

单词 caused
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCIDENTALLY〕The problem was caused by a worker who inadvertently contaminated the coffee machine by cleaning it with a toxic substance. 造成此问题的原因是,有工人不小心用了一种有毒物质进行清洗而污染了咖啡机。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The Concorde disaster was caused by a tyre bursting. 那次协和式飞机灾难是因一个轮胎爆裂引起的。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕Over £20,000 worth of damage was caused when a fire broke out in the cellar. 酒窖突然起火,造成了两万多英镑的损失。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕Multiple-personality disorder is usually caused by early childhood trauma. 多重人格错乱通常是幼年心灵受到创伤而导致的。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The injuries sustained by the victim were not sufficient to have caused death in a healthy person. 受害者所受的伤对一个健康的人来说不足以造成死亡。朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕Three bolts worked loose and caused the train to derail. 三颗螺栓松开了,造成火车脱轨。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕Lee says the damage was caused by a couple of unknown gatecrashers. 李称破坏是一些不请自到的陌生宾客造成的。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕The explosion caused irreparable damage to several buildings. 这次爆炸使几幢建筑物损坏得无法修复。朗文写作活用〔Trojan War〕The ten-year war waged against Troy by the Greeks, caused by the abduction of Helen by Paris and resulting in the burning and destruction of Troy.特洛伊战争:古希腊人反对特洛伊人的十年战争,起因是帕里斯拐走了海伦,战争最后导致了特洛伊城被焚烧毁灭美国传统〔VIOLENT〕Some people think that aggression in children may be caused by the food they eat. 有些人认为,儿童的攻击性行为是由他们所吃的食物引起的。朗文写作活用〔abacterial〕Not caused by bacteria.非细菌引起的美国传统〔abrupt〕The storm caused an abrupt power failure.暴风雨导致了突如其来的停电。韦氏高阶〔atavism〕The reappearance of a characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence, usually caused by the chance recombination of genes.返祖现象,隔代遗传:机体特征在几代缺失后重新出现,通常由基因重组引起美国传统〔autoinfection〕Infection, such as recurrent boils, caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that persist on or in the body.自体感染:一种感染,如再生的疖,因在体表或体内存留的细菌、病毒或寄生虫引起美国传统〔belief〕Recent scandals have shaken many people's belief in (= caused people to have doubts about) politicians.近期的丑闻动摇了许多人对政治人物的信任。剑桥高阶〔bilious〕Relating to, characterized by, or experiencing gastric distress caused by a disorder of the liver or gallbladder.由肝或胆囊不适引起的胃难受的:由肝或胆囊不适引起的胃难受的、以之为特点的或感受之的美国传统〔blastomycosis〕A fungal infection caused by a blastomycete and characterized by multiple inflammatory lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, or internal organs.芽生菌病:由芽生菌引起的一种真菌传染病,其特点为皮肤、粘膜或内部器官多样的发炎损害美国传统〔blind〕The council is wilfully blind to the problems caused by the new regulations.地方政务会对新法规引发的问题故意视而不见。麦克米伦高阶〔bromism〕A toxic condition caused by the chronic overuse of bromides, characterized by mental dullness, loss of muscular coordination, and sometimes skin eruptions.溴中毒:由长期过量使用溴化物而引起的中毒状态,症状是精神迟钝、肌肉协调能力丧失,有时出皮疹美国传统〔bud〕The unusually cold winter has caused many plants to bud late this year.冬天异常寒冷,今年许多植物抽芽都晚了。