

单词 黑色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Border collie〕A British sheepdog that has a wavy, usually black coat with white markings and is used for herding.博得牧羊犬:具有卷曲的,通常为黑色带白斑的毛皮的英国牧羊犬,用于放牧美国传统〔Bouvier des Flandres〕Any of a breed of large, strong dogs developed in Belgium, having a rough, fawn to black coat and originally used for herding and guarding cattle.弗兰德牧羊狗:比利时产的一种大而强壮的狗,背部皮毛粗糙,呈浅黄褐色至黑色,最初用于放牧和护卫牛群美国传统〔Concord grape〕A cultivated variety of the fox grape having dark blue to purple-black skin, used for making jelly, juice, and wine.康科德葡萄:一种暗蓝色或紫黑色的葡萄,用来制造果冻、果汁或葡萄酒美国传统〔FIT/NOT FIT〕I don't wear my black dress very much. It's very tight around the waist. 我不大穿这条黑色的连衣裙,腰口很紧。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕The movie's a black comedy about a pair of junkie musicians who are trying to kick the drug habit. 这影片是部黑色幽默片,讲述了一对有毒瘾的音乐家想要戒毒的故事。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕A yellow background will make the black lettering stand out. 黄色的背景可以把黑色的字衬托出来。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕She posed for ‘Vogue’ in a see-through black teddy. 她穿一件黑色透视连身内衣为《时尚》杂志拍照。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕Standing next to him was a small, thin woman in a close-fitting black suit. 站在他身边的是一个穿紧身黑色西服的瘦小女人。朗文写作活用〔V-neck〕He was wearing a chunky black V-neck over a white T-shirt.他身着一件厚实的黑色鸡心领上衣, 里面穿着一件白色T恤衫。外研社新世纪〔absorb〕Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day.黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。牛津高阶〔affect〕She always affects funereal clothing.她总是喜欢穿葬礼上穿的黑色衣服。外研社新世纪〔arrayed〕Sabrina has discarded her habitual boilersuit and is arrayed in black mini and tights.萨布丽娜脱下平日穿的工作服,换上了黑色的超短裙和连裤袜。柯林斯高阶〔asphaltite〕A solid, dark-colored complex of hydrocarbons found in natural veins and deposits.沥青岩:天然矿脉和矿藏中的黑色固体碳氢化合物美国传统〔beam〕Now quite broad in the beam, she wears dark, sexless clothes.她现在屁股肥大, 所以穿黑色中性衣服。外研社新世纪〔bearskin〕A tall military hat made of black fur.熊皮高帽:部队用的黑色皮制高帽美国传统〔black diet〕Deprivation of all food and water as a form of prison punishment and torture, usually resulting in death of the prisoners.黑色饮食:作为监狱惩罚和酷刑的一种形式,剥夺所有的食物和水,通常导致犯人的死亡美国传统〔black-and-tan〕Having a black coat with tannish markings. Used of a dog.黑毛褐纹狗:有深褐色斑纹的黑色皮毛的。用于指狗美国传统〔blackberry〕The fruit of these plants, usually black, purple, or deep red.黑莓果:这些植物的实,通常为黑色、紫色或深红色美国传统〔black〕He turned up on the night, hair brushed and boots blacked.晚上他露面了, 头发用发刷刷过, 靴子拿黑色鞋油擦过。外研社新世纪〔black〕I wear a lot of black.我经常穿黑色衣服。柯林斯高阶〔black〕It's a black comedy about racial prejudice.这是一部有关种族歧视的黑色喜剧。外研社新世纪〔black〕It's been another black day for the north-east with the announcement of further job losses.东北部又经历了一个黑色的日子,当地公布的失业人数再度上升。牛津高阶〔black〕That was a black day in our country's history.那是我国历史上一个黑色的日子。韦氏高阶〔black〕The walls were painted black.墙被刷成了黑色。外研社新世纪〔blaze〕Linda leapt to her feet, her dark eyes blazing with anger.琳达猛然跳了起来,黑色的眼睛里燃烧着怒火。朗文当代〔bleach〕He has hair which is naturally black but which has been bleached by the sun.他的头发本来是黑色的,不过被太阳晒白了。柯林斯高阶〔box in〕The black cabs cut in front of them, trying to box them in.那些黑色出租车超到他们前面,企图堵住他们。柯林斯高阶〔boysenberry〕The edible, dark wine-red to nearly black fruit of this plant, having a taste suggestive of raspberries.波森莓:这种植物暗酒红色到近黑色的可食用果实,味道接近木莓美国传统〔brunette〕A girl or woman with dark or brown hair.黑发女孩,黑发女人,褐发女孩,褐发女人:具黑色或褐色头发的女孩或女人美国传统〔bulge〕He bulges out of his black T-shirt.