

单词 charity
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mouthed〕They mouthed the values of family, religion and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives.他们大谈家庭、宗教和慈善的价值,但他们在个人生活中的表现却恰恰相反。柯林斯高阶〔ARRANGE〕The organisers will give all profits from the show to charity. 筹办者将把这次演出的所有收益都用作慈善捐款。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕She buys all her clothes dirt cheap in charity shops. 她所有衣物都是在慈善商店以极便宜的价格买的。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕She does a lot of work for charity. 她做了很多慈善工作。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕Six minor celebrities took part in the charity ‘Big Brother’ programme. 六位小有名气的人参加了名为“老大哥”的慈善节目。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕About a quarter of Britons regularly give to charity. 大约有1/4的英国人定期捐钱给慈善事业。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕All profits from the show will go to charity. 这次演出的所有收益都将用于慈善事业。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Porter spent his retirement years organizing charity golf tournaments throughout the United States. 波特退休之后在全美各地组办慈善高尔夫球锦标赛。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The concert organizers say they will donate all profits to charity. 音乐会的筹办者说所有赢利都将捐给慈善事业。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The organization depends on charity, and on volunteer workers who are prepared to give up their time. 这个组织依靠的是慈善捐款,以及愿意献出时间的义务工作者。朗文写作活用〔HOME〕Our charity provides shelter, meals, and clothing for vagrants. 我们这个慈善机构向流浪者提供住宿、食物和衣服。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕Most people will give a little to charity if they are asked. 大多数人被要求捐钱给慈善机构时,都会给一些的。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕The charity provides accommodation for homeless people, and helps them find homes of their own. 这家慈善机构为无家可归者提供住宿,并协助他们寻找自己的居所。朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕The charity has been accused of being a front for anti-government activity. 该慈善机构被指责为反政府活动打掩护。朗文写作活用〔START〕Within a few years of its inception, the charity was involved in aid projects all around the world. 该慈善机构成立了短短几年便参与了世界各地的援助项目。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Today, healthcare depends on a mixed bag of medical professionals, charity workers, and patients’ families. 现在,医疗保健依赖于专业医疗人员、慈善工作者和病人家属全体的努力。朗文写作活用〔agent〕The charity has been an agent for social change.这个慈善机构一直推动社会变革。牛津高阶〔agent〕The charity is an agent for social change.这个慈善组织是推动社会变革的力量。牛津搭配〔aggrandizement〕He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement/self-aggrandizement is his motive.他捐了很多钱给慈善机构,但他的动机却是为了提高个人的地位。剑桥高阶〔aggregate〕The charity received gifts, which in aggregate did not exceed £40,000.慈善机构接收了总计不超过4万英镑的礼物。麦克米伦高阶〔aid〕We were collecting money in aid of charity.我们在为慈善事业筹集善款。牛津搭配〔alms〕Money or goods given as charity to the poor.救济品:作为慈善行为救济给穷人的钱或物美国传统〔amount〕He paid regular amounts of money to a charity.他定期向一家慈善机构捐一笔钱。剑桥高阶〔artist〕Many of the artists in the show donated their fee to charity.参加演出的许多艺人将演出收入捐给慈善事业。朗文当代〔aware〕The charity aims to create a new generation of environmentally aware consumers and producers.这个慈善团体力图培养具有环保意识的新一代消费者和制造商。麦克米伦高阶〔away〕I've given away all my old clothes to charity.我已把所有的旧衣服都捐给了慈善机构。剑桥高阶〔away〕Ruben gave all his money away to charity.鲁宾把所有的钱都捐给了慈善机构。