

单词 高级军官
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔POSITION/RANK〕a high-ranking officer in the air force 一位空军高级军官朗文写作活用〔high-ranking〕a high-ranking officer in the medical corps. 医疗队里的高级军官柯林斯高阶〔high-ranking〕a high-ranking officer in the medical corps医务队里的高级军官外研社新世纪〔high-ranking〕a high-ranking officer/official 高级军官╱官员牛津高阶〔high-up〕a high-up officer 高级军官英汉大词典〔high-up〕the military high-ups 高级军官英汉大词典〔high〕an officer of high rank 高级军官剑桥高阶〔implication〕the implication of senior officers in the affair 高级军官们与这场风波的牵连麦克米伦高阶〔ranking〕a ranking officer 高级军官 英汉大词典〔ranking〕a ranking officer 高级军官文馨英汉〔senior〕a meeting of all the very senior officers 所有高级军官参加的会议牛津搭配〔senior〕a senior officer/manager/lecturer 高级军官/经理/讲师牛津高阶〔senior〕a senior officer/teacher/manager 高级军官/教师/经理麦克米伦高阶〔senior〕a senior officer; the senior ship in the battle group. 一位高级军官;战斗群中较高级别的船美国传统〔senior〕an attempted coup in which senior officers were involved 有高级军官卷入的一次未遂政变英汉大词典〔top brass〕a reshuffle of the army's top brass. 军队高级军官的调整柯林斯高阶〔top brass〕a reshuffle of the army's top brass高级军官的人事调整外研社新世纪




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