

单词 collection
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔INFORMATION〕a collection of information 一组信息朗文写作活用〔PUBLIC〕garbage collection and other public services 收垃圾等公共服务朗文写作活用〔art〕a collection of art and antiques 一批收藏的艺术品和古董牛津高阶〔baroque〕a collection of treasures dating from the Middle Ages to the Baroque period.从中世纪到巴洛克时期的珍宝藏品柯林斯高阶〔browse〕browsed through the record collection for items of interest.大致看一下收集的唱片,想找自己感兴趣的美国传统〔buffer〕a collection of old buffers who meet at the Grosvenor House once a month for lunch.每月一次在格罗夫纳大厦进行午餐聚会的一群蠢老头们柯林斯高阶〔buffer〕a collection of old buffers who meet at the Grosvenor House once a month for lunch每月一次聚在格罗夫纳酒店吃午饭的一群老笨蛋外研社新世纪〔card〕a collection of baseball/football/basketball cards 一套棒球/橄榄球/篮球明星集换卡韦氏高阶〔collection〕a collection of baseball caps 一批棒球帽收藏麦克米伦高阶〔collection〕a collection of minerals 一批采集来的矿物英汉大词典〔collection〕a fashion show featuring his spring collection 以他的春季系列时装为特色的时装表演韦氏高阶〔collection〕a historical archive collection of 20 000 documents 有 2 万份文件的历史档案收藏牛津搭配〔collection〕a new collection of Frost's poetry 新出版的弗罗斯特诗集朗文当代〔collection〕a stamp collection 一批收集的邮票麦克米伦高阶〔collection〕a stamp/coin, etc. collection 邮票、硬币等收藏品牛津高阶〔collection〕the collection of household waste 生活垃圾的收集麦克米伦高阶〔collection〕the first designer to unveil his collection for the spring season 第一位发布春季时装系列的设计师牛津搭配〔collection〕to publish a collection of scholarly essays 出版学术论文集牛津搭配〔couture〕a couture collection 一批高级时装朗文当代〔critic〕a collection of literary criticism 文学评论集朗文当代〔custodian〕the custodian of an art collection 艺术收藏品的保管人英汉大词典〔discard〕a collection of automotive discards 一批收集在一起的废弃汽车英汉大词典〔door-to-door〕a door-to-door collection 挨家挨户的募捐英汉大词典〔door-to-door〕a door-to-door collection for charity 挨家挨户的慈善募捐麦克米伦高阶〔eclectic〕an eclectic collection of paintings, drawings, and prints.五花八门的油画、素描和印刷品收藏柯林斯高阶〔eclectic〕an eclectic collection of paintings, drawings, and prints五花八门的油画、素描和版画等的收藏外研社新世纪〔edit〕a collection of essays edited by John Gay 由约翰‧盖伊编辑的论文集朗文当代〔expressionist〕an extraordinary collection of expressionist paintings.一批非凡的表现主义画作藏品柯林斯高阶〔figure〕a collection of bronze/carved figures 一批铜像/雕像的收藏品韦氏高阶〔fragile〕a collection of fragile porcelain plates.一堆易碎的瓷盘。美国传统〔garage〕a collection of the latest dance and garage hits 最新舞曲和车库乐热门曲集锦朗文当代〔generalize〕to generalize a conclusion from a collection of facts从大量事实中引出结论21世纪英汉〔glass〕a priceless collection of Venetian glass 一套价值连城的威尼斯玻璃器皿藏品朗文当代〔hard-edged〕a hard-edged collection of songs 一组歌词犀利的歌曲朗文当代〔higgledy-piggledy〕a higgledy-piggledy collection of houses 一片错落杂乱的房屋牛津高阶〔jumble〕a jumbled collection of objects 乱七八糟的一堆东西牛津高阶〔lacquer〕a collection of lacquered boxes 一批油漆过的箱子麦克米伦高阶〔manuscript〕a fine collection of medieval manuscripts 珍贵的中世纪手抄本收藏品朗文当代〔marvelous〕has a marvelous collection of rare books.拥有一流珍本书籍的收藏美国传统〔miscellaneous〕a miscellaneous collection of tools 一堆各式各样的工具韦氏高阶〔mood〕a collection of stories that vary in mood and style 不同基调和风格的故事选集麦克米伦高阶〔mosaic〕a Roman villa which once housed a fine collection of mosaics.曾收藏有一批精美的马赛克镶嵌画的罗马别墅柯林斯高阶〔motorcycle〕a collection of vintage motorcycles 一批老式摩托车藏品牛津搭配〔painting〕a collection of valuable paintings 一批珍贵的画作朗文当代〔paper〕papers A collection of letters, diaries, and other writings, especially by one person: papers 文集:书信、日记和其它作品的收集,尤指一个人的:美国传统〔personalized〕a unique collection of personalized presents, colourful toys and games一批独具特色的定做的礼物、五彩缤纷的玩具和游戏用品外研社新世纪〔plate〕the collection plate 募捐盘韦氏高阶〔pride〕a beautiful Japanese sword that is the pride of our collection 一把漂亮的日本刀 — 我们最骄傲的收藏朗文当代〔privacy〕a collection of over 60 designs to try on in the privacy of your own home.能让你自己在家安心试穿的60多种款式的系列时装柯林斯高阶〔prêt-à-porter〕the Gamberetti autumn/winter 2016 prêt-à-porter collection 甘布雷蒂的2016年秋/冬季流行成衣集。剑桥高阶〔reference〕a collection of documents with reference to World War II 一本关于第二次世界大战的文献汇编英汉大词典〔rogue〕a rogues' gallery(= a collection of pictures of criminals) 案犯相片集牛津高阶〔single〕a 19-track singles collection 一张 19 首歌的单曲集牛津搭配〔statuary〕a collection of marble statuary 一批大理石雕像牛津高阶〔story〕a collection of stories by modern writers 现代作家小说集牛津搭配〔tale〕a collection of stories, poems and folk tales.由短篇故事、诗歌和传说汇成的作品集柯林斯高阶〔unequalled〕a collection of paintings unequalled anywhere in the world 举世无双的绘画收藏品麦克米伦高阶〔vintage〕a collection of vintage cars 一批老爷车收藏品韦氏高阶〔well-known〕a collection of recipes from more than 40 well-known names由40多位名人提供素材的食谱集外研社新世纪〔woodcut〕a collection of fine woodcuts 一套精美的木版画韦氏高阶




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