朗文当代〔away〕The family gave away a fortune to charity.这个家庭把一笔款捐给了慈善机构。韦氏高阶〔basis〕Charity toward others is the basis of her philosophy.慈善待人是她人生观的基点。英汉大词典〔begin at〕Charity begins at home,but should not end there.施舍先及亲友,但不应到此为止。21世纪英汉〔call〕The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.慈善团体发出了为地震灾民募捐的号召。牛津搭配〔camouflage〕Her so-called charity work was a camouflage for her own self-interest.她做的所谓的慈善之举不过是在掩饰私利。韦氏高阶〔capacity〕The Princess was there in her capacity as patron of the charity.公主是以慈善机构监护人的身份到场的。麦克米伦高阶〔cash〕Charity workers must constantly raise more cash (=collect more money) for the needy.慈善事业工作人员必须不断地为穷人募捐。朗文当代〔charity〕Gooch will be raising money for charity.古奇将进行慈善募捐。外研社新世纪〔charity〕Gooch will be raising money for charity.古奇将进行慈善募捐。柯林斯高阶〔charity〕He gave the money to charity.他为慈善事业捐款。外研社新世纪〔charity〕He helped us out of charity, not self-interest.他为了仁爱,不是自身利益而帮助我们。牛津同义词〔charity〕Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity.她丈夫失业了,全家人靠救济金过日子。柯林斯高阶〔charity〕Her pride wouldn't allow her to accept charity .她的自尊心不允许自己去领施舍。朗文当代〔charity〕I donated the prize money to charity.我把奖金捐给了慈善事业。麦克米伦高阶〔charity〕Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity.大多数人参加伦敦马拉松赛跑是为慈善事业募集资金。牛津高阶〔charity〕Mother Teresa's works of charity 特雷莎修女的善举朗文当代〔charity〕Often Charity Theology The virtue defined as love directed first toward God but also toward oneself and one's neighbors as objects of God's love. 常作 Charity 【神学】 博爱:被定义为爱的一种美德,引导人们首先是对上帝尊爱而且要对作为上帝施爱对象的某人自己和某人的邻里仁爱美国传统〔charity〕People tend to give to (= give money to) charity at Christmas time.人们往往在圣诞节向慈善组织捐钱。剑桥高阶〔charity〕The animals’ hospital depends on our charity.动物医院靠我们的捐助维持。牛津同义词〔charity〕The children raised over £200 for charity.孩子们为慈善事业募捐了 200 多英镑。朗文当代〔charity〕The school raised a lot of money for charity.学校为慈善机构募集了许多钱。牛津搭配〔charity〕Their plight is a miserable one, but they do not want charity.他们的处境悲惨,但他们不想靠赈济过活。麦克米伦高阶〔charity〕They did a charity performance on the first night, to raise money for AIDS research.他们的首晚演出是慈善义演,为艾滋病研究募集资金。剑桥高阶〔charity〕They did it out of Christian charity.他们这么做是出于基督徒的博爱。外研社新世纪〔class〕She showed a lot of class by donating her prize money to charity.她把自己的奖金捐给了慈善事业,显示出高尚的品德。韦氏高阶〔collection〕I asked my headmaster if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity.我询问校长他是否能够安排一次救济难民的慈善捐款。外研社新世纪〔collection〕I asked my headmaster if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity.我问校长他是否能为救济难民的慈善机构组织一次募捐。柯林斯高阶〔conscience〕People give a few pounds to charity in order to ease their consciences.人们为慈善事业捐出几英镑,以使自己在良心上得到安宁。麦克米伦高阶〔content〕He is not someone who could content himself with sitting on charity committees.他不是那种安于在慈善委员会供职的人。外研社新世纪〔covenant〕You could covenant £2,000 per year to a charity.你可以立约保证每年向慈善机构捐款2,000英镑。外研社新世纪〔disparage〕The actor's work for charity has recently been disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.该演员为慈善事业所做的工作近来被报纸说成是想出名。剑桥高阶〔donate〕He frequently donates large sums to charity.他常常向慈善机构捐赠大笔钱款。柯林斯高阶〔donate〕He frequently donates large sums to charity.他经常向慈善机构捐赠大笔钱款。外研社新世纪〔donation〕Employees make regular donations to charity.员工定期向慈善机构捐赠。柯林斯高阶〔donation〕They make regular donations to charity.他们定期向慈善机构捐赠。外研社新世纪〔donor〕Thanks to a large gift from an anonymous donor, the charity was able to continue its work.多亏得到了一位匿名人士的大笔捐助,该慈善机构才得以继续运转。