

单词 黄金
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Saturnian〕the Saturnian age 黄金时代文馨英汉〔arbitrage〕arbitrage opportunities in the over-the-counter gold market场外黄金市场的套利机会外研社新世纪〔backstop〕kept some gold as a backstop in case the value of the local currency collapsed 储备一些黄金,以防当地货币价值暴跌韦氏高阶〔chief〕the chief of one's life 一生中的黄金时代英汉大词典〔chryselephantine〕a woman of chryselephantine beauty 像由黄金和象牙雕塑成似的美女英汉大词典〔fabled〕a fabled chest of gold 子虚乌有的一箱黄金英汉大词典〔fallow〕a fallow gold market. 闲置的黄金市场美国传统〔filling〕gold fillings 黄金填料朗文当代〔fineness〕the fineness of the gold 黄金的成色牛津高阶〔golden age〕the golden age of art/literature 艺术/文学的黄金时代韦氏高阶〔golden〕the golden age of radio 无线电的黄金时期朗文当代〔golden〕the golden days of our youth 我们年轻时的黄金岁月剑桥高阶〔golden〕the golden days of river steamboats 内河轮船的黄金时代英汉大词典〔gold〕a fixed exchange rate for the dollar against gold美元对黄金的固定兑换率外研社新世纪〔gold〕the country's gold reserves 这个国家的黄金储备牛津高阶〔gouge out〕stripping off the soil and gouging out gold or iron ore. 清除泥土,挖出黄金或铁矿石柯林斯高阶〔impure〕impure gold 不纯的黄金麦克米伦高阶〔impure〕impure heroin/gold 纯度不高的海洛因/黄金剑桥高阶〔interlaid〕to interlay silver with gold在白银中嵌黄金21世纪英汉〔intimately〕a golden age of musicians whose work she knew intimately. 其作品她耳熟能详的黄金一代的音乐家柯林斯高阶〔marble〕marbles and bronzes from the Golden Age of Athens雅典黄金时代的大理石雕像与青铜像外研社新世纪〔physical〕the physical sales of gold 黄金现货交易英汉大词典〔plated〕a range of jewellery, plated with 22-carat nickel-free gold. 一系列镀了一层22开无镍黄金的首饰柯林斯高阶〔plated〕plated with 24-carat gold镀有24开黄金的外研社新世纪〔prime time〕prime-time TV 电视黄金档剑桥高阶〔prime-time〕a prime-time television show黄金时段电视节目外研社新世纪〔produce〕a mine producing gold; 可出产黄金的矿;美国传统〔prospect〕to prospect for oil/gold 勘探石油/黄金剑桥高阶〔raging〕a raging hit on prime-time TV. 电视黄金时段热播节目美国传统〔reserve〕reduce gold reserves 减少黄金储备 英汉大词典〔setting〕a diamond ring in a gold setting 黄金钻戒朗文当代〔speculation〕speculation on the gold market of London 在伦敦黄金市场上进行的投机英汉大词典〔spike〕when the price of gold spiked in 19801980年黄金价格升至高点时外研社新世纪〔trader〕a gold trader; a trader in bonds. 黄金交易商;债券交易人美国传统〔value〕the fluctuating value of gold and silver. 黄金和白银的起伏不定的价格美国传统〔viewer〕viewers of prime-time shows. 电视黄金时间的观众美国传统〔year〕the golden years of motoring 驾车旅行的黄金年份牛津搭配coffee/gold/oil/energy futures 咖啡/黄金/石油/能源期货牛津商务safe investments like gold and bonds 诸如黄金和债券这样的安全投资牛津商务the market for gold bullion 黄金市场牛津商务




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