

单词 骨架
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-boned〕He was about seven years old, small and fine-boned like his mother.他大概7岁,骨架像他妈妈一样娇小均匀。柯林斯高阶〔BEND〕The framework of the aircraft must be rigid yet light. 飞机的骨架必须既坚固又轻盈。朗文写作活用〔START〕When you're drawing a face, you should start by trying to imagine the bones underneath. 画脸的时候,应该首先想象一下脸部的骨架。朗文写作活用〔arch〕Anatomy An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot.【解剖学】 足弓,齿弓:具有弯曲的或弓状外形的器官或结构,尤指脚的骨架结构的两个弓形部分之一美国传统〔armature〕A framework serving as a supporting core for clay sculpture.支架:用于支撑塑像骨架的支架美国传统〔armature〕The figures are made from clay over a wire armature.这些塑像是将黏土贴在金属丝骨架上制成的。牛津高阶〔big-boned〕He is tall and big-boned.他个子高,骨架大。韦氏高阶〔bone〕She was tall and big-boned.她个子高,骨架很大。朗文当代〔bone〕The black-and-white photographs emphasized her fine bone structure.黑白照片突出了她匀称的骨架。牛津搭配〔bone〕The skeleton.骨架美国传统〔bone〕To stiffen (a piece of clothing) with stays, as of whalebone.装骨架于(服饰):用支持物使(衣服)变硬,如鲸骨的美国传统〔bony fish〕A fish having a bony rather than cartilaginous skeleton; a teleost.硬骨鱼:一种长着硬骨架的多骨鱼;硬骨鱼美国传统〔bony〕Having an internal skeleton of bones.有骨的:有许多骨头构成骨架的美国传统〔cadre〕A framework.骨架,支架美国传统〔cartilaginous〕Having a skeleton consisting mainly of cartilage.主要由软骨组织构成的骨架的美国传统〔cast〕The discovery of the dinosaur skeleton has cast light on why they became extinct.恐龙骨架的发现使人们对于恐龙灭绝的原因有了一些认识。剑桥高阶〔centering〕A temporary, usually wooden framework on which an arch, vault, or dome is supported during construction.定中心:在兴建拱门、拱顶或圆屋顶过程中所使用的暂时性支撑骨架,通常为木制美国传统〔coccolith〕A microscopic skeletal plate made of calcite that protects certain marine phytoplankton and which, in a fossilized state, forms chalk and limestone deposits.球石:由方解石制成的显微骨架板,保护某些海洋浮游植物,而且它在变成化石状态时形成白垩和石灰石沉积物美国传统〔cytoskeleton〕The internal framework of a cell, composed largely of actin filaments and microtubules.细胞骨架:细胞的内部结构, 主要由肌动蛋白纤维和微管组成美国传统〔date〕The skeleton has been dated at about 2 000 BC.这骨架的年代为公元前 2000 年左右。牛津高阶〔differently〕The skeleton consists of differently shaped bones held together by ligaments.人体骨架是由依靠韧带连接的形状相异的骨头构成。柯林斯高阶〔elasmobranch〕Any of numerous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes, characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton and placoid scales and including the sharks, rays, and skates.属软骨鱼纲的鱼:软骨鱼纲鱼的一种,以软骨骨架和板状鱼鳞为特征,包括鲨、鳐、灰鳐美国传统〔featherbone〕A lightweight corset bone originally made from the quills of domestic fowl as a substitute for whalebone.羽骨:最初家禽的羽茎制成的作为鲸须代用品的轻质胸衣骨架美国传统〔fish〕Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates.软骨鱼:有一套软骨架的软骨鱼纲中的一种,包括鲨鱼、魟鱼和鳐鱼美国传统〔fish〕Any of the class Osteichthyes, having a bony skeleton.硬骨鱼:有一套硬骨架的硬骨鱼纲中的一种美国传统〔frame〕My sister has a much bigger frame than me.我姐姐的骨架比我大很多。剑桥高阶〔half-timbered〕Having a wooden framework with plaster, brick, stone, or other masonry filling the spaces.露明木架的:采用木骨架,并且用石膏、砖头、石头或别的砖瓦填空美国传统〔hoarding〕A temporary wooden fence around a building or structure under construction or repair.板墙,临时围篱:正在建造或修建中的建筑物骨架四周围着的暂时性木篱美国传统〔jaw〕Either of two bony or cartilaginous structures that in most vertebrates form the framework of the mouth and hold the teeth.颚:大部分脊椎动物具有的支持牙齿的骨架,由两块大骨或软骨结构组成美国传统〔natural history〕We went to see the dinosaur skeletons in the Natural History Museum.我们去自然博物馆看了恐龙的骨架。剑桥高阶〔ossature〕A framework or skeleton, as for a building or statue.骨架,框架:(建筑物或雕塑的)框架或骨架美国传统〔polyzoarium〕A bryozoan colony or its supporting skeletal structure.苔藓虫群体(或其骨骼):苔藓虫的群体或其支持性的骨架结构美国传统〔powder〕Two skeletons powdered upon exposure, and could not be measured.两副骨架由于风吹日晒碎成了粉末,无法测量了。21世纪英汉〔procedure〕The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame.制作风筝第一步是先做骨架。英汉大词典〔proportion〕His head is large in proportion to his small frame.他的头和小巧的骨架相比显得大了。麦克米伦高阶〔render ... down〕The chicken carcass can be rendered down to make stock.鸡的骨架可以熬成鸡汤。21世纪英汉〔shellfish〕An aquatic animal, such as a mollusk or crustacean, that has a shell or shell-like exoskeleton.贝类,甲壳水生动物:一种具有壳或壳状外骨架的水生动物,例如软体动物或硬壳动物美国传统〔shell〕A framework or an exterior, as of a building.框架,骨架:建筑物的框架或外部装饰美国传统〔shell〕The house was now a shell gutted by flames.房子烧得只剩个空骨架了。牛津高阶〔sinew〕These steel posts form the sinews of the building.这些钢柱构成了该大楼的骨架。剑桥高阶〔skeleton〕Only the concrete skeleton of the factory remained.厂房只剩下混凝土骨架了。牛津高阶〔skeleton〕The other skeleton belonged to a young man.另一具骨架是一位年轻男子的。牛津搭配〔skeleton〕They found the fossil skeleton of a mastodon.他们发现了乳齿象的骨架化石。韦氏高阶〔skeleton〕We found an old sheep skeleton up on the cliffs.我们在悬崖上发现了一副老绵羊的骨架。剑桥高阶Carbon dating has put the date of the skeleton at about 4 000 BC.碳定年法判定这具骨架是约公元前4000 年的。剑桥国际Experts believe the skeleton could be the missing link between apes and humans.专家相信那幅骨架可能是介于猿与人类之间的过渡动物的。剑桥国际He centers his constructions around reinforced concrete or steel skeletons. 他的建筑主要是以钢筋混凝土或钢为骨架的。译典通Only the concrete skeleton of the factory remained.这家工厂只有混凝土骨架还残留着。牛津商务The building was burned to a shell. 大楼被烧得只剩下空骨架。译典通The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame. 制作风筝的第一步是做骨架。译典通The frame of the umbrella is made of metal. 伞的骨架是金属制的。译典通




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