

单词 高职
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BLAME〕Alan's senior colleagues decided to let him carry the can. 艾伦的那些高职位同事决定让他背黑锅。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Men hold most of the top jobs, and this limits women's opportunities for promotion. 大部分高职都由男性担任,这就限制了女性的晋升机会。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕ME or "Yuppie Flu', is not just confined to people in high-powered, well-paid jobs. 慢性疲劳综合征〔又称“雅皮感冒”〕并不仅仅局限于高职位、高薪金人士。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Richard started out at the bottom of the firm and worked his way to the top. 理查德从公司低层做起,一步一步升至最高职位。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Women at the top often have to work harder than men. 身处最高职位的女性常常得比男性更努力工作。朗文写作活用〔abdicate〕To relinquish formally a high office or responsibility.辞职,卸任:正式放弃高职位或责任美国传统〔apex〕At the apex of the party was Mosley.莫斯利身居该党的最高职位。外研社新世纪〔archpriest〕Used formerly as a title for a priest holding first rank among the members of a cathedral chapter, acting as chief assistant to a bishop.主助祭:从前用作教堂教士中具有最高职位的牧师称号,他作为主教的主要副手美国传统〔aspirant〕One who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position.有抱负的人:有志向上追求的人,如晋升,名誉或高职位美国传统〔attain to〕He attained to the highest office in the country.他获得该国的最高职务。21世纪英汉〔bey〕Used formerly as a title for various Turkish and Egyptian dignitaries.省督:以前用于各种土耳其和埃及的高职位者的头衔美国传统〔claim〕I don't claim to be a feminist, but I'd like to see more women in top jobs.我不会自称是女权主义者,但我希望看到更多的女性担任高职。朗文当代〔dignity〕A high office or rank.高职位或地位美国传统〔downfallen〕Fallen, as from high position; ruined.衰败的:如从高职位上下贬的;衰败的美国传统〔drag from〕They dragged him down from his high position.他们把他从高职位上拉了下来。21世纪英汉〔fitness〕He questioned McNeil's fitness for high office.他质疑麦克尼尔能否胜任高职。朗文当代〔gun〕She's gunning for the top job.她正竭力谋取最高职位。牛津高阶〔militarism〕Glorification of the ideals of a professional military class.尚武精神:崇高职业军人阶层的理想美国传统〔patriarch〕Mormon Church A high dignitary of the priesthood empowered to invoke blessings.【摩门教】 (摩门教)高地位的教士:一种具有较高职位的教士职位,有权祈求福佑美国传统〔perch〕He has a new perch as president of the university.他新任大学校长的高职。英汉大词典〔preferment〕The act of advancing to a higher position or office; promotion.提升:提升到更高职位或职务的行为;提升美国传统〔ranking〕Of the highest rank; preeminent.显赫的:最高职位的;显要崇高的美国传统〔rarity〕Women are still something of a rarity in senior positions in business.在商界位居高职的女性仍然十分罕见。牛津高阶〔rocket〕She has rocketed to the top of the rankings.她迅速升迁到了最高职位。外研社新世纪〔scheme〕For months he had been scheming to prevent her from getting the top job.数月以来,他一直在密谋阻止她得到这个最高职位。剑桥高阶〔top〕She got the top job.她得到了那个最高职位。牛津高阶〔top〕The company's new CEO started at the bottom and worked her way to the top.公司的新任女首席执行官是从底层工作干起一步步升到最高职位的。韦氏高阶〔vacant〕The top post in the delegation was still vacant.代表团中的最高职位仍旧空着。英汉大词典〔vicar〕Roman Catholic Church A priest who acts for or represents another, often higher-ranking member of the clergy.【罗马天主教】 代牧:模仿或代理另一个牧师的神职人员,经常指高职位的牧师美国传统〔work ... up〕The young man works his way up to the top.那个年轻人努力使自己逐步晋升到最高职位。21世纪英汉A degree in computer science offers a fast track to the top/fast-track opportunities.计算机学科的学位会给人提供一条快速提升到高职/成功的捷径。剑桥国际For the second time in as many months, one of the top jobs at a fashion magazine has been snatched by a parvenu outsider.在同样多月的长时间里第二次出现了时装杂志最高职位之一被一名外行暴发户抢走。剑桥国际He gained the most powerful position in the company, though many say at a price.虽然很多人说他付出了高昂的代价,但他还是获取了公司的最高职位。剑桥国际He has a new perch as president of the university. 他新任大学校长的高职。译典通He was a guileful manipulator who had clawed his way up to the top of the organization.他是一个狡诈的善于左右局势的人,爬到了这个机构的最高职位。剑桥国际He was promoted from the second tier of management to a top job.他从二级管理岗位获提拔到最高职位。牛津商务He was scheming to get the top job from the moment he joined the firm.他一加入公司就在密谋攫取最高职位。剑桥国际He was widely tipped for the top job.据传他会出任高职。牛津商务Many ambitious executives faced a long wait before they could hope for a shot at one of the top jobs in the company.许多雄心勃勃的经理在有希望得到公司最高职位的尝试之前,面临着漫长的等待。剑桥国际She has reached the highest rank for a woman ever at the company.她达到了女性在这公司的最高职级。牛津商务She landed a top job at Microsoft.她在微软谋到一个高职位。牛津商务She's definitely gunning for the top job.她肯定正在竭力谋取最高职位。牛津商务The two men are now rivals for a top job in broadcasting.这两个人现在是广播业最高职位的竞争者。牛津商务Who is likely to get the top job at the bank? 谁有可能在银行谋到高职?牛津商务




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