

单词 骨间
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arthrosis〕Anatomy An articulation or a joint between bones.【解剖学】 关节:关节的接合或两骨间的关节美国传统〔articulation〕A fixed or movable joint between bones.关节:两骨间固定的或可动的连接美国传统〔entrecôte〕A cut of steak taken from between the ribs.从肋骨间取下的牛肉块美国传统〔interclavicle〕A bone located in front of the sternum and between the clavicles in certain vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians.间锁骨:某些脊椎动物,如爬行动物和两栖动物,胸骨前和锁骨间的一块骨头美国传统〔intercostal〕A space, muscle, or part situated between the ribs.肋间部分:肋骨间的间隔,肌肉或部分美国传统〔intercostal〕Located or occurring between the ribs.肋骨间的:位于或出现于肋骨间的美国传统〔intervertebral disk〕A broad disk of fibrocartilage situated between adjacent vertebrae of the spinal column.椎间盘:位于脊柱相邻的椎骨间的一个宽的纤维软骨盘美国传统〔intervertebral〕Located between vertebrae.椎骨间的:位于椎骨间的美国传统〔lambdoid〕Anatomy Relating to the deeply serrated suture in the skull between the parietal bones and the occipital bone.【解剖学】 人字形的:与头盖骨内枕骨和顶骨间的锯齿状骨缝有关的美国传统




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