剑桥高阶〔draw off〕They illegally drew off thousands of dollars that had been donated to the charity.他们非法挪用了捐给慈善机构的数千美元。韦氏高阶〔each〕Each of the companies supports a local charity.这些公司都各自资助一个当地的慈善组织。剑桥高阶〔embezzle〕She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity.她侵吞了慈善机构数千美元的善款。剑桥高阶〔embrace〕Charity embraces all acts of generous giving.慈善包括所有慷慨给予的行为。韦氏高阶〔equal〕We raised over $500 for charity last year and we're hoping to equal that this year.去年我们筹得的善款超过500美元,今年我们希望可以跟去年做得一样好。剑桥高阶〔equipment〕Hospitals are increasingly depending on charity for vital equipment.医院越来越依赖捐款购买重要设备。牛津搭配〔estimation〕He went up in my estimation when I heard about his charity work.我听说他为慈善所做的工作后对他更加尊敬。牛津搭配〔estimation〕She went up in my estimation(= I have more respect for her)when I discovered how much charity work she does.我发现她做了这么多慈善工作,我就比以前尊敬她了。牛津高阶〔exalted〕She used her exalted position to further the causes of charity.她利用自己的显要地位来推进慈善事业。外研社新世纪〔exert〕He has exerted himself tirelessly on behalf of the charity.他为慈善事业作出了不懈的努力。朗文当代〔explanation〕The judge didn't believe his explanation that he had stolen the money in order to give it to charity.他辩解说偷钱是为了捐给慈善机构,但是法官并不相信。剑桥高阶〔extreme〕She would go from one extreme to the other, sometimes spending hundreds of pounds on clothes, and sometimes shopping in charity shops.她会从一个极端走向另一个极端, 有时花几百镑买衣服, 有时却在慈善商店购物。外研社新世纪〔feel〕The charity is still feeling the effects of revelations about its one-time president.这家慈善机构仍受到原会长丑闻曝光的影响。外研社新世纪〔fortune〕He left his fortune to a charity.他把财产遗赠给慈善机关。牛津同义词〔freeload〕To take advantage of the charity, generosity, or hospitality of others.吃白食:利用别人的慈善、慷慨或好客而占便宜美国传统〔fulfilment〕He gets a lot of fulfilment from his charity work.他从慈善工作中得到了很大的成就感。牛津搭配〔full〕The charity helps disabled children reach their full potential .该慈善机构帮助残障儿童充分发挥自身潜力。朗文当代〔fund-raising〕Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。柯林斯高阶〔gate〕Today's gate will be given to charity.今天的门票收入将捐献给慈善事业。牛津高阶〔give away〕Recycle your old clothes by giving them away to charity.旧衣服可以送给慈善机构回收利用。外研社新世纪〔give〕Most people are willing to give to charity .大多数人都愿意慈善捐助。朗文当代〔give〕Please give to our charity.请为我们的慈善事业捐款吧。韦氏高阶〔go under〕The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few months.除非能在今后几个月中找到一位捐赠者慷慨解囊,否则这家慈善机构将会倒闭。剑桥高阶〔goods〕You can give your unwanted goods to charity.你可以将不要的物品捐赠给慈善机构。柯林斯高阶〔good〕The charity does a lot of good.这家慈善机构做很多善事。牛津高阶〔go〕Proceeds from the concert will go to charity.音乐会的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。牛津高阶〔grant〕The magistrates granted that the charity was justified in bringing the action.地方法官承认该慈善机构有理由提起诉讼。柯林斯高阶〔gross〕They give five percent of their gross to charity every year.每年他们都把总收入的百分之五捐给慈善机构。韦氏高阶〔group〕A local community group is raising money for the charity.一个当地社区团体正在为慈善事业筹款。外研社新世纪〔heavily〕Both of us are heavily involved in charity work.我们俩都非常热衷于慈善工作。麦克米伦高阶〔image〕The charity is trying to promote positive images of mental handicap.该慈善机构正在努力提升智障者的正面形象。麦克米伦高阶〔independent〕She is too independent to accept charity.她很强调自力更生,不肯接受赈济。英汉大词典〔laity〕The Church and the laity were increasingly active in charity work.教会与俗众越来越积极参与慈善工作。柯林斯高阶〔laxity〕We were writing about the laxity of charity laws.我们就慈善法规不严这一问题撰写文章。外研社新世纪〔liberally〕She gave liberally to the charity.她向慈善机构慷慨捐赠。韦氏高阶〔mailing list〕The charity sent out letters to everyone on its mailing list.