

单词 鸡尾酒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕An elegant young woman sat at the next table, sipping a cocktail. 邻桌坐着一位气质高雅的年轻女子,正小口小口地呷着鸡尾酒。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕For the party, they had concocted a special cocktail containing, among other things, rum and vodka. 为了这次聚会,他们用朗姆酒、伏特加酒和其他东西调制了一种特殊的鸡尾酒。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕If they sell cocktails would you ask the bartender to mix a Harvey Wallbanger? 如果他们卖鸡尾酒,你叫酒保调一杯“伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒”好吗?朗文写作活用〔HOME〕We first met at a cocktail party at the residence of the Russian ambassador. 我们在俄罗斯大使官邸举办的一个鸡尾酒会上初次会面。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕Can you picture it? Lying in the sun, sipping cocktails -- it would be paradise! 你能想象出来吗?躺着晒太阳,喝着鸡尾酒—就像天堂里过的日子一样。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕Janet and Pete first met at a mutual friend's cocktail party. 珍妮特与皮特的首次相遇是在双方都认识的一个朋友举办的鸡尾酒会上。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕Colette will be hosting a cocktail reception at 6.00 pm in the Grosvenor Suite. 晚上6点科利特将在格罗夫纳套房举行鸡尾酒招待会。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕I went to a cocktail party in the lobby of the Ritz once. 我在里兹酒店的大堂参加过一次鸡尾酒会。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕The Krugers threw an impromptu cocktail party for him in the backyard. 克鲁格一家在后院为他临时举行鸡尾酒会。朗文写作活用〔White Russian〕A cocktail consisting of vodka, a coffee liqueur, and milk or cream.白俄罗斯鸡尾酒:包含伏特加、咖啡、牛奶或奶油的鸡尾酒美国传统〔addition〕Turn sparkling wine into Buck's Fizz with the addition of chilled orange juice.在发泡葡萄酒里加冰冻橙汁,做成巴克菲士鸡尾酒。朗文当代〔alexander〕A cocktail made with crème de cacao, sweet cream, and brandy or gin.亚历山大鸡尾酒:一种由可可香草甜酒,甜奶油和白兰地或杜松子酒调制而成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔açaí〕The cocktails are made of tropical ingredients such as fresh passion fruit and açaí berries.这些鸡尾酒取材于百香果、巴西莓等热带水果。剑桥高阶〔base〕Vodka is the base for many cocktails.伏特加是许多鸡尾酒的主要成分。朗文当代〔bitter〕The cocktail recipe called for a dash of bitters.调配这种鸡尾酒需要一点苦酒汁。韦氏高阶〔bloody mary〕A cocktail usually made of vodka, tomato juice, and seasonings.蕃茄汁伏特加酒,血腥玛丽:一种通常用伏特加、蕃茄汁和调味料制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔cocktail lounge〕An establishment or a room in an establishment, as in a hotel or restaurant, where cocktails are served.供应鸡尾酒的酒吧间:在建筑物里设立供应鸡尾酒的地方或房间美国传统〔cocktail party〕A party, usually in the early evening, at which cocktails are served.鸡尾酒舞会:通常在傍晚举行的舞会,期间会供应鸡尾酒美国传统〔cocktail〕He's an expert at mixing cocktails.他擅长调鸡尾酒。外研社新世纪〔cocktail〕On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail.每位宾客一到场都会有人送上葡萄酒或香槟鸡尾酒。柯林斯高阶〔cocktail〕The house cocktail is the caipirinha. Cheers! 店内推荐鸡尾酒是盖比丽娜酒。干杯!牛津搭配〔cocktail〕They cocktailed once every week.