family.她来自一个生活稳定、富足的中产阶级家庭。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕She didn't feel comfortable about going out alone.她对独自出门感到担忧。牛津搭配〔comfortable〕She makes a comfortable living as a journalist.作为一名记者,她生活宽裕。韦氏高阶〔comfortable〕She shifted into a more comfortable position on the chair.她换了一个更舒适的姿势坐在椅子上。牛津高阶〔comfortable〕She tried to manoeuvre her body into a more comfortable position.她动来动去, 想要换个较为舒服的姿势。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕Sit down and make yourself comfortable .坐下来,让自己舒服一些。朗文当代〔comfortable〕Sit down and make yourself comfortable.坐下吧, 别拘束。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕The bed felt comfortable.这张床躺着挺舒适。牛津搭配〔comfortable〕The bed wasn't particularly comfortable.这床不大舒服。朗文当代〔comfortable〕The bill should pass in the House by a comfortable margin .这项议案应该能在下议院以优势票数通过。朗文当代〔comfortable〕The hotel was comfortable enough.这家酒店还算舒适。牛津搭配〔comfortable〕The pair had a comfortable win, beating the German team by nearly three seconds.这对选手赢得很轻松,以将近三秒的优势击败了德国队。朗文当代〔comfortable〕The party won with a comfortable majority.该政党以明显的多数票获胜。牛津高阶〔comfortable〕These new shoes are not very comfortable.这双新鞋穿起来不太舒服。牛津高阶〔comfortable〕They enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.他们过着富裕的日子。韦氏高阶〔comfortable〕They have a very comfortable lead.他们遥遥领先。麦克米伦高阶〔comfortable〕They stayed at a comfortable distance from the crowd.他们和人群保持着适当的距离。韦氏高阶〔comfortable〕This bed is lumpy-I just can't seem to get comfortable.这张床高低不平的,我怎么躺好像都不舒服。牛津搭配〔comfortable〕Trainers are so comfortable to wear.运动鞋穿起来真舒适。外研社新世纪〔comfortable〕We must think how we can make the room more comfortable for you.我们必须考虑怎样使这个房间让你感到更加舒适。牛津搭配〔command〕Nixon looked comfortable and in command.尼克松看上去镇定自若。柯林斯高阶〔compatible〕In a large city you're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable.在大城市, 基本上肯定能够找到既和你谈得来, 又让你觉得舒服的医生。外研社新世纪〔cushion〕His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems.他的积蓄好比一个舒适的垫子,可以缓解拮据之苦。牛津高阶〔dealing〕Their lives became a good deal more comfortable.他们的生活变得舒适多了。柯林斯高阶〔deal〕Their lives became a good deal more comfortable.他们的生活变得舒适多了。外研社新世纪〔describe〕After the operation her condition was described as comfortable.手术后她的身体状况被描述为良好。朗文当代〔distance〕I kept a comfortable distance behind the van.我在厢式货车后面保持着适当的距离。牛津搭配〔dope〕I'm more comfortable with them. I don't feel I'm such a dope.我和他们在一起更自在, 觉得自己没那么笨。外研社新世纪〔dusky〕On physical examination, the baby is comfortable but has dusky lips.体检时, 这名婴儿状态良好, 只是嘴唇有些发紫。外研社新世纪〔either〕We can offer a comfortable home to a young person of either sex.我们可以为年轻的男性或女性提供舒适的家。朗文当代〔environment〕A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.舒适的工作环境能提高生产效率。牛津搭配〔ergonomics〕The binoculars have a comfortable ergonomic shape.这副双筒望远镜的形状既舒适,又便于使用。韦氏高阶〔excited〕She makes you feel warm and comfortable, and maybe a little excited.她会让你感到温暖和舒适, 可能还会小小地挑起你的情欲。外研社新世纪〔existence〕She has led a comfortable existence.