

单词 central part
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Honshu〕The largest island of Japan, in the central part of the country between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean.本州岛:日本最大的岛,位于日本海与太平洋之间国土的中央部分美国传统〔axis〕Botany The main stem or central part about which organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged.【植物学】 茎轴:象枝条这样的器官或植物的基本构成体被排列于其上的主茎或中心部分美国传统〔belly〕Anatomy The bulging, central part of a muscle.【解剖学】 (肌)腹:肌肉的中央凸起部分美国传统〔core〕The hard or fibrous central part of certain fruits, such as the apple or pear, containing the seeds.核:某些水果(如苹果或梨)的中心硬的纤维部分,含种子美国传统〔inner city〕The usually older, central part of a city, especially when characterized by crowded neighborhoods in which low-income, often minority groups predominate.内城区:一个城市的通常年代较久远的中心一部分,尤指那些以被低收入,经常是少数民族所占据的拥挤的住宅为特色的地区美国传统〔inward〕An inner or a central part.内部:里面的部分或中心部分美国传统〔nave〕The central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles.教堂中殿:教堂的中心部分,从通向教堂正厅的门厅延伸到教堂内环线圣坛的高坛并且以小经作为侧翼美国传统〔polycentric〕Having several central parts, such as centrosomes or chromatids.多中心的:具有几个中心部分的,如有几个中心体或染色单体的美国传统〔preface〕Often Preface The words introducing the central part of the Eucharist in several Christian churches. 常作 Preface 弥撒序诵:在一些基督教堂中引入圣餐中心部分的吟诵美国传统〔reactor core〕The central part of a nuclear reactor where atomic fission occurs.反应器炉心:原子反应炉的中间部分,也就是原子分裂产生的地方美国传统〔stick ... out〕The central part of the painting stuck out for its bright colour.这部绘画的中央部分因色彩明亮而夺人目光。21世纪英汉The head office is in the central part of the city. 总公司位于市中心。译典通The railroad station is in the central part of the city. 火车站在该城的中心。译典通




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