

单词 caustic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE〕Most caustic soda is used in the production of aluminium. 大多数苛性钠都被用于生产铝了。朗文写作活用〔UNKIND〕Hayward made some pretty caustic comments about your poetry. 海沃德对你的诗作了一些相当尖刻的评论。朗文写作活用〔UNKIND〕Some of his students were alienated by his caustic wit. 一些学生因为他的冷嘲热讽疏远了他。朗文写作活用〔aback〕He was taken aback by her caustic remarks.她挑衅似的言辞使他大吃一惊美国传统〔acrid〕Caustic in language or tone.言词刻薄的,辛辣的美国传统〔alkali〕A carbonate or hydroxide of an alkali metal, the aqueous solution of which is bitter, slippery, caustic, and characteristically basic in reactions.碱:碱金属的碳酸盐或氢氧化物,其水解溶液味苦、滑腻、有腐蚀性且在反应中呈碱性美国传统〔burn〕An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.烧伤,烫伤,灼伤:因火焰、高温、辐射、电击或腐蚀性物质而造成的伤害美国传统〔caustic〕A caustic curve or surface.焦散曲面,焦散表面美国传统〔caustic〕A caustic material or substance.腐蚀性物质或材料美国传统〔caustic〕Eliot appreciated Pound's caustic wit.艾略特很欣赏庞德锋锐的机智。朗文当代〔caustic〕He was often caustic and mocking, or flew into rages.他常常讽刺或挖苦人,有时又会大发雷霆。柯林斯高阶〔caustic〕He was often caustic and mocking, or flew into rages.他经常很刻薄, 还喜欢嘲笑人, 要么就大发脾气。外研社新世纪〔caustic〕His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare.他机智刁钻, 评论尖刻, 对任何采访他的人而言都是梦魇。外研社新世纪〔caustic〕His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare.他睿智刁钻,评论尖刻,对任何采访他的人而言都是梦魇。柯林斯高阶〔caustic〕She wrote a caustic report about the decisions that led to the crisis.她写了一篇报告讥讽那些引发此次危机的决定。韦氏高阶〔caustic〕She's famous in the office for her caustic wit.她说话刻薄机智,在办公室是出了名的。剑桥高阶〔caustic〕The chemical was so caustic that it ate through the pipes.这种化学物质腐蚀性很强,管道都被穿透了。韦氏高阶〔chemical peel〕The removal of skin blemishes or wrinkles by applying a caustic chemical, such as an acid, that produces a mild, superficial burn.换肤:使用会产生轻微、浅层烧灼效果的侵蚀性化学药品(像是某种酸)来去除皮肤的斑点与皱纹美国传统〔cyanamide〕A caustic acidic crystalline compound, NHCNH, prepared by treating calcium cyanamide with sulfuric acid.氨基氢:一种腐蚀性的酸性晶体化合物,NHCNH,可通过硫酸作用于氢氨化钙制取美国传统〔dent〕The caustic remark dented her ego (or pride).那种尖利刻薄的话语伤害了她的自尊心。21世纪英汉〔drop〕The queen's husband has a somewhat caustic tongue, and every now and then he would drop a political brick.女王的丈夫说话有点刻薄,不时在政治问题上失言。 英汉大词典〔escharotic〕A caustic or corrosive substance or drug.苛性剂,腐蚀剂:腐蚀性,苛性的物质或药物美国传统〔eschar〕A dry scab or slough formed on the skin as a result of a burn or by the action of a corrosive or caustic substance.焦痂:由烧伤或通过腐蚀或侵蚀物质作用而导致皮肤形成的干疤或死肉美国传统〔formic acid〕A colorless caustic fuming liquid, HCOOH, used in dyeing and finishing textiles and paper and in the manufacture of fumigants, insecticides, and refrigerants.甲酸,蚁酸:一种无色有刺激性气味的液体,HCOOH,用于染和加工纺织品和纸张,也用于制熏蒸剂、杀虫剂和致冷剂美国传统〔lash〕A caustic verbal attack.讽刺:刻薄的口头上的攻击美国传统〔plissé〕A puckered finish given to fabric by treating it with a caustic soda.褶绉处理:通过用有腐蚀性的苏打水处理织物使其具有褶皱的表层美国传统〔podophyllin〕A bitter-tasting resin obtained from the dried root of the May apple and used in medicine as a cathartic and caustic.盾叶鬼臼树脂:从盾叶鬼臼的干制根中提炼出来的一种苦味树脂,在医学上用作一种泻药和腐蚀剂美国传统〔retort〕To make a reply, especially a quick, caustic, or witty one.答复:答复,尤指以迅速、讥讽或机智的回答美国传统〔satire〕Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.讽刺:攻击或揭露愚蠢、恶习或糊涂的讽刺、挖苦或刻薄的机智的措辞美国传统〔zinger〕A witty, often caustic remark.有力的驳斥:机智的、常常是尖利刺人的话语美国传统Caustic soda is a base which reacts with hydrochloric acid to give water and sodium chloride.苛性钠是一种碱,它与盐酸起反应生成水和氯化钠。剑桥国际She's famous in the office for her caustic humour / wit.她在办公室里因为善长说笑话/妙语挖苦人而出名。剑桥国际




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