剑桥高阶〔build-up〕The ‘greenhouse effect' is caused by the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.“温室效应”是由于大气中二氧化碳增多造成的。麦克米伦高阶〔burst〕Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks.季风雨使河堤决口。柯林斯高阶〔calenture〕A tropical fever once believed to be caused by the heat.中暑:一种炎热感冒,一度被认为由受热而引起美国传统〔cancellation〕The storm caused delays and flight cancellations.暴风雨导致了延误和航班取消。韦氏高阶〔cancer〕Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking.90%的肺癌是吸烟引起的。外研社新世纪〔cant〕The tilt caused by such a thrust or motion.因此引起的倾倒:由这样突然的震动或移动引起的倾倒美国传统〔cause〕Indigestion is caused by excess acid in the stomach.消化不良是由于胃酸过多而引起的。麦克米伦高阶〔cause〕The policy changes have caused great uncertainty for the workforce.这些政策的改变给劳动人口带来了极大的不确定性。朗文当代〔cause〕What caused him to change his mind? 是什么使他改变主意的?英汉大词典〔coincide〕Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。柯林斯高阶〔coincide〕Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service, it had not been caused by it.虽然他刚好在他参战期间精神病发作, 但他的病并不是由此引起的。外研社新世纪〔collapse〕Most of the deaths were caused by landslides and collapsing buildings.大部分死亡是由山体滑坡和建筑倒塌造成的。柯林斯高阶〔collapse〕The depression caused many business collapses.经济萧条使许多商行倒闭。英汉大词典〔compensation〕She received compensation from the government for the damage caused to her property.她得到了政府给她的财产损失补偿金。朗文当代〔compensation〕The parents are seeking compensation for birth defects caused by the drug.这些父母在为此药所致的先天缺陷在要求赔偿。朗文当代〔consternation〕The government's plans have caused considerable consternation among many Americans.政府的计划在许多美国人中间引起了相当大的震惊。朗文当代〔coolness〕This second marriage caused a temporary coolness in the family.这次再婚造成了家人之间暂时的冷漠。外研社新世纪〔damage〕Mr Charlton surveyed the damage caused by the bulldozer.查尔顿先生检查了推土机造成的破坏。麦克米伦高阶〔decency〕Decency, not fear of punishment, caused them to do the right thing.驱使他们做了正当的事情的是正派的为人,而不是对惩罚的惧怕。韦氏高阶〔deformation〕A disease caused deformation of his body.疾病使他的身体变得畸形。英汉大词典〔degeneration〕Medicine Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.【医学】 变性:特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质美国传统〔destruction〕The storm caused the destruction of many homes.暴风雨使很多住宅遭到破坏。韦氏高阶〔devastation〕The hurricane caused widespread devastation.飓风造成了大面积的破坏。牛津搭配〔diagnose〕He diagnosed the trouble that caused the engine knock.他查出了引起发动机发出爆震声故障的原因。21世纪英汉〔dislocation〕Snow has caused serious dislocation of/to train services.下雪严重干扰了火车的正常运营。剑桥高阶〔distress〕She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological distress.她说自己在工作中受到的待遇让她在情感和心理上都感到非常痛苦。剑桥高阶〔downy mildew〕A disease of plants caused by fungi of the order Peronosporales and characterized by gray, velvety patches of spores on the lower surfaces of leaves.霜霉病:霜霉科真菌引起的植物疾病,患此病的植物叶背面有一簇簇的灰色绒状胚芽美国传统〔dust〕The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.这项指控葬送了一名讲师的职业生涯。外研社新世纪〔dysarthria〕Difficulty in articulating words, caused by impairment of the muscles used in speech.发音困难,构音障碍:发音肌肉损伤所造成发音困难与不清晰美国传统〔ecology〕Herbicides used in the 1970s caused damage to the ecology that would take a hundred years to heal.1970年代所使用的除草剂造成了对自然环境的损害,将需时一百年方能复原。