她过着舒适的生活。外研社新世纪〔find〕We found the beds very comfortable.我们发现这些床非常舒适。牛津高阶〔frill〕It was just a comfortable flat with no frills.这是一套舒适的公寓,没有多余的装饰。朗文当代〔furnishings〕The room has very comfortable furnishings.这个房间的家具摆设让人觉得很舒适。韦氏高阶〔fur〕There were women in furs and men in comfortable overcoats.女人们穿着毛皮大衣,男人们穿着舒适的外套。外研社新世纪〔go native〕After a few weeks, she was comfortable enough to go native and wear shorts to work.几周后,她很好地适应了当地习俗,穿上短裤工作。韦氏高阶〔grip〕The crate afforded no comfortable grip.这个篮子抓起来很不顺手美国传统〔half-time〕Italy had a comfortable three-goal lead over France by half-time.中场休息时意大利队轻松地以3球领先法国队。剑桥高阶〔handling〕It's a lovely little car – the ride is comfortable and the handling excellent.这辆小汽车真棒 — 乘坐舒适,操控非常灵便。朗文当代〔homely〕Mrs Keane is a comfortable, homely person.基恩太太平易近人,喜爱天伦之乐。朗文当代〔humidity〕The house is not comfortable because of the high humidity.由于湿度高,这房子里不舒服。文馨英汉〔kick in〕Once the heat kicks in, it will be a lot more comfortable in here.只要暖气一开,这里就会舒服多了。韦氏高阶〔lap〕We don't live in the lap of luxury, but we're comfortable.我们并非过着养尊处优的日子, 但生活也算舒适。外研社新世纪〔last〕My shoes may not be the last word in fashion but they're comfortable.我的鞋子不一定是最时髦的,但穿着很舒适。麦克米伦高阶〔live〕When you retire, you want to live a comfortable life.退休的时候,大家都希望能过上舒适的生活。剑桥高阶〔living〕Living conditions for the troops are relatively comfortable.这些部队的生活条件比较舒适。麦克米伦高阶〔loll〕He lolled back in his comfortable chair.他懒洋洋地靠在舒适的椅子上。柯林斯高阶〔loosely〕Wear loose clothes as they're more comfortable.穿宽松的衣服,这样会更舒服。柯林斯高阶〔majority〕Latest opinion polls have a comfortable majority against the reform.最新民意调查表明,反对此项改革的人远远占多数。牛津搭配〔make〕Make yourself comfortable.(接待宾客用的套语) 请随意。英汉大词典〔material〕The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.这些布料穿着柔软而舒服。外研社新世纪〔mettle〕It takes a man of mettle to keep a family safe and comfortable in this troubled world.在这个动荡不安的世界,只有勇敢的男人才能给家人带来安全和舒适。柯林斯高阶〔mettle〕It takes a man of mettle to keep a family safe and comfortable in this troubled world.在这样的乱世, 只有有魄力的男人才能保证家人过得平安舒适。外研社新世纪〔middle-class〕They lived a comfortable middle-class life.他们过的是舒适的中产阶级生活。朗文当代〔moderate〕The hotel offers comfortable rooms at moderate prices.这家旅店房间舒适,价格适中。韦氏高阶〔modest〕The new homes are modest in scale, but very comfortable.这些新住宅也就中等面积,但非常舒适。牛津搭配〔more〕He struggled to find a more comfortable position.他极力想找一个更舒服的姿势。韦氏高阶〔nowhere〕The chair he sat in was nowhere near as comfortable as the custom-designed one behind his desk.他坐的那把椅子远不及他书桌后面那把定制的舒服。外研社新世纪〔overlook〕Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.漂亮舒适的房间俯视着花团锦簇的花园。外研社新世纪〔overlook〕Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.漂亮舒适的房间俯视着花团锦簇的花园。柯林斯高阶〔permit〕He made himself as comfortable as the hard rock permitted.他在坚硬的岩石上尽可能坐得舒服些。英汉大词典〔plump up〕She plumped up John's pillows for him to make him more comfortable.她把约翰的枕头弄得松松鼓鼓的, 让他更舒服一些。外研社新世纪〔position〕Lie in a comfortable position .舒舒服服地躺下吧。朗文当代〔preference〕Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.