

单词 charity
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-aided〕a charity performance in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital.为给大奥蒙德街儿童医院筹资而举办的慈善演出柯林斯高阶〔PAY〕a charity funded by private donations 一家由私人捐款资助的慈善机构朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕a charity set up to help families in crisis 为帮助处于水深火热的家庭而成立的一个慈善机构朗文写作活用〔adjectival〕adjectival charity 该死的假慈善英汉大词典〔aged〕a charity that aims to help the aged 旨在帮助老年人的慈善组织麦克米伦高阶〔aid〕a charity performance in aid of the Children's Hospital为儿童医院筹款的慈善演出外研社新世纪〔appeal〕to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity 通过电视呼吁为该慈善事业捐赠牛津高阶〔awareness〕a charity launched two months ago to raise awareness about the needs of grandparents两个月前发起的、旨在让人们意识到祖父母辈需求的一个慈善组织外研社新世纪〔benefit〕a charity benefit 慈善活动韦氏高阶〔boost〕give a free boost to a charity bazaar 对一次慈善义卖作义务宣传英汉大词典〔charity〕a charity bazaar (show) (为慈善目的而进行的)义卖(演)英汉大词典〔charity〕a charity concert(= organized to get money for charity) 慈善音乐会牛津高阶〔charity〕a charity concert慈善音乐会外研社新世纪〔charity〕a charity event to raise money for the school 为学校筹款的慈善活动麦克米伦高阶〔charity〕a charity event.慈善活动柯林斯高阶〔charity〕a charity event慈善活动外研社新世纪〔charity〕a charity for sick children 服务患病儿童的慈善机构牛津搭配〔charity〕do sth. out of charity 出于仁慈之心做某事英汉大词典〔charity〕judge other people with charity 宽厚度人英汉大词典〔charity〕live on charity 靠赈济过活英汉大词典〔charity〕refugees living on charity 靠救济过活的难民朗文当代〔commissioner〕a charity commissioner 救济委员会委员英汉大词典〔commissioner〕the Charity Commissioners 慈善委员会委员麦克米伦高阶〔contribution〕to make a contribution to charity 给慈善事业捐款牛津高阶〔cost〕training days for charity staff on how to draw up contracts and cost out proposals.指导慈善机构员工如何起草合同和为提案估价的短期培训柯林斯高阶〔covenant〕a covenant to a charity 向慈善机构定期捐款的契约牛津高阶〔dispense to〕to dispense charity to the poor把施舍物分发给穷人21世纪英汉〔donation〕a donation to a charity 给慈善事业的捐赠牛津搭配〔door-to-door〕a door-to-door collection for charity 挨家挨户的慈善募捐麦克米伦高阶〔edition〕this year's edition of the annual charity ball 今年的年度慈善募捐舞会的举行形式英汉大词典〔exclusive〕a charity that relies almost exclusively on voluntary contributions 几乎全靠自愿捐赠的慈善机构牛津高阶〔exemption〕a tax exemption on money donated to charity 给慈善机构的捐款免税牛津高阶〔exempt〕tax-exempt donations to charity 给慈善机构的免税捐款牛津高阶〔fete〕a charity fete 慈善庆典牛津高阶〔fund〕a charity event to raise funds for local schools 为当地学校筹集资金的慈善活动牛津搭配〔gala〕a charity gala 慈善义演牛津高阶〔handsome〕handsome contributions to charity 慷慨的慈善捐款 英汉大词典〔heroic〕heroic contributions to charity 慷慨解囊的慈善捐助英汉大词典〔hymn〕a hymn to selfless charity 对无私慈善行为的赞歌英汉大词典〔independent〕an independent charity 独立的慈善机构朗文当代〔kickoff〕the kickoff of a charity campaign.慈善运动的开始美国传统〔luncheon〕a charity luncheon 慈善午餐会牛津高阶〔matron〕society matrons who organize benefits for charity 组织慈善募捐的上流社会夫人们韦氏高阶〔mite〕give one's mite to charity 聊尽绵薄为慈善事业捐献一点点钱英汉大词典〔needy〕a charity that helps the needy帮助穷人的慈善机构外研社新世纪〔openhearted〕an openhearted gift to charity 慷慨的慈善赠与英汉大词典〔patron〕a charity that boasted Princess Diana as its patron 有黛安娜王妃作为其名义赞助人的一家慈善团体麦克米伦高阶〔pocket〕pocketed the receipts from the charity dance.将慈善舞会的收入饱入私囊美国传统〔raise〕a concert to raise money for charity 筹募善款的音乐会朗文当代〔recourse〕a charity for women with no recourse to public funds 为不能得到公共基金资助的妇女建立的慈善机构牛津搭配〔sacred〕a fund sacred to charity 慈善事业基金英汉大词典〔show〕a fashion show for charity 慈善时装表演朗文当代〔sister〕the Hospice of the Sisters of Charity at Lourdes.卢尔德仁爱修女会的安养院柯林斯高阶〔sister〕the Sisters of Charity 仁爱修女会牛津高阶〔solicit〕solicit for contributions to a charity 征求向一项慈善事业捐款英汉大词典〔street〕a charity set up to house street children 为收留街头流浪儿而建立的慈善机构牛津搭配〔subscribe〕subscribe to a charity 定期向慈善机构捐款韦氏高阶〔unstinting〕her unstinting charity work.她慷慨助人的慈善事业柯林斯高阶〔unstinting〕her unstinting charity work她慷慨助人的慈善工作外研社新世纪〔which〕the charity to which he donated money他捐款的那个慈善团体外研社新世纪




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