文馨英汉〔eddy〕The racing river caused swirling eddies.湍急的河水形成了许多漩涡。朗文当代〔ejection〕His ejection from the hall caused a riot.他被逐出会场,引起一场骚动。英汉大词典〔electrical〕The fire was caused by an electrical fault .大火是由电力故障引起的。朗文当代〔embarrassment〕We apologise for any embarrassment this may have caused.我们对由此可能造成的尴尬表示道歉。外研社新世纪〔emphysema〕An abnormal distention of body tissues caused by retention of air.气肿:因空气滞留而引起的体组织的不正常的扩张美国传统〔erosion〕Acid rain has caused severe erosion on the hillside.酸雨已经造成山坡严重侵蚀。牛津搭配〔estrangement〕The misunderstanding had caused a seven-year estrangem ent between them.这场误会使得他们七年互不往来。牛津高阶〔event〕In the normal course of events, this would have made no difference, but because of the heightened security, it caused a major problem.在正常情况下, 这不会有任何影响;但是因为安保力度加强了, 它引起了一个大问题。外研社新世纪〔explosion〕The fire was thought to have been caused by a gas explosion.有人认为火灾是由于煤气爆炸引起的。剑桥高阶〔extend〕We extend our apologies for the inconvenience caused.我们对造成的不便深表歉意。麦克米伦高阶〔extensively〕The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows.爆炸造成了巨大的破坏,震碎了一楼的窗户。柯林斯高阶〔faith〕This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused.我们发表这篇报道的初衷是好的,但对可能已造成的混乱深感歉意。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕Divisions within the ruling party caused the government to fall.执政党内部的分裂导致政府垮台。麦克米伦高阶〔fantod〕Nervous movements caused by tension.坐立不安:由于不安而产生的紧张行为美国传统〔fast〕The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad conditions.事故是因恶劣环境下驾驶速度过快造成的。剑桥高阶〔fatigue〕The cracks in the engine were caused by metal fatigue.引擎上的裂缝是金属疲劳造成的。韦氏高阶〔fatigue〕The crash was caused by metal fatigue in one of the propeller blades.坠机事件是因一片螺旋桨叶产生金属疲劳造成的。剑桥高阶〔fear〕The appearance of a comet caused universal dismay in the ancient world.在古代,彗星的出现引起普遍的恐慌。美国传统〔fear〕The fire caused a panic among the horses.火灾引起了马群的惊慌。美国传统〔filariasis〕Disease caused by infestation of tissue with filariae.丝虫病:由带有丝虫的组织感染引起的病美国传统〔flutter〕Looking at Chet caused her stomach to flutter.看了切特一眼让她的胃痉挛了。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕The appearance of a whale in the evening caused quite a flutter among us.晚上一只鲸鱼的出现在我们中间引起了不小的骚动。外研社新世纪〔furore〕The government's decision to raise taxes has caused a great furore.政府增税的决定引起了轩然大波。剑桥高阶〔fuss〕The longer working hours caused a big fuss.延长工作时间的做法引起了强烈反对美国传统〔ghost〕A displaced image in a photograph caused by the optical system of the camera.重影:由照相机的光学系统引起而出现在照片上的重像或幻影美国传统〔hard feelings〕The court's decision has caused a lot of hard feelings.法院判决引发了公愤。韦氏高阶〔heavy ion〕The nucleus of a heavy element. When such nuclei are caused to collide at high velocities, new elements are created.重离子:重元素的原子核,当此类原子核们引发高速碰撞,新元素便会产生美国传统〔herpes simplex〕A recurrent viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, type one, and marked by the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles on the mouth, lips, or face.单纯性疱疹一型:由单纯性疱疹病毒引起的一种复发性的病毒性疾病,一型的特征为嘴、嘴唇或脸上有含有水泡美国传统〔incalculable〕The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment.这次石油泄漏对环境造成了难以估计的损害。牛津高阶〔inconvenience〕We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.