她更注重衣服的舒适性,而非时髦的款式。剑桥高阶〔presence〕I felt comfortable in her presence.在她面前我感到很舒服。外研社新世纪〔pull up〕Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable.拉把椅子坐下,随便点。韦氏高阶〔quarter〕We were moved to more comfortable living quarters.我们搬进了较舒适的住处。牛津高阶〔return〕Will we ever see the return of/a return to comfortable fashion clothes? 我们还会看到穿着舒适的时装再次流行吗?剑桥高阶〔run to〕My own tastes run to a comfortable apartment, somewhere high in a modern building.我个人更喜欢现代化的大楼里舒适的高层公寓。柯林斯高阶〔run to〕My own tastes run to a comfortable apartment, somewhere high in a modern building.我自己更喜欢舒适的公寓, 在现代化大楼高层的那种。外研社新世纪〔seating〕The auditorium has comfortable seating and modern acoustics.礼堂里有舒适的座椅和现代化的音响设备。牛津搭配〔shoe〕Low-heeled comfortable shoes are best.舒服的低跟鞋子最好了。柯林斯高阶〔side〕I always sleep on my side because I'm not comfortable on my back.我总是侧身睡觉,因为仰卧不舒服。牛津搭配〔sit up〕She sat him up and made him comfortable.她使他坐直, 让他舒服些。外研社新世纪〔sit up〕She sat him up and made him comfortable.她帮他坐起身来,好让他舒服一点。柯林斯高阶〔sit〕I'll sit you up on the pillows and you'll be nice and comfortable.我扶你坐起来靠在枕头上,这样你就舒服了。朗文当代〔slip〕Give me a moment to slip into something more comfortable.给我一点时间穿件更舒适的衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔slow lane〕Many people are comfortable with life in the slow lane.很多人优哉游哉地过着慢节奏的生活。外研社新世纪〔some〕We could turn down the heat some if that would make you more comfortable.如果把暖气温度调低你觉得更舒服些的话,我们就调低一点儿。剑桥高阶〔soundly〕I slept very soundly, thank you - the bed was really comfortable.我睡得很香,谢谢你——这床真舒服。剑桥高阶〔spirited〕The home team's spirited playing ensured them a comfortable victory.主队激情四射的表现使他们轻松赢得了比赛的胜利。剑桥高阶〔stand on ceremony〕Please sit down and make yourself comfortable, we don't stand on ceremony here.请坐,随便一点,我们这儿不必拘礼。剑桥高阶〔that〕It was quite an expensive hotel, and not particularly comfortable at that.那是一家收费昂贵的宾馆,而且不怎么舒适。英汉大词典〔this〕I think you'll find these more comfortable than those.我想你会觉得这些比那些更舒适。牛津高阶〔trade up〕Homeowners will feel more comfortable and they may feel ready to trade up.私房主会感到更安心,可能愿意变卖旧房购买更贵的房子。柯林斯高阶〔travel〕Did you have a good journey? (=Were you comfortable, was the train on time etc?) 旅途顺利吗?朗文当代〔very〕The house is not very large, but extremely comfortable.房子不是很大,但极其舒适。麦克米伦高阶〔wear〕New shoes get more comfortable with wear.新鞋越穿越舒服。牛津搭配〔will〕With an air conditioner you can enjoy comfortable temperatures at will.有了空调机就可随意享受舒适的温度。英汉大词典〔within〕Exercise within your comfortable limit.要进行适度锻炼。柯林斯高阶〔wonderfully〕The hotel is wonderfully comfortable.这家旅馆非常舒适。牛津高阶〔world〕Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.她家客厅一头是办公处,一头是舒适的沙发,真是两全其美。柯林斯高阶〔yet〕It is completely waterproof, yet light and comfortable.它防水性能非常好,但却轻巧舒适。柯林斯高阶〔yourself〕I'll give you a little time to get yourself comfortable.我会给你一点时间放松一下。麦克米伦高阶A polyester shirt would be cheaper and tougher than a cotton one, but it would also be less comfortable next to your skin.涤纶衬衫比棉衬衫便宜耐用但不如棉衬衫贴身穿舒服。