

单词 麦芽
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Scotch whisky〕A whiskey distilled in Scotland from malted barley.苏格兰威士忌:一种在苏格兰由大麦麦芽酿制而成的威士忌美国传统〔alegar〕Vinegar produced by the fermentation of ale.麦醋:由麦芽酒发酵而制成的醋美国传统〔alehouse〕A place where ale is sold and served.啤酒馆,麦芽酒店:提供和出售啤酒的地方美国传统〔ale〕A fermented alcoholic beverage containing malt and hops, similar to but heavier than beer.麦芽酒:含有麦芽和干燥蛇麻草花成份的一种发酵酒精饮料,同啤酒类似但酒精浓度高于啤酒美国传统〔ale〕Fresh barrels of ale were brought up from the cellar.一桶桶新鲜的麦芽酒从酒窖里给搬上来。牛津搭配〔ale〕The bar serves two very different ales.这家酒吧提供两种味道截然不同的麦芽酒。韦氏高阶〔ale〕Two light ales please.请来两杯淡麦芽啤酒。牛津高阶〔aquavit〕A strong, clear Scandinavian liquor distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seed.“生命之水”:一种烈性的透明斯堪的纳维亚酒,由马铃薯或谷物麦芽浆蒸馏制作,有葛缕子的香味美国传统〔barm〕The yeasty foam that rises to the surface of fermenting malt liquors.酵母:麦芽酒发酵时,浮在其表面的发酵的泡沫美国传统〔beer〕A fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavored with hops.啤酒:一种由麦芽酿制带有蛇麻草香味的发酵的含酒精饮料美国传统〔brewery〕An establishment for the manufacture of malt liquors, such as beer and ale.啤酒厂:制造麦芽酒类的工厂,如啤酒和麦酒美国传统〔brew〕To make (ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation.酿酒:通过浸制、煮沸和发酵等方式用麦芽和啤酒花酿制(麦酒或啤酒)美国传统〔couch〕A layer of grain, usually barley, spread to germinate.一层麦粒:播撒在麦芽床上来使之发芽的一层麦粒,通常是大麦美国传统〔couch〕The frame or floor on which grain, usually barley, is spread in malting.麦芽床:框架或地板,在上面播撒谷物以使其发芽,通常是大麦美国传统〔couch〕To spread (grain) on a couch to germinate, as in malting.播撒谷物使发芽:在麦芽床上播撒(谷物)以使之发芽,例如酿酒时美国传统〔diastase〕An amylase or a mixture of amylases that converts starch to maltose, found in certain germinating grains such as malt.淀粉酶:一种把淀粉或麦芽糖的淀粉酶或淀粉酶的混合物,可在某些发芽的谷物比如麦芽中找到美国传统〔distill〕They distill the whiskey from malted barley.他们通过蒸馏大麦芽制作威士忌酒。韦氏高阶〔fruit beer〕Beer or ale to which fruit, such as cherries, or fruit syrup has been added for a second fermentation.水果啤酒:将加入樱桃或果浆的啤酒或麦芽啤酒再进行二度发酵美国传统〔half-and-half〕Chiefly British A blend of malt liquors, especially porter and ale.【多用于英国】 啤酒:麦芽酒的混合品,尤指黑啤酒和淡啤酒美国传统〔last〕This ale is last.这种麦芽酒很难喝。外研社新世纪〔liquor〕To steep (malt, for example).浸泡(如麦芽)美国传统〔malt liquor〕A fermented liquor, such as beer or ale, made with malt.麦芽酒:一种发酵过的以麦芽为原料的酒,如啤酒或艾尔酒美国传统〔malt whiskey〕Whiskey, especially Scotch, that is made solely from malted barley.麦芽威士忌:仅由含麦芽大麦酿制的威士忌,尤其苏格兰威士忌美国传统〔malt whisky〕I got a bottle of my best malt out of the sideboard.我从餐具柜里取出一瓶自己收藏的最好的麦芽威士忌。柯林斯高阶〔maltase〕An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltose to glucose.