我们对火车晚点所造成的一切不便表示歉意。剑桥高阶〔irritation〕The strap had rubbed against his skin and caused irritation.皮带擦伤了他的皮肤引起了发炎。剑桥高阶〔itching〕It may be that the itching is caused by contact with irritant material.瘙痒可能是由于接触了刺激性的物质而引起的。柯林斯高阶〔jitters〕The collapse of the company has caused jitters in the financial markets.这家公司的倒闭导致金融市场发生恐慌。剑桥高阶〔landslide〕The floods caused a landslide.洪水导致了山体滑坡。牛津搭配〔lump〕Rashes, boils and lumps caused by insect bites or parasites can be more than a passing problem.由昆虫叮咬或寄生虫导致的皮疹、疖子及肿块可能并不是能扛过去的小病。外研社新世纪〔mangy〕Affected with, caused by, or resembling mange.患疥癣的:受疥癣影响的,或由疥癣导致的,或类似于疥癣的美国传统〔masticate〕Poor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.消化不良可能是由于嘴里的食物没有充分咀嚼的缘故。柯林斯高阶〔mastication〕Poor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.消化不良可能是由于食物在口中没有充分咀嚼引起的。外研社新世纪〔merriment〕This caused shrieks of merriment around the table.这引得一桌人尖声欢叫。外研社新世纪〔minimal〕The storm caused minimal damage.这场风暴引起的损毁极小。韦氏高阶〔minimal〕The storm caused only minimal damage.暴风雨只造成了轻微破坏。朗文当代〔mononucleosis〕Mononucleosis is a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.单核细胞增多是一种由爱–巴病毒引起的疾病。外研社新世纪〔most〕By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused.通过戒烟可以消除吸烟造成的大部分危害。柯林斯高阶〔mouse〕Informal A discolored swelling under the eye caused by a blow; a black eye.【非正式用语】 眼部青肿:眼睛下部因受打击而起的肿块;被打得青的眼睛美国传统〔much〕It was such a small thing to have caused so much trouble.这么点小事却造成了这么大的麻烦。朗文当代〔mutate〕A newer anti-HIV drug called pyridinone caused HIV to mutate into a form which could not reproduce or infect new cells.一种叫作吡啶酮的新型抗艾滋病药物能促使艾滋病毒变异,使其不能繁殖,也不会再感染新的细胞。柯林斯高阶〔narrow〕The narrowness of the streets caused many traffic problems.街道狭窄,造成很多交通问题。牛津高阶〔needless〕The report caused needless anxiety to women who have attended the clinic.那份报告导致到过那诊所的妇女产生不必要的忧虑。朗文当代〔offence〕We have had our differences and I'm sorry if it has caused offence.我们有过一些分歧,如有得罪我很抱歉。柯林斯高阶〔orientation〕The winding trail caused the hikers to lose their orientation.弯弯曲曲的小径使徒步旅行者迷失方向。英汉大词典〔overproduction〕The overproduction of oil caused the fuel companies to lower their prices.石油生产过剩导致燃料公司纷纷降低价格。韦氏高阶〔pain〕The incident must have caused my parents great pain.这个事件一定已经给我的父母带来了巨大的痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔photoelectric〕Of or relating to the electric effects, especially increased conductivity, caused by light.光电(效应)的:电效应的,与电效应有关的,尤指由光引起的不断增强的传导美国传统〔pimple〕A small red swelling of the skin, usually caused by acne; a papule or pustule.丘疹,小脓疱:皮肤上的红色小疱,常由痤疮、丘疹或小脓疱引起美国传统〔pinhead〕The problem was caused by a hole no larger than a pinhead.故障是由大头针大小的一个洞引起的。剑桥高阶〔plutocrat〕He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers, and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm.他声明了自己对工人的同情,并谴责了财阀和游手好闲的富人,其言辞之厉令这些人惶惶不安。柯林斯高阶〔pock〕A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.痘疱:由天花或类似的发疹性疾病导致的脓疱美国传统〔politicize〕These ideas politicized the workers and caused them to question the status quo.这些思想唤醒了工人阶级的政治意识并促使他们质疑现状。外研社新世纪〔postponement〕The rain caused postponement of the baseball game.