他的肚子在黑色T恤衫下鼓鼓地挺着。柯林斯高阶〔charcoal〕Color A dark grayish brown to black or dark purplish gray.【色彩】 炭黑:深灰棕色至灰黑色或深紫灰色美国传统〔dark comedy〕A comedy characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor.黑色喜剧:一出特色为可怕或严肃讽刺的幽默的喜剧美国传统〔dark〕He was tanned and had dark curly hair.他晒得黑黑的,还长着一头黑色鬈发。麦克米伦高阶〔dark〕He wore a dark suit and carried a black attaché case.他穿了身黑色西服, 还拎了一个黑色公文包。外研社新世纪〔draw〕As we drew alongside (= reached) the black car, I suddenly recognized my ex-boyfriend at the wheel.当我们来到那辆黑色汽车跟前的时候,我突然发现开车的是我以前的男朋友。剑桥高阶〔dye〕He dyed his hair black.他把头发染成了黑色。剑桥高阶〔dye〕Priscilla's hair was dyed jet black.普里希拉的头发染成了乌黑色。朗文当代〔ebon〕Black in color.乌黑色的美国传统〔ferrous oxide〕A black powder, FeO, used in the manufacture of steel, green heat-absorbing glass, and enamels.氧化亚铁:一种用于生产钢、绿色吸热玻璃及瓷漆的黑色粉末,FeO美国传统〔ferrous sulfide〕A black to brown sulfide of iron, FeS, used in making hydrogen sulfide.硫化亚铁:一种用于制造硫化氢的介于黑色和褐色之间的铁的硫化物,FeS美国传统〔fitting〕It seemed entirely fitting that she should be wearing black.看起来她穿黑色很合适。牛津搭配〔flash〕Her dark eyes flashed and she spoke rapidly.她飞快地说着, 黑色的双眼放着光。外研社新世纪〔flatter〕The black dress flattered her figure.这件黑色女服使她的体形尽显窈窕。英汉大词典〔garment bag〕I packed the dresses in a black garment bag.我把衣服装进一个黑色的旅行包里。朗文当代〔gee whiz〕The trend now is towards 'lifestyle' electronics — black, shiny gee-whiz things that people like to own.现在的趋势是追求“有品位”的电子产品——人们渴望拥有那些黑色锃亮、非常炫丽的东西。柯林斯高阶〔gold〕I'd been wearing Michel's black and gold shirt.我一直都穿着米歇尔那件黑色和金色相间的衬衫。柯林斯高阶〔habit〕He was habited in a black frock and dark trousers.他身穿黑色外衣和深色裤子。英汉大词典〔huckleberry〕The glossy, blackish, many-seeded berry of these plants.越橘果:这种植物多子的有光泽,带黑色的浆果美国传统〔impure〕Color Being a composite of more than one color or mixed with black or white.【色彩】 混合的:一种颜色以上的混合物的或夹杂黑色或白色的美国传统〔lamprophyre〕Any of several intermediate igneous rocks constituting feldspar and ferromagnesium minerals that occur as dikes and minor intrusions.煌斑岩:任一种含有长石和铁镁矿物中型的黑色岩石,呈现为岩脉或侵入岩美国传统〔leggings〕She is wearing tight, black leggings and a baggy green jersey.她穿着黑色紧身弹力裤和一件宽松的绿色运动衫。外研社新世纪〔malamute〕Any of a breed of powerful dogs developed in Alaska as a sled dog and having a thick gray, black, or white coat.北极犬:一种产于阿拉斯加用来拉雪橇的强壮有力的狗,长有厚厚的灰色、黑色或白色的毛美国传统〔merle〕Having a reddish or bluish gray coat streaked or speckled with black. Used of certain dogs.梅勒犬的:具有带黑色斑纹或斑点的红灰或蓝灰色皮毛的。用于形容某些狗美国传统〔navy〕I mostly wore black or navy trousers.我大部分时间穿黑色或深蓝色裤子。柯林斯高阶〔nigrosine〕Any of a class of dyes, varying from blue to black, used in the manufacture of inks and for dyeing wood and textiles.苯胺黑:蓝黑色染料的一种,用于墨水的生产制造和木料及织物的着色美国传统〔oxidize〕The original white-lead pigments have oxidized and turned black.最初的白色铅质颜料氧化后变成了黑色。外研社新世纪〔ozocerite〕A yellow-brown to black or green hydrocarbon wax, found in irregular veins in sandstones and used in making electrical insulation and polishes.石蜡:一种棕黄粉至黑色或绿色的碳氢化合的蜡状物,发现于不规则沙石的岩脉中,并用来制作电绝缘和上光剂美国传统〔patch〕He wore a black patch over one eye.他一只眼睛上戴着黑色眼罩。外研社新世纪〔pick〕I picked a piece of fluff off my shiny black suit.我从闪闪发亮的黑色套装上拽掉一根绒毛。剑桥高阶〔plain〕She was wearing plain black shoes.她穿了双朴素的黑色鞋子。韦氏高阶〔point〕The bay has black points.这匹枣红马的耳朵、尾巴和脚都是黑色的。英汉大词典〔pour〕The bus was pouring out thick black exhaust fumes.那辆公共汽车排出大量浑浊的黑色废气。剑桥高阶〔pour〕Thick black smoke was pouring out of the roof.黑色浓烟从屋顶滚滚冒出。牛津高阶〔relieve〕A black sash relieves a white gown.白色的长袍配上黑色的腰带益显洁白。