麦芽糖酶:一种用以催化麦芽糖水解成葡萄糖的酶美国传统〔malt〕An alcoholic beverage, such as beer or ale, brewed from malt.麦芽酒:由麦芽酿造出的酒类饮料,如啤酒或艾尔酒美国传统〔malt〕German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredients — hops, malt, yeast and water.德国啤酒传统上只用4种原料——啤酒花、麦芽、酵母和水。柯林斯高阶〔malt〕German beer is traditionally made from hops, malt, yeast and water.传统上德国啤酒是用酒花、麦芽、酵母和水酿制而成的。外研社新世纪〔malt〕Grain, usually barley, that has been allowed to sprout, used chiefly in brewing and distilling.麦芽:能够发芽生长的各类谷物,常指大麦,主要用于酿酒和蒸馏造酒美国传统〔malt〕To become malt.成为麦芽美国传统〔malt〕To process (grain) into malt.制麦芽:将(谷类)制成麦芽美国传统〔malt〕To treat or mix with malt or a malt extract.麦芽处理:用麦芽或麦芽提炼物来处理或混合美国传统〔mash〕A fermentable starchy mixture from which alcohol or spirits can be distilled.麦芽浆:一种可发酵的用以酿酒或产生酒精的糊状物美国传统〔mash〕Bourbon is made in America with a mash of no less than 51 percent corn.美国波旁威士忌酿造时用的是玉米含量不低于51%的麦芽浆。外研社新世纪〔mash〕To convert (malt or grain) into mash.捣碎;磨碎:把麦芽或谷物调成麦芽浆美国传统〔measure〕He poured himself another generous measure of malt.他又为自己倒了满满一大杯麦芽威士忌。柯林斯高阶〔oast〕A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco.烘炉:烘啤酒花或麦芽或烘烤加工烟草的干窑美国传统〔porter〕A dark beer resembling light stout, made from malt browned or charred by drying at a high temperature.黑啤酒:一种类似于淡色烈性啤酒的黑啤酒,用经高温烘干而成棕色或焦炭色的麦芽发酵而成美国传统〔ptyalin〕A form of amylase in the saliva of human beings and some animals that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin.唾液淀粉酶:在人类或某些动物的唾液中的一种淀粉酶,能把水解淀粉催化成麦芽糖和糊精美国传统〔recipe〕The ales are brewed to an original Yorkshire recipe.这些麦芽啤酒是用约克郡的原始酿制法制成的。牛津搭配〔rigmarole〕I still remember a nursery rigmarole that says “This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.” 我还记得一则幼时学语的绕口令: “这只老鼠吃了存放在杰克建起的房子里的麦芽。”英汉大词典〔sour mash〕A mixture of new mash and mash from a preceding run used to distill certain malt whiskeys.酸麦芽浆:新麦芽浆与前一次制作留下来的旧麦芽浆的混合物,用于蒸馏某些由麦芽制成的威士忌酒美国传统〔sour mash〕Whiskey so distilled.酸麦芽浆酿的威士忌酒美国传统〔sour〕Yeast is used to sour the wort for beer.鲜酵母用来使酿啤酒的麦芽汁发酵。英汉大词典〔wassail〕The drink used in such toasting, commonly ale or wine spiced with roasted apples and sugar.祝酒用麦芽酒,祝酒用葡萄酒:祝酒时用的酒,一般是用烤苹果和糖调味的麦芽酒或葡萄酒美国传统〔whatever〕You may like a Malt whisky that is peatier, or smokier, or sweeter, or whatever.你可能想来一杯麦芽威士忌,炭香味重些的、烟熏味重些的或者更甘甜些的,或者什么别的口味的。柯林斯高阶〔wheat germ〕The vitamin-rich embryo of the wheat kernel that is separated before milling for use as a cereal or food supplement.麦芽:小麦颗粒中富含维生素的胚芽,在碾磨之前被剥离开来,以用作麦类或食物添加剂美国传统〔wort〕An infusion of malt that is fermented to make beer.麦芽汁:浸泡过的麦芽,发酵后用于酿制啤酒美国传统




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