这个慈善组织给邮寄名单上的每个人都寄了几封信。韦氏高阶〔manage〕I don't want charity. I can manage.我不想被人救济, 我自己能应付。外研社新世纪〔match sth pound for pound〕The government has promised to match the money raised by the charity pound for pound.政府承诺过,无论慈善机构筹集到多少金钱,都会投入同等金额。剑桥高阶〔misapply〕It will be impossible to recover all the misapplied charity money.想要追回所有被滥用的慈善钱款是不可能的。剑桥高阶〔misdirect〕The report accuses the charity of misdirecting large quantities of aid.报告指责这家慈善机构对大量援助使用不当。剑桥高阶〔money〕Some people were in the street collecting money for charity.一些人在街上为慈善事业募捐。牛津搭配〔most〕He wanted to do the most good he could with the $2,000, so he gave it to charity.他想用2000美元做尽可能多的好事,所以他把它捐给了慈善机构。剑桥高阶〔mouth〕They mouthed the values of religion, and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives.他们大谈宗教和慈善的价值, 但在个人生活中却表现得恰恰相反。外研社新世纪〔on〕The future of the charity will be one of the items on the agenda.本慈善机构的未来将是议事日程上的项目之一。麦克米伦高阶〔participation〕We were very pleased with the high level of participation in the charity events.我们为大家积极参与慈善活动感到非常高兴。牛津搭配〔pledge〕He called to pledge money to the charity.他通过电话向慈善机构认捐。韦氏高阶〔pledge〕Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity.达德利先生已承诺将任何所获的损害赔偿额都捐给慈善机构。柯林斯高阶〔poor〕It's a charity that provides help for needy children.这是一个为贫困孩子提供援助的慈善机构。牛津高阶〔preferable〕Independence is much preferable to charity.独立远胜过接受慈善。牛津搭配〔premises〕The charity is hoping to move to new premises next year.该慈善团体正希望明年能搬到一个新的经营场所。麦克米伦高阶〔proceeds〕All proceeds will go to charity.所有收入都将捐献给慈善机构。外研社新世纪〔proceeds〕All the proceeds will go to a local charity.所有收入将捐给当地慈善机构。牛津搭配〔proceeds〕The proceeds of the concert will go to charity.这场音乐会的收入将捐给慈善事业。韦氏高阶〔profit〕The profits from CD sales were donated to charity.唱片销售的利润都捐给了慈善机构。韦氏高阶〔provision〕He made provisions to donate part of his fortune to charity after he died.他准备在过世后把自己的部分财产捐出来做慈善。韦氏高阶〔publicly〕The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.公司公开致歉,并答应给慈善组织捐款。剑桥高阶〔purely〕The charity is run on a purely voluntary basis.这个慈善团体完全是义务性质的。牛津高阶〔remember〕They will be remembered for their dedication to the charity.他们因慈善捐助而出名。麦克米伦高阶〔remunerative〕Charity work is not very remunerative.做慈善工作报酬不是很高。剑桥高阶〔rhetoric〕I was swayed by her rhetoric into donating all my savings to the charity.她巧言善辩,说得我服服帖帖,把全部储蓄都捐给了慈善机构。剑桥高阶〔royalty〕All royalties from the album will go to charity.这张音乐专辑的全部版税收入将捐给慈善机构。牛津高阶〔rummage sale〕A sale of assorted secondhand objects contributed by donors to raise money for a charity.捐赠品义卖:为慈善事业集资而卖的由捐助人捐赠的各种各样的二手货物美国传统〔run〕The school has organized a two-mile fun run for charity.学校组织了一次两英里的慈善募捐长跑活动。牛津搭配〔salve〕He salves his conscience by giving money to charity.他通过向慈善机构捐款来使自己良心得到宽慰。剑桥高阶〔sentence〕The judge gave him a suspended sentence and demanded that he pay $30000 to a children's charity.法官给他判了缓刑,并要求他支付 30,000 美元给一家儿童慈善机构。朗文当代〔sermon〕The vicar gave a sermon on charity.牧师以仁爱为题进行讲道。朗文当代〔set off〕The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.救济物资车的到来引发了小小的骚乱,村民们争先恐后地想抢到一份援助物资。柯林斯高阶〔skim sb/sth off〕He got caught skimming off funds from the charity.他被发现从慈善机构窃取钱财。剑桥高阶〔staff〕Many charity shops in Britain are staffed by/with volunteers.英国很多慈善商店的工作人员全都是志愿者。剑桥高阶〔staff〕The charity provided money to staff and equip two hospitals.这个慈善机构提供资金装备了两家医院并配备了人员。牛津高阶〔stingy〕She's too stingy to give money to charity.她很小气,不愿捐钱行善。