他们每星期喝一次鸡尾酒。21世纪英汉〔cocktail〕They lionized and cocktailed the young author.他们给那青年作家捧场,并为他举行鸡尾酒会。英汉大词典〔cocktail〕We had cocktails before dinner.晚餐前我们喝了鸡尾酒。韦氏高阶〔cocktail〕We were all in the bar sipping cocktails.我们都在酒吧里品着鸡尾酒。剑桥高阶〔concoct〕Eugene was concocting Rossini Cocktails from champagne and pureed raspberries.尤金当时正在用香槟和覆盆子酱调配罗西尼鸡尾酒。柯林斯高阶〔concoct〕Eugene was concocting Rossini Cocktails from champagne and pureed raspberries.当时尤金正在用香槟和覆盆子泥调配罗西尼鸡尾酒。外研社新世纪〔daiquiri〕An iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar.代基里酒:一种由朗姆酒、莱姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒美国传统〔dig〕He dug heartily into the cocktail.他开始大口地喝鸡尾酒。英汉大词典〔drink〕An alcoholic beverage, such as a cocktail or highball.酒类:酒精饮料,如鸡尾酒或高杯酒美国传统〔duty-free〕I picked up a litre of Black Velvet and a bottle of Chloe at the duty-free.我在免税店里买了一升的黑天鹅绒鸡尾酒和一瓶蔻依香水。外研社新世纪〔excuse〕He turned down an invitation to a cocktail party with the excuse that he was no good at small talk.他以不擅闲谈为藉口谢绝了赴鸡尾酒会的邀请。英汉大词典〔gabble away〕The guests at the cocktail party were gabbling away.客人们在鸡尾酒会上一直谈个不停。21世纪英汉〔gimlet〕A cocktail made with vodka or gin, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime.伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒:一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,并且有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬美国传统〔grasshopper〕A cocktail consisting of crème de menthe, crème de cacao, and cream.鸡尾酒:一种由薄荷甜酒、可可香草甜酒和冰淇淋组成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔highball〕A cocktail served in a tall glass and consisting of liquor, such as whiskey, mixed with water or a carbonated beverage.高杯酒:一种置于高玻璃杯中的鸡尾酒,在烈性酒(如威士忌)中加入水或碳酸饮料美国传统〔how〕Do you remember how he arrived almost at the end of the cocktail party? 你记得他在鸡尾酒会快结束的时候才到这件事吗?英汉大词典〔in〕We used to go to boring cocktail parties just because it was the in thing to do.我们以前常去无聊的鸡尾酒会,只是为了赶时髦。麦克米伦高阶〔juggle〕She juggled a handbag and glass at a cocktail party.鸡尾酒会上,她在手拿提包的同时还得持稳酒杯。英汉大词典〔kindly〕He had very kindly asked me to the cocktail party that evening.他很客气地邀请我参加那晚的鸡尾酒会。柯林斯高阶〔kindly〕He had very kindly asked me to the cocktail party that evening.他很诚挚地邀请我去参加那天晚上的鸡尾酒会。外研社新世纪〔leave〕If you don't like the cocktail you ordered, just leave it and try a different one.你要是不喜欢你要的鸡尾酒,就别喝了,要点别的吧。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕Three cocktails are my limit.我最多能喝3杯鸡尾酒。剑桥高阶〔line up〕He finished polishing the cocktail glasses and lined them up behind the bar.他擦完了鸡尾酒杯,把它们成排摆放在吧台后面。柯林斯高阶〔lounge lizard〕A habitué of cocktail lounges.鸡尾酒吧间:有鸡尾酒服务的房间美国传统〔lounge〕An establishment or a room in an establishment, as in a hotel or restaurant, where cocktails are served.大厅:一个设施或一个设施中的一间房子(比如在一宾馆或餐馆中),此处出售鸡尾酒美国传统〔mai tai〕A cocktail made with rum, curaçao, and fruit juices.