因为下雨,棒球赛延期了。韦氏高阶〔preoccupation〕Lately, his preoccupation with football had caused his marks at school to slip.最近他一心想着足球,学习成绩都下降了。剑桥高阶〔probability〕The probability that the cancer was caused by exposure to asbestos is high.因接触石棉而引起癌症的概率很高。外研社新世纪〔protectionist〕Trade frictions between the two countries had been caused by trade protectionists.两国间的贸易摩擦由贸易保护主义者引起。外研社新世纪〔protectionist〕Trade frictions between the two countries had been caused by trade protectionists.贸易保护主义者引起的两国之间的贸易摩擦。柯林斯高阶〔protrusion〕The pain was caused by a/the protrusion of a disc in his lower back.疼痛是由椎间盘突出引起的。韦氏高阶〔pull up〕A muscle spasm caused him to pull up halfway through the race.肌肉痉挛害得他中途停止了比赛。韦氏高阶〔pyelonephritis〕Inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis, caused by bacterial infection.肾盂肾炎:由细菌感染所引起的肾部以及相应的骨盆组织的发炎美国传统〔quantify〕The damage caused to the tourist industry is difficult to quantify.对旅游业所造成的损失难以量化。朗文当代〔resentment〕His promotion caused widespread resentment among the other lawyers.他获提拔引起了其他律师的普遍不满。麦克米伦高阶〔revenge〕I wanted revenge for the trouble she and her family had caused.她和她的家人制造了这么多麻烦,我想报复他们。麦克米伦高阶〔ripple〕The decision caused ripples in the stock market.这一决定在股市引起了一阵阵波动。英汉大词典〔rise〕Fear caused his hair to rise.恐惧使他的毛发竖立起来。21世纪英汉〔runaway〕A runaway bus/horse caused chaos on the streets.一辆公共汽车失控了/一匹马脱缰了,导致街道上一片混乱。剑桥高阶〔saddle sore〕A sore on a horse's back caused by an improperly fitted saddle.鞍疮:马背上因马鞍装的不合适引起的伤痛美国传统〔scale〕A plant disease or infestation caused by scale insects.介壳虫害:由介壳虫引起的植物疾病或感染美国传统〔scale〕It is difficult to comprehend the sheer scale of the suffering caused by the war.人们很难理解战争造成的苦难有多严重。牛津搭配〔scorch〕Brown spotting on plant leaves caused by fungi, heat, or lack of water.植物褐色斑点:由于真菌、热或者缺水引起在植物叶子上生长的褐色点美国传统〔secondary〕The damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply.比起对血液供应造成的损害, 对脑细胞的损害不那么严重。外研社新世纪〔shed〕The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.交通堵塞是因为一辆卡车掉下了货物。牛津高阶〔shock〕The sensation and muscular spasm caused by an electric current passing through the body or a body part.电击:一股电流通过身体或身体的一部份所引起的感觉和肌肉的痉挛美国传统〔shortfall〕The drought caused serious shortfalls in the food supply.干旱造成了严重的食品供应短缺。剑桥高阶〔speculate〕The doctor speculated that a virus caused the disease.医生推测是某种病毒引起了这种疾病。英汉大词典〔squeeze〕Financial pressure caused by shortages or narrowing economic margins.财政困难:由于银概念紧缩带来的财政压力美国传统〔staggering〕The storm caused a staggering amount of damage.这场暴风雨造成了令人震惊的损失。韦氏高阶〔subside〕Weak foundations caused the house to subside.由于地基不实,房子出现下陷。牛津高阶〔suffering〕This war has caused widespread human suffering.这场战争给许许多多的人带来了苦难。牛津高阶〔suppose〕Scientists can only suppose that the illness is caused by a virus.科学家们只能推测这种疾病是由一种病毒引发的。麦克米伦高阶〔surge〕An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.突然出现的电压剧增导致电脑死机。剑桥高阶〔suspect〕No one knows what caused the outbreak of food poisoning, but shellfish is the main suspect (= is thought to have caused it).没有人知道造成这起食物中毒事件的原因,但怀疑很可能是吃贝类食品造成的。剑桥高阶〔tension〕The job losses caused greater tensions within the company.人员裁减在公司内部造成了更强烈的紧张关系。