

单词 charm
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Gallic〕our host's Gallic charm 我们主持人的法国式魅力韦氏高阶〔apotropaic〕an apotropaic charm (ritual) 驱邪符咒(祭典)英汉大词典〔append〕append a charm to the bracelet.在手镯上贴上一小饰物美国传统〔capture〕capture sb.'s charm on canvas 把某人的美貌保存在画布上英汉大词典〔character〕a traditional hotel with a lot of character and charm 颇具特色和魅力的传统宾馆麦克米伦高阶〔charm offensive〕to launch (= start) a charm offensive 展开魅力攻势剑桥高阶〔charm〕charm consent out of sb.哄诱某人同意英汉大词典〔charm〕charm one's way out of trouble 赢得摆脱麻烦的出路英汉大词典〔charm〕charm sb. asleep 用魔法对某人施催眠术英汉大词典〔charm〕charm sb.'s rage with soft answers 用委婉的回答平息某人的怒气英汉大词典〔charm〕a charm bracelet 吊坠手链韦氏高阶〔charm〕a charm bracelet 带坠子的手镯麦克米伦高阶〔charm〕a charm bracelet 带有吉祥饰物的手镯牛津高阶〔charm〕a charm on a silver chain.银链上的护身符。牛津同义词〔charm〕a charm to bring good luck 会带来好运的小饰物英汉大词典〔charm〕a classic children's tale that has lost none of its charm 一个经久不衰的经典童话麦克米伦高阶〔charm〕a good-luck charm 带来好运的护身符麦克米伦高阶〔charm〕a lucky charm 吉祥饰物牛津高阶〔charm〕a man of great charm 富有魅力的男人牛津高阶〔charm〕a politician with a folksy charm 具有亲民魅力的政治家牛津搭配〔charm〕a woman of considerable charm 相当有魅力的女子牛津搭配〔charm〕a woman of great charm 魅力十足的女人剑桥高阶〔charm〕the charm of Mozart's music 莫扎特乐曲的魅力英汉大词典〔charm〕the charm of a little girl 小女孩的可爱神情英汉大词典〔charm〕the charm of this small Southern city 这座南方小城的吸引力朗文当代〔cornpone〕cornpone charm 乡土风情韦氏高阶〔cultivation〕a man of charm and cultivation 既有魅力又有教养的男子英汉大词典〔demean〕demean oneself with great charm 表现得十分有魅力英汉大词典〔demure〕the demure charm of the cottage 小屋的婉约魅力韦氏高阶〔detract〕detract charm from the landscape 有损景色之美英汉大词典〔dexterity〕his charm and verbal dexterity 他的魅力和能言善辩朗文当代〔eloquence〕with all the eloquence and charm of which he was capable以他拥有的全部辩才和魅力外研社新世纪〔endearing〕the endearing charm of a little child.小孩子惹人爱怜的特性美国传统〔female〕female charm (sensitiveness) 女性特有的魅力(敏感) 英汉大词典〔goofy〕an actress known for her goofy charm 有着令人为之疯狂的魔力的女演员韦氏高阶〔humour〕his humour and charm 他的幽默感和魅力朗文当代〔invariable〕his invariable courtesy and charm 他那一贯的彬彬有礼和魅力牛津高阶〔linen〕the crumpled charm of linen 亚麻特有的皱褶效果剑桥高阶〔lucky〕a lucky charm 吉祥符朗文当代〔lucky〕a lucky charm 吉祥符牛津高阶〔lucky〕a lucky charm 吉祥饰物麦克米伦高阶〔lucky〕a lucky charm 带来好运的幸运符剑桥高阶〔magic〕a magic charm 魔咒韦氏高阶〔of〕a woman of great charm 极富魅力的女子剑桥高阶〔old-world〕an old-world hotel with character and charm 一家风格典雅的古式饭店牛津高阶〔potent〕a potent mixture of charm and authority 魅力和权力的有效结合麦克米伦高阶〔quintessentially〕the quintessential charm of his songs.他的歌声中最本质的魅力柯林斯高阶〔reek〕a politician who reeks charm 富于魅力的政治家英汉大词典〔rustic〕a rustic charm virtually unchanged through the centuries 几个世纪过后依然未变的乡村魅力麦克米伦高阶〔rustic〕an old cottage full of rustic charm 充满了乡村魅力的旧农舍牛津高阶〔rustic〕the rustic charm of a country lifestyle.乡村生活的质朴魅力柯林斯高阶〔rustic〕the rustic charm of a country lifestyle乡村生活的质朴魅力外研社新世纪〔saturated〕a town saturated with charm 洋溢著魅力的城镇文馨英汉〔saturate〕a town saturated with charm 充满魅力的城市英汉大词典〔sensibility〕a man of impeccable manners, charm and sensibility 一个有魅力、懂感情、举止无可挑剔的男人牛津高阶〔switch on〕able to switch on the charm at any moment任何时候都能够切换到迷人的一面外研社新世纪〔turn〕turn on the charm 一下子 (或不知不觉中) 露出魅力英汉大词典〔wit〕a woman of great wit and charm 说话风趣、风韵动人的女人朗文当代〔work〕work one's poise and charm in landing a new job 利用自己的风度和魅力弄到一份新工作 英汉大词典〔zest〕the zest and charm of this beautiful comic opera.这出精彩的喜歌剧的诙谐和魅力柯林斯高阶




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