朗文当代〔street〕The charity is having a street collection in aid of the local hospital.这家慈善机构正在街头募捐,以帮助当地医院。牛津搭配〔survey〕The charity did a survey of people's attitudes to the disabled.该慈善机构就人们对残疾人的态度进行了调查。牛津搭配〔takings〕They will donate half of the takings to charity.他们将把一半的收入捐给慈善机构。韦氏高阶〔think up〕They thought up a new way of raising money for charity.他们想出一个为慈善事业筹集资金的新方法。韦氏高阶〔trolley〕The club sold tickets for a trolley dash at the supermarket to raise money for charity.俱乐部出售超市疯狂大采购的门票以筹集善款。牛津搭配〔uncharitable〕Exhibiting no charity or generosity. 无情的,严厉的:没有仁慈之心的,不慷慨的美国传统〔unpaid〕Even unpaid work for charity is better than nothing.即便是给慈善机构做义工也比什么都不做要好。柯林斯高阶〔usable〕Charity shops and jumble sales welcome usable clothes.慈善商店和义卖活动欢迎大家捐助能穿的衣服。外研社新世纪〔wallet〕The charity is asking people to open their wallets and make a donation.慈善组织正在恳请人们打开钱包进行捐款呢。韦氏高阶〔work〕He worked tirelessly (=worked very hard in a determined way) for the charity throughout his life.他毕生为慈善事业孜孜不倦地工作。朗文当代〔worthwhile〕It was in aid of a worthwhile cause(= a charity, etc.) 这是在为高尚的事业尽一分力。牛津高阶〔worthwhile〕Iwanted to do my bit for a worthwhile charity.我想为值得捐助的慈善机构尽一点力。麦克米伦高阶Charity organizations have chastised the Government for not doing enough to prevent the latest famine in Africa.慈善组织严厉指责政府,因为它做得不够,没能防止非洲最近的一次饥荒。剑桥国际All the money raised will go to charity.所有的筹款将被用于慈善事业。剑桥国际All the proceeds from the concert (= the money received from selling tickets, etc.) will go to charity.音乐会所有的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。牛津商务Although the concert was supposed to be an event to raise money for charity, it had strong political overtones.虽然开这场音乐会原是为慈善事业筹款的,但它却有着强烈的政治色彩。剑桥国际An unlike/motley assortment of rock stars and politicians attended the charity concert.摇滚歌星和政界人士不协调地相聚出席义演音乐会。剑桥国际He became a sponsor of the charity by invitation.他应请求成为该慈善团体的赞助者。剑桥国际He did it under the mask of charity. 他借慈善之名做此事。译典通He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement / self-aggrandizement is his only motive.他捐了很多钱给慈善机构,但个人权势的扩大是他唯一的动机。剑桥国际He is a fund-raiser for a major charity.他是一家重要慈善团体的募捐人。剑桥国际He's getting up a small group to go carol-singing for charity.他组织起了一小组的人,准备以挨家挨户唱圣诞颂歌的义演活动捐助慈善事业。剑桥国际Her ladyship (= She) will shortly be speaking to us about the charity of which she is patron.尊敬的夫人马上就向我们介绍由她负责的慈善事业。剑桥国际I have a lot of time for people who help with charity work.我对帮助慈善工作的人很有好感。剑桥国际I parachuted once, to raise money for charity.我跳过一次伞,为了替慈善事业筹款 。剑桥国际I subscribe £10 a month to the charity.我每月向慈善机构捐款10英镑。剑桥国际I was swayed by her rhetoric into donating all my savings to the charity.她的能言善辩说动了我,我将全部积蓄捐献给了慈善机构。剑桥国际I've given away all my old clothes to charity.我把所有的旧衣服都捐给慈善机构了。剑桥国际In his teachings, Jesus emphasized the importance of love, humility and charity.耶稣在其教义中强调爱心、谦逊和慈悲的重要性。剑桥国际In the spirit of philanthropy the millionaire donated a large sum of money to the charity.出于仁慈,那个百万富翁捐给慈善事业一大笔钱。剑桥国际It was typical of his impulsive generosity that he should have given away half his fortune to charity.他竟然将自己一半的财产捐给慈善事业,这是他典型的冲动性慷慨。剑桥国际Many charity shops in Britain are staffed with volunteers.英国的许多慈善商店由志愿人员担任雇员。剑桥国际People tend to give to (=give money to) charity at Christmas time.人们往往在圣诞期间向慈善组织捐钱。剑桥国际Poor as they were, the old couple never asked for charity. 老两口虽然很穷,但从不请求施舍。