

单词 caused
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BITE〕a wound caused by an animal or insect biting you 被动物或昆虫咬的伤口朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕physical damage caused by something 由某物造成的物质破坏朗文写作活用〔abrasion〕loss of land caused by wearing away or abrasion of the river banks河岸受到磨蚀而导致的土地流失外研社新世纪〔aspiration〕problems caused by the aspiration of fluids into the patient's lungs 液体呛入病人肺部引起的问题韦氏高阶〔automatic〕an automatic light switch; a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts.自动电源开关;预算赤字导致了自动的缩减开支美国传统〔bereavement〕depression caused by bereavement or divorce 丧亲或离婚导致的忧伤朗文当代〔biting〕a furore caused by the author's biting satire on the Church.作者对教会尖刻的讽刺引发的公愤柯林斯高阶〔break〕frost that caused the rock to split.使岩石裂开的冰冻。美国传统〔burn〕greenhouse gases caused by the burning of fossil fuels 燃烧矿物燃料产生的温室气体朗文当代〔burst〕a flood caused by a burst pipe.管道破裂引起的水灾柯林斯高阶〔cause〕the damage to Romanian democracy caused by events of the past few days.过去几天发生的事件对罗马尼亚民主政体的危害柯林斯高阶〔charge〕problems caused by large lorries charging around country lanes 大卡车在乡间道路上横冲直撞引发的问题麦克米伦高阶〔circulation〕cold spots in the fingers caused by poor circulation.血液循环不畅导致的手指上的冻疮柯林斯高阶〔clash〕a problem that has been caused by a clash of cultures 文化冲突所引发的问题麦克米伦高阶〔deficiency〕anaemia caused by iron deficiency 因缺铁而引起的贫血麦克米伦高阶〔deficiency〕weakness caused by a deficiency of vitamins 由于缺乏维生素而引起的衰弱英汉大词典〔deforestation〕mudslides caused by deforestation 毁林引发的泥石流韦氏高阶〔discharge〕thunder and lightning caused by an electrical discharge 放电导致的雷鸣闪电牛津搭配〔discharge〕thunder and lightning caused by electrical discharges 由放电产生的雷电牛津高阶〔discoloration〕discoloration caused by the sun 因日照引起的褪色牛津高阶〔disjunctive〕the disjunctive allegation “the defendant murdered or caused to be murdered” “被告谋杀或者唆使他人谋杀”这一表示两者必居其一的指控英汉大词典〔disorder〕a nutritional disorder caused by a lack of phosphorus 由缺磷引起的营养失调英汉大词典〔displacement〕soil displacement caused by farming 农耕活动引起的土壤流失韦氏高阶〔disturbance〕environmental disturbances caused by roads and traffic 道路和交通对环境造成的干扰牛津搭配〔downsize〕problems caused by corporate downsizing 企业裁员引发的问题韦氏高阶〔drunk driver〕a car accident caused by a drunk driver.酒后驾车引起的车祸柯林斯高阶〔error〕errors caused by illegibly written orders 难以辨识的手写指令导致的错误牛津搭配〔excessive〕problems caused by the excessive amounts of alcohol he usually drinks他常常酗酒所造成的问题外研社新世纪〔expansion〕problems caused by the expansion of gases inside the device因该装置内部气体膨胀导致的问题外研社新世纪〔fallout〕cancer deaths caused by fallout from weapons testing 由武器试验的放射性坠尘引致的癌症死亡人数剑桥高阶〔fatigue〕compassion fatigue caused by endless TV and celebrity appeals.没完没了的电视节目和名人呼吁而导致的同情心疲劳柯林斯高阶〔fatigue〕compassion fatigue caused by endless TV and celebrity appeals没完没了的电视和名人呼吁造成的同情心疲劳外研社新世纪〔ferocious〕flooding caused by last night's ferocious storm 昨晚猛烈的暴风雨引起的洪灾麦克米伦高阶〔flaw〕a flaw in the crystal that caused it to shatter.See Synonyms at blemish 水晶上的一处裂纹导致了它的破碎 参见 blemish美国传统〔inattentive〕accidents caused by inattentive or reckless drivers 由于驾驶员的漫不经心或鲁莽而造成的事故朗文当代〔inbreeding〕genetic defects caused by inbreeding 近亲繁殖造成的基因缺陷韦氏高阶〔influx〕problems caused by the influx of refugees.大批难民涌入产生的问题柯林斯高阶〔management〕a failure caused by bad management 经营不善造成的失败英汉大词典〔man〕the damage caused by man to the environment 人类给环境带来的破坏牛津高阶〔mass〕the harm caused by mass tourism.大众旅游造成的危害柯林斯高阶〔misdirected〕the confusion caused by frequently misdirected mail邮件频繁写错投递地址造成的混乱外研社新世纪〔misuse〕pollution caused through misuse of pesticides 由于滥用杀虫剂而造成的污染牛津搭配〔monsoon〕floods caused by summer monsoons 夏天雨季降雨造成的洪水韦氏高阶〔perception〕heightened perception caused by drugs 吸食毒品后产生的飘飘然的感觉牛津搭配〔physically〕the physical and mental problems caused by the illness.这种病引起的生理和心理的问题柯林斯高阶〔physical〕the physical and mental problems caused by illness疾病引起的身体和精神问题外研社新世纪〔poisoning〕poisonings caused by bacteria 细菌中毒韦氏高阶〔predisposition〕an insulin deficiency caused by a hereditary predisposition由遗传的患病素因导致的胰岛素缺乏外研社新世纪〔rheumatic〕rheumatics Informal Pains caused by rheumatism. rheumatics 【非正式用语】 风湿病引起的痛苦美国传统〔rise〕the problems caused by climate change and rising sea levels 气候变化和海平面上升引起的问题朗文当代〔schedule〕disruptions to flight schedules caused by the strike 罢工对航班时刻表的干扰牛津搭配〔self-fulfilling〕panic buying of spirits caused largely by forecasts of the shortage — a self-fulfilling prophecy 主要由烈酒行将出现短缺的预测——一种本身自会成为事实的预言——所引起的抢购英汉大词典〔sore〕canker sores caused by biting the inside of your mouth 误咬口腔内壁引起的溃疡牛津搭配〔suffering〕the pain and suffering caused by road accidents 交通事故造成的痛苦朗文当代〔sun〕wrinkles caused by sun damage 太阳辐射引起的皱纹牛津搭配〔tightening〕a headache caused by tension which results in tightening of the muscles in the neck.由于紧张导致颈部肌肉僵硬而引起的头痛柯林斯高阶〔traffic〕the dislocation of traffic caused by the hurricane 飓风造成的交通混乱英汉大词典〔tree〕tree damage caused by acid rain 酸雨对树的伤害牛津搭配compensation for loss of earnings caused by the accident 对因事故造成的收入损失所给予的赔偿牛津商务high distribution costs caused by poor transport systems 糟糕的运输系统所造成的高昂分销成本牛津商务




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