剑桥国际Do sit down and make yourself comfortable.请坐下,不要客气。剑桥国际Flats which are both comfortable and reasonably priced are few and far between (=there are not many).既舒适价格又合理的公寓很少。剑桥国际He came from a home that was materially comfortable (= that had a lot of possessions) but was emotionally deprived.他的家庭虽然豪富,但在情感生活方面却很贫瘠。剑桥国际He rearranged his limbs into a more comfortable position.他调整了一下四肢,放在更舒适的位置上。剑桥国际I don't think those shoes would be very comfortable -- they've got very pointed toes.我不认为那些鞋会很舒服----它们的头很尖。剑桥国际It's not a very beautiful building but it's comfortable to be in.这幢建筑不很漂亮,但住起来很舒适。剑桥国际Italy had a comfortable three-goal lead over France by half-time.意大利队到中场休息时稳稳地以三球领先于法国队。剑桥国际Let me plump up your pillows to make them more comfortable for you.让我把你的枕头弄弄松,这样能更舒服点儿。剑桥国际Lindi has achieved her comfortable life only after years of hard toil.林迪只做了几年的苦工就过上了舒适的生活。剑桥国际Mike has a small comfortable retreat by the lake.迈克在湖边有一个小而舒适的静居处。剑桥国际She wriggled her shoulders against the cushions, making herself more comfortable.她扭动倚在靠垫上的肩膀,使自己更舒服些。剑桥国际Since I got a job, I've been living in relative comfort (= I am now living in a more comfortable way than I was in the past).自从有了工作,我生活过得相对比较舒适。剑桥国际Since I've put on all this weight I don't feel comfortable in my clothes.由于长胖了这么多,穿上衣服就不舒服了。剑桥国际Sit back and make yourself comfortable.靠着椅背,坐得舒坦些。剑桥国际The flatness of the roads made the rest of their trip more comfortable. 道路的平坦使他们剩下的路程舒服多了。译典通The height of the steering wheel is adjustable, and the seating is comfortable and supportive.方向盘的高度可以调节,而且座位既舒适,支撑力又强。剑桥国际The home team's spirited playing ensured them a comfortable victory.主队充满活力的表现使他们轻松地赢得了比赛。剑桥国际The hostess made her guests comfortable. 女主人使客人们感到舒适自在。译典通The hotel was homely and comfortable.这家宾馆普通而舒适。剑桥国际The huge auditorium has modern, comfortable seating.大礼堂有新潮、舒适的座位。剑桥国际The husband and wife built themselves a comfortable nest. 夫妇俩为自己筑了个安乐窝。译典通The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.经济衰退给那些先前将其丰厚的收入视为理所当然的律师们以出人意外的打击。剑桥国际Their €59 million cash reserve should provide a comfortable cushion if their expansion plans fail.如果他们的扩张计划失败,5 900 万欧元的现金储备应该可以发挥相当大的缓冲作用。牛津商务These chairs are surprisingly (= unexpectedly) comfortable.这些椅子出人意外地舒服。剑桥国际This hotel is a homely and comfortable establishment. 这家旅馆亲切而舒适。译典通We could turn down the heat some if that would make you more comfortable.如果把热量调低一点会使你感觉舒服些的话,我们就那样做吧。剑桥国际We tried to make our guests comfortable. 我们尽力使客人感到舒服自在。译典通We were pleasantly surprised to find that the hotel was much more comfortable than we were expecting it would be.发现旅馆比预想的要舒服得多我们都很惊喜。剑桥国际You'll be much more comfortable if you come and sit over here.如果你到这儿来坐一会儿,会感觉舒服得多的。剑桥国际You've only been here a week and already the room looks very lived in (= comfortable and regularly used) .你虽然只在这儿住了一个星期,但房间里看起来有生气多了。剑桥国际




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