译典通She belongs to the rich American upper class and spends her time having lunch with friends and doing charity work.她属于美国富裕的上层阶级,把时间花在和朋友共进午餐和做慈善工作上面。剑桥国际She cancelled/renewed her subscription to the charity.她取消/继续向慈善机构捐款。剑桥国际She decided to leave a top (= high-ranking) job in advertising to do charity work.她决定辞去在广告业的高级职位而从事慈善事业。剑桥国际She does a lot of work for charity.她做了很多慈善工作。剑桥国际She doesn't usually help the charity -- she's only out for the publicity.她一般并不资助慈善机构----她资助只是为了宣传效果。剑桥国际She gave her late husband's clothes to charity.她把已故丈夫的衣物捐给了慈善组织。剑桥国际She gave the beggar some money out of charity. 她出于慈善给乞丐一些钱。译典通She has given over $1 million to charity in a bid for respectability.她给慈善事业捐赠了一百余万美元赢得别人的尊重。剑桥国际She's well-known in the neighbourhood for her charity work.她在街坊中以慈善工作闻名。剑桥国际Since she retired from the company, she has begun to work as a volunteer for a charity.她从公司退休之后,就成为一家慈善机构的志愿工作者。剑桥国际Some people give a regular monthly donation to charity while others vary the amount they give from time to time.一些人每个月给慈善业固定数目的捐赠,也有些人一次次的数目各不相同。剑桥国际The charity has refused to comment on the allegations of fraud and mismanagement.那家慈善机构拒绝评论对其诈骗及管理不善的指控。剑桥国际The charity has wasted millions of pounds and it will be impossible to recover all the misapplied money.这家慈善机构已浪费上百万英镑,不可能收回所有被滥用的钱。剑桥国际The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty.慈善业完全依靠全体基督徒的慷慨赠予。剑桥国际The charity is trying to develop a go-go image that will take it into the future.这家慈善机构正为自己的将来设计一个有现代气息的形象。剑桥国际The charity raises money for holidays for the underprivileged (= poor people).慈善基金会为穷人筹款度假。剑桥国际The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.这个公司公开道歉,并答应给慈善组织捐款。剑桥国际The concert raised millions of dollars for charity.这场音乐会筹集了数百万元的善款。牛津商务The government has promised to match the money raised by the charity pound for pound (= It will receive one pound from the government for every pound that it collects itself).政府许诺拨给慈善事业的资金将与慈善事业自己筹集的资金相等。剑桥国际The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.律师请求陪审团注意被告对慈善事业慷慨大度。剑桥国际The money the charity has received will go a long way towards (= be very helpful) providing essential food and medicine.慈善机构所得捐款将大大有助于提供必需的食品和药品。剑桥国际The old man was entitled to receive financial aid from the government, but was too proud to accept what he regarded as charity.那个老人有资格接受政府的经济援助,可是他太要强了,不肯接受他认为的施舍。剑桥国际The psychiatrist was found guilty of professional misconduct after she persuaded a patient to give money to a non-existent charity.那个精神病医生说服她的一位病人捐钱给一个不存在的慈善机构,她被认定犯有职业不当行为。剑桥国际They did a charity performance on the first night to raise money for AIDS research.他们的首场演出是一场慈善义演,为艾滋病研究筹集资金。剑桥国际They hope that their bizarre capers will raise £2 000 for charity.他们希望他们的滑稽表演能为慈善团体募集 2,000英镑。剑桥国际They raised two hundred pounds or so for charity.他们为慈善活动筹集了大约200 英镑。剑桥国际They solicited for contributions to a charity. 他们为一项慈善事业征求捐款。译典通They teamed up for a charity performance in July.他们结成一队,准备在7月进行一场义演。剑桥国际They went on a ten-mile walk to raise money for charity.他们步行了10英里,为慈善事业筹款。剑桥国际Thousands of people made pledges (= promised to give money) to the Children in Need charity campaign.数千人许诺向救助儿童慈善运动捐款。剑桥国际We always try to give to charity.我们总是想捐助慈善事业。剑桥国际You can sometimes avoid tax by setting up a covenant to donate money to charity.有时候人们可以订立一份向慈善机构捐款的合同来避免纳税。剑桥国际




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