

单词 高利率
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕High interest rates will force many businesses to go to the wall. 高利率会使许多公司难以为继。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕An increase in interest rates at the present time would definitely be bad for business. 现在这个时候调高利率必定会影响商业。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕Increasing interest rates now would make no sense at all. 现在调高利率一点道理都没有。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Investors continued to swap yen for the currencies of nations that offer higher interest rates. 投资者继续用日元兑换提供更高利率的国家的货币。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕Raising interest rates seems a paradoxical way of bringing down inflation. 通过提高利率来减轻通货膨胀似乎是个矛盾的做法。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕The threat of inflation and high interest rates led to a wage freeze. 通货膨胀及高利率的威胁导致工资冻结。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕High interest rates can chip away at your profits. 高利率会慢慢吃掉你的利润。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕High interest rates can gradually erode profit margins. 高利率可能会逐渐减少利润幅度。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕The high interest rates caused misery for millions of people. 高利率给数百万的老百姓造成极大的不幸。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕High interest rates and high inflation mean a recession is not far away. 高利率和高通货膨胀意味着经济衰退为期不远了。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Further interest rate rises may bring the manufacturing industry to a standstill. 进一步调高利率可能会使制造业陷入瘫痪。朗文写作活用〔argue〕She argued against a rise in interest rates.她据理反对提高利率。牛津搭配〔be a good bet〕Putting your savings in a high-interest account is a good bet.把你的积蓄存进高利率储蓄户头是明智之举。剑桥高阶〔binge〕The Bank would have to raise interest rates in the coming months to bring the borrowing binge to an end.英格兰银行将不得不在未来几个月里提高利率以终结贷款热潮。外研社新世纪〔borrower〕High interest rates are bad news for borrowers.高利率对于贷款者来说是坏消息。麦克米伦高阶〔borrowing〕High interest rates help to keep borrowing down.高利率有助于控制借贷。牛津高阶〔brake〕High interest rates are a brake on the economy.高利率阻碍了经济发展。牛津高阶〔buoyant〕High interest rates do not point to a buoyant market this year.高利率预示着今年市场不景气。外研社新世纪〔buoyant〕High interest rates do not point to a buoyant market this year.今年的高利率并不表明市场繁荣。柯林斯高阶〔combat〕She argued that the only way to combat inflation effectively was to keep interest rates high.她提出理由说明有效防止通货膨胀的唯一方法就是保持高利率。牛津搭配〔conspire〕Falling demand and high interest rates have conspired to produce a big drop in profits.不断下降的需求和高利率凑在一起导致利润大幅下降。麦克米伦高阶〔control〕The Federal Reserve Bank raised interest rates to keep inflation under control .联邦储备银行以提高利率来控制通货膨胀。朗文当代〔cooperate〕High interest rates and a rapid rise in inflation cooperated to bring about the economic decline.高利率加上飞速的通货膨胀引起经济衰退。英汉大词典〔curb〕High interest rates put a curb on spending.高利率抑制了消费美国传统〔dampen〕Raising interest rates might dampen the economy.提高利率可能会抑制经济发展。朗文当代〔dare〕The government dare not raise interest rates again.政府不敢再提高利率。柯林斯高阶〔depress〕High interest rates are continuing to depress the economy.高利率使经济持续萧条。剑桥高阶〔depress〕High interest rates may depress share prices.高利率会使股价下滑。朗文当代〔detrimental〕The government's policy of high interest rates is having a detrimental effect on industry.政府的高利率政策正对工业产生不利影响。