牛津搭配〔that〕I'm sorry that I caused you such annoyance.很抱歉给你带来这般烦恼。21世纪英汉〔tie-up〕An overturned truck caused a traffic tie-up for miles.一辆卡车翻了,造成好几英里的交通堵塞。韦氏高阶〔tightening〕Headaches caused by tension can result in tightening of the muscles in the neck.精神紧张引起的头痛会导致颈部肌肉僵硬。外研社新世纪〔trap〕The pain was caused by a trapped nerve.这疼痛是由于神经受抑制引起的。牛津高阶〔tremor〕His tremors were caused by the disease.他的颤抖是由疾病引起的。韦氏高阶〔trouble〕You've caused us a lot of trouble.你给我们造成了很多麻烦。柯林斯高阶〔tyrothricin〕A gray-brown mixture consisting mainly of tryocidine and gramicidin, used as a topical antibiotic in treating infections caused by gram-positive bacteria.混合短杆菌肽:主要由短杆菌酪肽与短杆菌肽构成的一种灰棕色混合物,主要用来制造治疗因革兰氏阳性细菌造成的感染的抗生素美国传统〔unconscious〕Doreen appeared to be unconscious of the amusement she had caused.多琳似乎并未意识到她把大家逗乐了。朗文当代〔unlike〕A cold, unlike strep throat, is caused by a virus.与链球菌性喉炎不同,感冒是由病毒引起的。韦氏高阶〔unravel〕His frequent absences from home caused his marriage to unravel.他频频离家导致他的婚姻破裂。韦氏高阶〔unsatisfying〕The boredom is caused as much by people's unsatisfying home lives as by lack of work.不幸福的家庭生活和失业都会导致心生倦怠。外研社新世纪〔uproar〕The announcement caused uproar in the crowd.公告在人群中引起了骚动。柯林斯高阶〔upset〕The fire caused an upset in the office.火灾在办公室里引起了一场混乱。英汉大词典〔upstairs〕He heard glass breaking and ran upstairs to see what had caused it.听到玻璃破碎的声音,她跑上楼去看是怎么回事。剑桥高阶〔walk out〕His racist remark caused many people in the audience to walk out.他的种族主义言论让许多听众愤然离场。韦氏高阶〔wane〕The scandal caused her popularity to wane.这桩丑闻使她的人气下降了。韦氏高阶〔warp〕The heat caused the wood to warp.高温使这块木头变了形。韦氏高阶〔wish〕I wish him joy of his dealing with the customer who had caused so much trouble before.他要去和那位曾搞出这么多麻烦的主顾打交道,我可真该向他道喜。英汉大词典〔withdrawal〕Her sudden withdrawal from the championship caused a lot of press speculation about her health.她突然退出锦标赛引发了媒体关于她健康状况的各种猜测。剑桥高阶〔workmanship〕The problems were caused by cheap materials and poor workmanship.这些问题是由廉价的材料和粗糙的工艺造成的。韦氏高阶〔worth〕The fire caused thousands of pounds' worth of damage.火灾造成了价值数千英镑的损失。朗文当代〔wreck〕Heavy rain caused the wreck of many crops.大雨造成了多种作物的破坏。英汉大词典〔wrinkle〕A small furrow, ridge, or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding, or shrinking.细纹:由于压皱、折叠或压缩,在平滑的表面造成的细沟、小脊或摺痕美国传统〔x-disease〕Hyperkeratosis of cattle caused by ingestion of a toxic substance, especially one of uncertain origin or chemical composition.X病:由于摄取某种有毒物质而引起的牛的皮肤角化过度,尤指一种起因和化学成分不明的物质美国传统A heart attack is caused by the blood vessels that supply the blood to the heart muscle getting blocked.心脏病发作是由输送血液到心肌的血管堵塞造成的。剑桥国际Amnesia can be caused by emotional trauma.精神创伤可能导致健忘症。剑桥国际An electrical overload caused the fuse to blow.用电超负荷导致保险丝熔断。牛津商务Currently, the individuals who might have caused the accident are subject to/under investigation.目前,任何可能造成这起事故发生的个人都要受到调查。剑桥国际Cystic fibrosis is caused by a genetic defect.囊肿性纤维化是由一种基因缺陷导致的。剑桥国际Five wickets have fallen since tea time (= Five players have been caused to finish their turn).到茶点时间(下午5点左右)时,已有5名击球手被杀出了局。剑桥国际He seems completely oblivious to the problems he's caused and just merrily continues along his way.