英汉大词典〔reverse〕Printing Printed in such a way that the normally colored part appears white against a colored or black background.【印刷术】 色彩逆转的:以一种使正常的有色部分在有色或黑色的背景上看起来是白色的方式印刷的美国传统〔rottweiler〕Any of a German breed of dog having a stocky body, short black fur, and tan face markings.罗特韦尔狗:身体粗壮结实且脸部有黄褐色斑点的德国种黑色短毛猛犬美国传统〔run〕Black cabs run on diesel.黑色的出租车使用柴油。柯林斯高阶〔samarskite〕A velvet-black mineral that is a complex mixture of several rare-earth metals with niobium and tantalum oxide.铌钇矿:一种鹅绒黑色矿物,是几种稀土金属与铌、钽氧化物的混合物美国传统〔sexy〕She looked incredibly sexy in a black evening gown.她穿着黑色的晚礼服,显得性感极了。牛津高阶〔silhouette〕The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.城堡遗迹的黑色轮廓在暮色映衬下清晰可见。柯林斯高阶〔silver fox〕A red fox of the melanistic form, having black fur tipped with white.银狐:一种黑色赤狐,有黑色皮毛,上端为白色美国传统〔slimming〕Black suits are slimming.黑色西装显瘦。韦氏高阶〔sport〕He sported a collarless jacket with pleated black panels.他十分招摇地穿着一件带有黑色褶子饰条的无领上衣。外研社新世纪〔sport〕He sported a collarless jacket with pleated black panels.他穿着一件带有黑色褶子饰条的无领上衣。柯林斯高阶〔stand out〕The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.黑色的字体在橙色的背景下非常醒目。剑桥高阶〔startling〕His hair was dyed a startling black.他把头发染成了特别醒目的黑色。外研社新世纪〔stippled〕The divers saw tropical fish stippled in gold and black.潜水者见到了带金色和黑色斑点的热带鱼。剑桥高阶〔streak〕There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon.月球表面有这样一些黑色的条痕。柯林斯高阶〔toll〕Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered.教堂丧钟敲响,黑色的旗帜飘动。柯林斯高阶〔top〕She was wearing a blue silk top and black pants.她穿着蓝色真丝上衣和黑色的裤子。韦氏高阶〔unearth〕From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.他不知从什么地方翻出了一套黑色的丝绸衣服。外研社新世纪〔unpleasantly〕The water moved darkly around the body, unpleasantly thick and brown.黏稠的棕黑色污水在尸体周围流动着,非常恶心。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕Susanna was wearing a black silk dress.苏珊娜穿着一条黑色真丝连衣裙。朗文当代〔white〕White and black are opposites.白色与黑色是相对的两种颜色。英汉大词典A shiny black limousine glided (smoothly) into the square.一辆亮得耀眼的黑色豪华轿车(平稳地)轻轻驶入广场。剑桥国际He was dressed in a black leather suit and clanking gold jewellery.他穿了一身黑色皮套装,挂了叮叮当当的金首饰。剑桥国际He's dyed his hair black/a different colour.他把头发染成了黑色/不同的颜色。剑桥国际Hovering around the rock star are her minions, putting each blond curl and black eyelash in place.在摇滚乐歌星周围忙碌的是她的仆从,他们正在理齐金色卷发和黑色睫毛。剑桥国际If the plant has been infected you will see dark protuberances along the stems.如果这种植物感染了病菌,你会看到它的茎上有黑色的突出物。剑桥国际Judges wear black robes when they are in court.法官们在法庭上穿黑色长袍。剑桥国际She had dark eyes and cherry-red lips.她有着黑色的眼睛和鲜红的嘴唇。剑桥国际She made an arbitrary choice of the black shoes instead of the brown ones.她心血来潮地选了那双黑色的而不是棕色的鞋。剑桥国际She was dressed in somber black. 她穿一身灰黑色衣服。译典通She wears a little black dress, accessorized simply with a silver necklace.她穿了一件黑色小礼服,并简单地配了一条银项链。剑桥国际She's bought herself a slinky black dress for the party.她为参加聚会买了一件紧身诱人的黑色连衣裙。剑桥国际Stop putting words in my mouth--I didn't say you looked fat in the red dress--I merely said you looked very slim in the black! 不要硬说我讲过那些话----我没有说你穿红色套裙看上去胖胖的----我只是说你穿黑色衣服看上去很苗条!剑桥国际The black wimple enhanced the whiteness of her skin. 黑色的包头巾使她的皮肤显得更加白皙。译典通The hues used in printing are cyan, magenta, yellow and black.印刷中用的颜色是青色、品红、黄色与黑色。剑桥国际The top few buttons on his shirt were open, revealing a mat of dark hair on his chest.他衬衫的最上面的几粒钮扣敞开着,露出一片黑色的胸毛。剑桥国际We'd been living in the house a month when dark stains started appearing on the wall.我们在这幢房子住了一个月后,墙上就开始出现黑色污迹。剑桥国际




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