

单词 骗人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CHEAT〕someone who cheats 骗人的人朗文写作活用〔COPY〕a copy of something that is intended to deceive people 目的在于骗人的复制品朗文写作活用〔REAL〕intended to appear real in order to deceive people 假充真品以骗人朗文写作活用〔abracadabra〕pseudo-scientific abracadabra伪科学的骗人鬼话外研社新世纪〔artist〕a con artist骗人老手外研社新世纪〔biter〕be delighted at seeing the biter bit 看到骗人者受骗感到高兴英汉大词典〔breathtakingly〕a deal that was breathtakingly dishonest令人震惊的骗人交易外研社新世纪〔cajole into〕to cajole someone into giving him money以花言巧语骗人给他钱21世纪英汉〔catch〕ensnaring an unsuspecting dupe with fast talk; 用迅速的谈话纠缠一个轻信的受骗人;美国传统〔constructive〕constructive fraud 推定欺诈(指以骗人言行使受害者引出错误结论的欺诈行为)英汉大词典〔con〕a con artist 骗人的老手英汉大词典〔con〕a con game 骗人的花招牛津高阶〔con〕a con trick 骗人的花招牛津高阶〔crooked〕a crooked card game 骗人的扑克牌游戏韦氏高阶〔deceitful〕a deceitful child 老骗人的孩子英汉大词典〔deceitful〕a deceitful trick.骗人的诡计。牛津同义词〔deceive with〕to deceive a person with fair words用花言巧语骗人21世纪英汉〔deceive〕delude is to mislead to the point where a person is unable to tell truth from falsehood or to form sound judgments: Delude 指欺骗到一个程度,致使受骗人无法分辨真伪,或做出可靠的判断: 美国传统〔delusive〕delusive appearances 骗人的表象英汉大词典〔devilish〕devilish schemes to cheat people 骗人的阴谋诡计朗文当代〔dishonest〕deceitful advertising; 骗人的广告;美国传统〔figure〕figured them as con artists. 认为他们是骗人的艺术家美国传统〔fraudulent〕a fraudulent claim 骗人的权利要求英汉大词典〔fraudulent〕a fraudulent statement 骗人的声明朗文当代〔gimmicky〕a gimmicky gadget 骗人的小玩意儿英汉大词典〔hoke〕hoked up some phony allegations. 拼凑出一些骗人的主张美国传统〔misleading〕misleading advertising 骗人的广告英汉大词典〔oblique〕gave oblique answers to the questions. 给这个问题骗人的回答美国传统〔phantom〕phantom businesses 虚假骗人的买卖;影子公司麦克米伦高阶〔quackery〕medical quackery 骗人的医术英汉大词典〔spoof〕spoof news 骗人的消息英汉大词典〔sucker〕sucker a tourist into a confidence game. 诱骗一位游客参加一个骗人的把戏美国传统〔take〕was taken in by a confidence artist. 被一名骗人的行家给骗了美国传统〔trick〕a deceitful trick.骗人的诡计。牛津同义词a gimmicky title 骗人的头衔牛津商务




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