外研社新世纪〔detrimental〕The government's policy of high interest rates is having a detrimental effect on industry.政府的高利率政策正对工业产生不利影响。柯林斯高阶〔disincentive〕High interest rates can be a disincentive to expanding a business.高利率对企业扩展业务会是个抑制因素。朗文当代〔drag〕High interest rates are a drag on the housing market.高利率是住房市场发展的一大障碍。麦克米伦高阶〔enter〕The report entered into the effect of high interest rates on the market.这报告讨论的是市场高利率的影响美国传统〔except〕The government has few options except to keep interest rates high.政府除了保持高利率外,几乎没有其他的选择。剑桥高阶〔fire〕The banks have decided to hold fire and not raise interest rates until after the election.银行决定暂不采取行动,等选举后再提高利率。麦克米伦高阶〔gap〕The only way to close the gap between supply and demand was to raise interest rates.过去缩小供求差距的唯一办法是提高利率。外研社新世纪〔groan〕Consumers were groaning under the weight of high interest rates.高利率令消费者不堪重负。柯林斯高阶〔groan〕Consumers were groaning under the weight of high interest rates.消费者被高利率压得透不过气来。外研社新世纪〔hard〕Sales were hard hit by high interest rates.销售因高利率而受到严重影响。朗文当代〔head off〕They tried to head off the crisis by raising interest rates.他们尽力通过提高利率来防正危机的发生。韦氏高阶〔hike up〕Big banks were hiking their rates up.各大银行都在提高利率。外研社新世纪〔hike〕Big banks were hiking their rates up.各大银行正在提高利率。柯林斯高阶〔hindrance〕The higher rates have been a hindrance to economic recovery.高利率向来是经济复苏的一个障碍。外研社新世纪〔hindrance〕The higher rates have been a hindrance to economic recovery.高利率已经成为经济复苏的障碍。柯林斯高阶〔hold〕The Federal Reserve has been holding interest rates down/up.美联储一直保持着低利率/高利率。韦氏高阶〔horn〕Customers are drawing in their horns at a time of high interest rates.高利率时期消费者都在紧缩开支。外研社新世纪〔horn〕Customers are drawing in their horns at a time of high interest rates.消费者在高利率时期都在紧缩开支。柯林斯高阶〔hurt〕A lot of businesses are being hurt by the current high interest rates.当前的高利率给很多企业造成了不利影响。剑桥高阶〔inducement〕They will have to offer the inducement of a higher rate of interest.他们将不得不提高利率来作为刺激措施。外研社新世纪〔inevitable〕A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.提高利率似乎是不可避免的。牛津高阶〔insulated〕Many financial institutions are now insulated against higher interest rates.许多金融机构现在都不受高利率的不利影响。牛津搭配〔interest rate〕Consumers have been discouraged by high interest rates.高利率打击了消费者的信心。麦克米伦高阶〔interest rate〕The bank has plans to cut/raise interest rates.银行计划降低/提高利率。剑桥高阶〔knockout〕High interest rates have been a knockout blow to the business.高利率对该企业构成了致命打击。朗文当代〔lead〕If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead.要是有一家银行提高利率,所有其他银行都会效法。牛津高阶〔loan shark〕One who lends money at exorbitant interest rates, especially one financed and supported by an organized crime network.高利贷者:以过高利率贷款的人,尤指由有组织的犯罪网资助或支持的人美国传统〔lynch mob〕Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.怒不可遏的群众聚集起来,抗议财政大臣胆敢动提高利率的念头。柯林斯高阶〔maintain〕The government was right to maintain interest rates at a high level.政府维持高利率的做法是正确的。柯林斯高阶〔pinch〕Higher interest rates are already pinching the housing industry.提高利率已使住房产业不堪负荷。牛津高阶〔prolong〕High interest rates were prolonging the recession.高利率使经济衰退期延长。韦氏高阶〔pull ... in〕They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors.要吸引投资者进行投资,他们需要有高利率。21世纪英汉〔put up〕The banks will put up interest rates in the autumn.银行将在秋季提高利率。外研社新世纪〔put〕Several of the banks have decided to put up their interest rates.好几家银行都决定提高利率。麦克米伦高阶〔raise〕The Republic of Ireland is expected to raise interest rates.爱尔兰共和国预计会提高利率。柯林斯高阶〔similarly〕High inflation usually leads to high interest rates. Similarly, interest rates decline when inflation is low.