媚态酒,迈泰鸡尾酒:用朗姆酒、库拉索酒和果汁配制的一种鸡尾酒美国传统〔manhattan〕A manhattan contains whisky and vermouth.曼哈顿鸡尾酒含威士忌和苦艾酒。剑桥高阶〔margarita〕A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with salt encrusted on the rim of the glass.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒:一种用龙舌兰酒、桔香酒和柠檬或莱母汁混合而制成的鸡尾酒,通常用杯沿涂有盐末的玻璃杯饮用美国传统〔margarita〕A margarita is made with tequila, an orange liqueur, and lime or lemon juice.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒由墨西哥龙舌兰酒、橘味酒和柠檬果汁调制而成。剑桥高阶〔martini〕A cocktail made of gin or vodka and dry vermouth.马提尼酒:一种由杜松子酒或伏特加酒和苦艾酒混合而成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔mention〕We were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.他们连法国香槟酒也端来给我们喝,更不用说寻常的鸡尾酒了。英汉大词典〔mix〕Phil was mixing a cocktail.菲尔正在调制鸡尾酒。麦克米伦高阶〔mix〕Why don't you mix a cocktail for our guests? 你何不给客人调制鸡尾酒?牛津高阶〔mix〕Why don't you mix our guests a cocktail? 你何不给客人调制鸡尾酒?牛津高阶〔mocktail〕A cocktail containing no alcohol.无酒精鸡尾酒:不加任何酒精类饮料的鸡尾酒美国传统〔old-fashioned〕A cocktail made of whiskey, bitters, sugar, and fruit.古典鸡尾酒:一种由威士忌、苦味药酒、糖和水果调制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔orgeat〕A sweet flavoring of orange and almond used in cocktails and food.杏仁橘花香茶:一种用于鸡尾酒和食物中的、含有桔子与杏仁的甜作料美国传统〔pack a punch〕These cocktails taste quite innocent, but they really pack a punch! 这些鸡尾酒喝起来觉得没什么,可实际上后劲非常大!剑桥高阶〔party〕The visiting professor was cocktailed,partied and dined.为来访的教授举行了鸡尾酒会、晚会和晚宴。21世纪英汉〔pass〕The cocktails were so sweet that the strength of them might pass unnoticed until it was too late.这些鸡尾酒太好喝了,等你感受到酒劲时可能为时已晚。柯林斯高阶〔planter's punch〕A drink of rum with lemon or lime juice, sugar syrup, water or soda, bitters, and grenadine.朗姆鸡尾酒:由朗姆酒同柠檬或莱姆酸橙汁、糖浆、水或苏打、苦啤酒和石榴汁混合而成的饮料美国传统〔posh〕Celebrating a promotion, I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail.为庆祝晋升,我带她去豪华饭店喝了鸡尾酒。柯林斯高阶〔posh〕I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail.我带她到一家高级酒店去喝鸡尾酒。外研社新世纪〔potent〕Those cocktails he made were quite potent!他调制的这些鸡尾酒劲真大!外研社新世纪〔prefer〕You may simply prefer just to sit on the terrace with a cocktail.你也许只是想坐在阳台上喝一杯鸡尾酒。牛津搭配〔recipe〕The website offers cocktail recipes and tips.该网站提供鸡尾酒的制作方法和一些小窍门。牛津搭配〔ritually〕Cocktails at the Plaza was a nightly ritual of their sophisticated world.到广场饭店喝鸡尾酒是他们这个高雅时髦的圈子中的人每晚必做的事情。柯林斯高阶〔ritual〕Cocktails at the Plaza was a nightly ritual for them.到广场饭店喝鸡尾酒是他们每晚的老规矩。外研社新世纪〔rob roy〕A cocktail made with Scotch whisky, sweet vermouth, and bitters.罗布伊酒:一种用苏格兰威士忌、甜苦艾酒和苦味液酿制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔schmooze〕People will have time to schmooze during the cocktail hour.人们会利用鸡尾酒宴的时间相互攀谈。韦氏高阶〔screwdriver〕A cocktail made with vodka and orange juice.伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒:一种用伏特加和桔子汁制的鸡尾酒美国传统〔screwdriver〕Al-Shehhi was drinking screwdrivers while a companion drank rum and Coke.