

单词 casserole
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DELICIOUS〕This casserole tastes nice. How did you make it? 这炖锅菜味道很好,你是怎么做的?朗文写作活用〔Indian pudding〕A pudding consisting of milk, cornmeal, egg, and molasses baked for several hours in a heavy casserole.印第安布丁:一种由牛奶、玉米粉、鸡蛋、糖蜜制成的布丁,须用大蒸锅烘烤几个小时美国传统〔LITTLE〕I think I'll try a little of the casserole. 我尝一些这砂锅菜吧。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕The casserole is low in calories and fat. 这砂锅菜肴热量和脂肪含量很低。朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕Use leftover turkey in casseroles and sandwiches. 把剩下的火鸡放到炖锅菜和三明治里去。朗文写作活用〔aroma〕There is nothing quite like the aroma that wafts from her sausage and bean casserole.她做的香肠和焗豆角香飘四溢, 无物可及。外研社新世纪〔casserole〕I made tuna casserole for dinner.晚餐我做了金枪鱼砂锅。韦氏高阶〔casserole〕If you casserole chicken pieces, take the skin off first.用焙盘烧鸡块, 要先把鸡皮去掉。外研社新世纪〔casserole〕If you casserole chicken pieces, take the skin off first.要是炖鸡块的话,先去掉鸡皮。柯林斯高阶〔casserole〕Is there any casserole left? 还剩有炖锅菜吗?牛津高阶〔casserole〕Place all the chopped vegetables into a casserole dish.把所有切好的蔬菜放入砂锅。柯林斯高阶〔casserole〕Put the chicken pieces in a casserole.把鸡块放到砂锅里。牛津搭配〔cassoulet〕A casserole of white beans, various meats, vegetables, and herbs, slowly simmered or baked in a slow oven.什锦砂锅:在文火的炉灶上慢慢地炖或烤的白豆、各类的肉、蔬菜和香料的焙盘美国传统〔cheese〕Sprinkle the casserole with cheese.在焙盘里撒些干酪。韦氏高阶〔cook〕Every night he cooked up a big casserole.每天晚上他都做一大锅砂锅炖菜。朗文当代〔cover〕Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid.用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。外研社新世纪〔cover〕Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid.用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。柯林斯高阶〔domesticated〕He is thoroughly domesticated and cooks a delicious chicken casserole.他完全适应了家居生活,烹制的砂锅炖小鸡非常可口。牛津搭配〔double〕The lids of the casserole dishes are designed to double up as baking dishes.砂锅的盖子被设计成可兼作焙盘。柯林斯高阶〔do〕I was thinking of doing a casserole tonight.我正考虑今天晚上烧一个砂锅菜。朗文当代〔extra〕I travel with a few extras: a peppermill, a steamer basket, a plastic spatula, and a six-pint casserole.我旅行时还多带了几件东西:一个手碾胡椒磨, 一个蒸笼, 一把塑料刮勺和一口六品脱砂锅。外研社新世纪〔follow〕We had vegetable casserole with a fruit salad to follow (=as part of a meal) .我们吃了蔬菜堡,然后是水果色拉。朗文当代〔macerate〕Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles.干邑白兰地也用于浸渍食材,给砂锅炖菜提味。柯林斯高阶〔marmite〕A small, covered earthenware casserole designed to hold an individual serving.小的陶制带盖器皿,供单人使用美国传统〔pack〕Pack everything tightly into a casserole.把各种食料压实放进炖锅中。外研社新世纪〔petite marmite〕Broth made and served in a small, covered earthenware casserole.小锅肉汤:用一种带盖的陶制小蒸锅制作并盛放的肉汤美国传统〔petite marmite〕The casserole used for cooking and serving this broth.肉汤锅:用于烹饪并盛放肉汤的蒸锅美国传统〔roughly〕Roughly chop the tomatoes and add them to the casserole.把西红柿大致切一切,然后放到炖锅里。柯林斯高阶〔roughly〕Roughly chop the tomatoes and add them to the casserole.把西红柿简单切一下, 然后放进砂锅里。外研社新世纪〔through〕He heated the casserole through.他把砂锅菜热透了。韦氏高阶〔timer〕The noisy timer told us the casserole was ready.定时器的响声告诉我们炖锅菜已经做好了。外研社新世纪〔try〕Try this casserole. Try the door.试试这只砂锅;检验这扇门美国传统Lamb casserole makes an excellent family dish, toothsome in flavour and robust in texture.羊羔砂锅是一道极好的家常菜,气味诱人,肉质厚实。剑桥国际There's too much tomato in this casserole.砂锅菜里的番茄太多了。剑桥国际




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