高通货膨胀通常会导致高利率。同样,物价走低的时候,利率也会下降。麦克米伦高阶〔sponge〕The higher interest rate would sponge up a large number of deposits.较高利率会吸引大量的存款。21世纪英汉〔squeeze〕High interest rates have squeezed the industry hard.高利率使得这个行业举步维艰。牛津搭配〔squeeze〕High interest rates have squeezed the industry hard.高利率使这个行业举步维艰。牛津高阶〔standpoint〕From a saver's standpoint, high interest rates are a good thing.从储蓄者的角度来说,高利率是件好事。麦克米伦高阶〔stipulate〕Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge.法律规定银行可以收取的最高利率。朗文当代〔strain〕Many a person straining under the burden of high interest rates in order to provide a shelter is being ripped off.许多为了供房而承受着高利率的压力的人都被狠狠敲了一笔。外研社新世纪〔strengthen〕High interest rates have strengthened the dollar.高利率使美元升值。外研社新世纪〔stunted〕High interest rates have stunted economic growth.高利率已经阻碍了经济的增长。柯林斯高阶〔stunt〕High interest rates have stunted economic growth.高利率已经阻碍了经济的增长。外研社新世纪〔tailspin〕Raising interest rates could send the economy into a tailspin .提高利率将使经济状况继续恶化。朗文当代〔welcome〕Economists have welcomed the decision to raise interest rates.经济学家们欢迎提高利率的决定。朗文当代〔whammy〕The government's policy is higher tax and higher interest rates. It's a double whammy.政府的政策是高税收和高利率,真是倒了双倍的霉。朗文当代〔yield〕Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns.高利率的存款会产生丰厚的收益。牛津高阶A lot of businesses are being hurt by the current high interest rates.目前的高利率损害了许多企业。剑桥国际Another hike in interest rates has been announced.已经宣布再次大幅度提高利率。牛津商务He is not planning to hike interest rates.他没有打算大幅度提高利率。牛津商务High interest rates are continuing to depress the economy.高利率正在继续使经济萧条。剑桥国际High interest rates are holding back growth.高利率限制了增长。牛津商务High interest rates have squeezed the industry hard.高利率使这个行业举步维艰。牛津商务Higher interest rates tend to increase a currency's allure to international investors.提高利率会增强一种货币对国际投资者的吸引力。剑桥国际Higher interest rates would slow overheated consumer spending.提高利率会压缩过热的消费支出。牛津商务Higher-rate bank deposit accounts yield good returns.高利率的银行存款可以带来丰厚的回报。牛津商务If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead.如果一家银行提高利率,所有其他银行都会效法。牛津商务In order to restrict consumer credit, the government is forced to raise interest rates.为了限制消费信贷,政府被迫提高利率。牛津商务Many companies are going bankrupt/out of business because of cripplingly high interest rates.由于害人的高利率,许多公司破产 / 停业。剑桥国际The Treasury has decided to raise interest rates as a pre-emptive measure against inflation.财政部已决定提高利率作为预防通货膨胀的措施。剑桥国际The bank may raise interest rates to keep prices in check.银行可能提高利率以控制价格。牛津商务The central bank failed to put up interest rates and a bubble economy developed.央行未能提高利率,泡沫经济随之产生。牛津商务The central bank may take the opportunity to raise interest rates.中央银行可能会借此机会提高利率。牛津商务The government has adopted a tight credit policy and high interest rates.政府采取了信贷紧缩及高利率政策。牛津商务The government is expected to pump up interest rates to slow down the economy.预计政府要提高利率以减缓经济增长。牛津商务The government's high interest rate is squeezing (= reducing) all areas of consumer spending.政府的高利率使各方面的消费支出都很拮据。剑桥国际The markets have overreacted to the decision to raise interest rates.市场对提高利率的决定反应过于强烈。剑桥国际We were able to lock into a very good interest rate.我们能够收到很高利率的利息。牛津商务With job losses and high interest rates a lot of people are finding themselves in very straitened circumstances.失业和高利率使许多人觉得自己处于经济窘迫的困境中。剑桥国际




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