他似乎对他造成的结果毫不在意,只是不顾后果地继续他的老路。剑桥国际Her inability to pay the rents caused trouble. 她无力付房租引起了麻烦。译典通I was deeply affected by the film (=It caused strong feelings in me).我被影片深深地打动了。剑桥国际Inflation caused widespread discontent. 通货膨胀引起普遍不满。译典通It is hard to believe that the drought in California was caused by an effort to save the smelts. 一般人很难相信加州的旱灾是由拯救胡瓜鱼引起的。译典通It is sometimes recommended that frozen meat should be thawed (out) (= caused to become not frozen) in the fridge.有时有人建议冻肉应在冰箱内化冻。剑桥国际Once she'd got into the car, she wound the window down/up (= caused it to open/close by turning a handle).她一坐进汽车就将窗子摇下来/起来。剑桥国际Police think that the attack was racial (= caused by a dislike of people from other races).警方认为该攻击是种族性的。剑桥国际So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.迄今为止,我们只有爆炸起因的简略情况。剑桥国际That blast caused a large avalanche. 那次爆炸引起了一场大雪崩。译典通The accident caused a traffic jam along a busy stretch of road where the expressway intersects the highway.事故在高速公路和主要干道交叉处的一段繁忙路段引起交通堵塞。剑桥国际The accident was caused by the failure of the reactor's cooling system.事故是由于反应器的制冷系统失去作用造成的。剑桥国际The bright light caused her to blink.明亮的光线让她眨眼。剑桥国际The capital flight that followed the stock market crash caused several banks to fail.随着股市崩溃而来的资本外逃导致一些银行倒闭。牛津商务The conviction of the three demonstrators has caused outrage amongst members of the local community.三个示威者被判有罪,这在当地社区激起了众怒。剑桥国际The damp patches on the floor had been caused by seepage.地板上片片湿迹是因渗漏引起的。剑桥国际The delay caused great inconvenience. 这一耽搁造成很大不便。译典通The mistake was caused by a lapse of judgement.错误是由判断失误造成的。牛津商务The problem of acid rain is caused mainly by sulphates and nitrates released into the environment by humans.酸雨问题主要是由人类释放到环境中的硫酸盐和硝酸盐引起的。剑桥国际The release of industrial detergents into the river has caused the death of thousands of fish.工业洗涤剂释放入河水,引起成千上万尾鱼的死亡。剑桥国际The stream's turbidity is caused by the sewage which is emptied into it.河水的污浊是由下水道排放的污水引起的。剑桥国际The strike was caused by the management's refusal to negotiate with the unions.罢工是由于管理层拒绝与工会谈判引起的。剑桥国际The sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out. 桶的摇晃使一些牛奶溢了出来。译典通The visit of the all-white rugby team sparked off (= caused the start of) mass demonstrations.这支全部由白人组成的橄榄球队的来访引起了大规模的示威游行。剑桥国际There was a blockage in the U-bend which caused the kitchen to flood. U 形管里有阻塞物, 这使厨房积水。剑桥国际These three diseases are caused by various species of Asian river worm.这三种疾病是由不同种类的亚洲河虫引发的。剑桥国际Three newspapers which had allegedly inflamed racial passions (= caused more hate between racial groups) were banned.三家据称煽动种族怒火的报纸被禁止。剑桥国际Time had caused his memories/doubts to fade but it hadn't erased them.时间使他的记忆/疑虑慢慢变淡,但它未曾抹去它们。剑桥国际You can clearly see marks on the dog's leg caused while it was struggling to get free of the wire noose.你可以清晰地看到狗腿上的伤痕,那是它试图挣脱金属套索时留下的。剑桥国际You must make reparation for the sorrow you have caused. 你必须对所造成的伤害予以补偿。译典通Your skin problems are caused by an allergy to wheat.你的皮肤问题是由对小麦过敏引起的。剑桥国际




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