阿尔希西在喝“螺丝起子”鸡尾酒, 一位同伴则在喝朗姆酒加可乐。外研社新世纪〔selection〕The restaurant offers a wide selection of cocktails.这家餐厅的鸡尾酒种类繁多。牛津搭配〔serve〕They are expected to babysit, run errands, and help serve at cocktail parties.要求他们做的事情有:看孩子、跑腿儿、在鸡尾酒会上帮忙招待。柯林斯高阶〔shook〕I'm not all that shook on cocktail parties.我对鸡尾酒会并不那么感兴趣。英汉大词典〔sidecar〕A cocktail combining brandy, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon juice.赛德卡鸡尾酒:一种由白兰地、桔味酒和柠檬汁调制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔soil〕I soiled my blouse/shirt at the cocktail party.我在鸡尾酒会上把衬衫弄脏了。韦氏高阶〔sour〕A mixed drink made especially with whiskey, lemon or lime juice, sugar, and sometimes soda water.酸味鸡尾酒:尤指威士忌、柠檬或酸橙汁、糖以及有时加苏打水的混合酒美国传统〔stinger〕A cocktail of crème de menthe and brandy.斯汀混和酒:一种白色薄荷酒和白兰地混合的鸡尾酒美国传统〔swish〕She works in a swish cocktail bar.她在一家高级鸡尾酒酒吧工作。外研社新世纪〔taboo〕Cocktails and after-dinner brandies are strictly taboo.鸡尾酒和餐后白兰地是绝对不被允许的。麦克米伦高阶〔untouched〕She stood with an untouched cocktail in her hand.她站着,手里拿着一杯不曾沾唇的鸡尾酒。英汉大词典〔whiskey sour〕A cocktail made with whiskey, lemon juice, and sugar.柠檬威士忌酒:一种用威士忌、柠檬汁和糖制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔zombie〕A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice. 冰冻果汁鸡尾酒:由若干种朗姆酒、甜露酒和果汁配制而成的大杯混合饮料美国传统A Manhattan is a cocktail with a whisky base.曼哈顿是一种以威士忌为主要成分的鸡尾酒。剑桥国际A manhattan contains whisky and vermouth.曼哈顿鸡尾酒是由威士忌和苦艾酒调制成的。剑桥国际A margarita is made with tequila, an orange liqueur and lime or lemon juice.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒由墨西哥龙舌兰茎酒、橘味酒和柠檬果汁调制而成。剑桥国际Dry vermouth is often used as an ingredient in cocktails, such as a dry martini in which it is mixed with gin.干苦艾酒常常在鸡尾酒里用作配料,如马提尼酒便是用它与杜松子酒配制而成。剑桥国际I left Patrick and Delia in the departure lounge drinking champagne cocktails.我让帕特里克和迪莉娅在候机室里喝香槟鸡尾酒。剑桥国际I need something to wear to this cocktail party on Saturday.我需要一些衣服去参加星期六的鸡尾酒会。剑桥国际Margaritas are usually served in glasses with salt round the rim.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒的酒杯周边常撒着一些盐。剑桥国际She was trying to goad him to buy her a champagne cocktail.她怂恿他给她买一份香槟鸡尾酒。剑桥国际She wore a sexy see-through blouse to the cocktail party. 她穿一件性感透明的上衣去参加鸡尾酒会。译典通Tequila is used in a lot of cocktails.龙舌兰酒用在许多鸡尾酒中。剑桥国际They drank cocktails before going to the theater. 他们去戏院前喝了鸡尾酒。译典通They were familiar figures on the lecture/diplomatic/cocktail/after-dinner circuit (=they went to/spoke at/took part in many events of this type).他们是一轮轮演讲/外交活动/鸡尾酒会/饭后聚会中的常客。剑桥国际Three martini cocktails are my limit.我最多只能喝三杯马提尼鸡尾酒。剑桥国际We had a delicious prawn cocktail for the first course.第一道菜是可口的对虾鸡尾酒。剑桥国际We were all in the bar sipping cocktails.我们都在酒吧里细细品尝着鸡尾酒。剑桥国际




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