

单词 cautious about
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕I've always been cautious about giving people my phone number. 我一直很谨慎,不轻易把自己的电话号码给别人。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕The U.S. is rightly cautious about becoming involved. 美国对介入持谨慎态度是有充分的理由的。朗文写作活用〔cautiously〕The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans.科学家们对在人身上使用酶疗法非常慎重。柯林斯高阶〔cautious〕Companies seem cautious about investing(=are unwilling to invest) money in research and development.公司在研究开发方面的投资似乎比较谨慎。麦克米伦高阶〔cautious〕He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.他谨小慎微,从不轻易作出承诺。牛津高阶〔cautious〕Keller is cautious about making predictions for the success of the program.凯勒对该计划是否能够成功作出谨慎的预测。朗文当代〔cautious〕The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans.科学家们对给人使用酶疗法很谨慎。外研社新世纪〔launch〕He is very cautious about launching his new assistant.他在起用他的新助手时非常谨慎。英汉大词典〔loosening〕The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions.该政党的二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。柯林斯高阶〔loosen〕The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions.二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。外研社新世纪〔overly〕Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.雇主在雇用新职员时可能会变得过于谨慎。柯林斯高阶〔overly〕Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.雇主在雇用新员工的问题上可能会变得过于谨慎。外研社新世纪〔significance〕The scientists are cautious about the wider significance of their findings.科学家对于将研究结果延伸至更广泛的领域持谨慎态度。牛津搭配The boss is cautious about making promises. 老板对承诺持谨慎态度。译典通




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