

单词 驱逐出境
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕The government has been accused of using artificial and inhuman criteria to decide which refugees should be deported. 政府被指控使用野蛮的人为标准来决定哪些难民应该被驱逐出境。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Officially recognized asylum-seekers cannot be deported. 经官方承认的避难者不得驱逐出境。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The US government has ordered his deportation. 美国政府已下令将他驱逐出境。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕When war was announced the government called for the immediate expulsion of all foreign journalists from the country. 国家宣布进入战争状态之后,政府要求立即把所有的外国记者都驱逐出境。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕In an atmosphere of growing xenophobia many foreigners were deported or even imprisoned. 在逐渐高涨的排外浪潮中,许多外国人被驱逐出境,甚至被监禁。朗文写作活用〔banish〕She was banished from the country for three years.她被驱逐出境3年。外研社新世纪〔banish〕The dictator banished anyone who opposed him.这位独裁者把所有反对他的人都驱逐出境了。韦氏高阶〔boot〕The tourists were booted out of the country on spy charges.这些旅游者被以间谍罪驱逐出境。英汉大词典〔bundle〕They were bundled out of the country.他们被驱逐出境。英汉大词典〔calm〕Tranquillizer drugs were used to calm the deportees.使用了镇静药物来使被驱逐出境者保持镇静。外研社新世纪〔chase〕Amin was chased out of the country in 1979.阿明1979年被该国驱逐出境。麦克米伦高阶〔climb-down〕In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。柯林斯高阶〔culprit〕All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.尽管真凶尚未查出,所有参与斗殴的男子均被驱逐出境。柯林斯高阶〔culprit〕All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.尽管首恶未明, 所有参与斗殴的男子均被驱逐出境。外研社新世纪〔deportation〕The Home Secretary has recommended the two drug dealers for deportation.内政大臣提议将两名毒贩驱逐出境。牛津搭配〔deport〕He was deported from Britain last week.上星期他被英国驱逐出境。牛津搭配〔deport〕The authorities deported her for illegal entry.当局以她非法入境为由将她驱逐出境。21世纪英汉〔deport〕They used to deport people for minor crimes.他们以往把犯了轻罪的人驱逐出境。牛津同义词〔deport〕Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and deported every year.每年都有数千名非法移民被捕并被驱逐出境。剑桥高阶〔deport〕Thousands of immigrants had been illegally deported.数千名外来移民被非法驱逐出境。韦氏高阶〔ethnic cleansing〕The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide.种族净化,种族清洗:有系统地将某个地区或是社群中的种族团体驱离,其方式可能藉由驱逐出境、强制移民出境或是集体屠杀等美国传统〔expatriate〕He was expatriated by the Soviet authorities and exiled to Canada in 1987.他于1987年被苏联政府驱逐出境, 流放到了加拿大。外研社新世纪〔expatriate〕The new leaders expatriated the ruling family.新的领导人把统治家族驱逐出境。剑桥高阶〔expel〕Foreign journalists are being expelled.外国记者被驱逐出境。牛津高阶〔expel〕Foreign priests were expelled from the country.外国牧师被驱逐出境。朗文当代〔expel〕They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.一开始有人告诉他们应该直接将那些难民驱逐出境。外研社新世纪〔expel〕They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.一开始有人告诉他们应该直接将那些难民驱逐出境。柯林斯高阶〔expel〕Three diplomats were expelled for spying.三名外交官因从事间谍活动而被驱逐出境。朗文当代〔expulsion〕The government ordered the immediate expulsion of the two men.政府命令立即将这两个人驱逐出境。牛津搭配〔expulsion〕The government retaliated with the expulsion of twenty diplomats.作为报复,该政府将20位外交官驱逐出境。麦克米伦高阶〔expulsion〕These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country.这些事件导致一些高级外交官被驱逐出境。牛津高阶〔false〕He was deported for entering the country under false pretences.他因以虚假身份入境而被驱逐出境。剑桥高阶〔kick out〕The country's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country.该国领导将5名外国记者驱逐出境。柯林斯高阶〔murder〕She was deported on the charge that she had conspired to murder the president of Mexico.她因被控密谋杀害墨西哥总统而被驱逐出境。外研社新世纪〔non grata〕The aide, having been declared non grata, was expelled from the country.那位已被宣布为不受欢迎的副官,被驱逐出境美国传统〔on〕I've seen your name on the list of deportees.我看见你的名字在被驱逐出境者名单之列。柯林斯高阶〔recommend〕He was recommended for deportation.人们建议把他驱逐出境。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕The government has ruled that the refugees must be deported.政府已经作出决定,难民必须被驱逐出境。剑桥高阶〔run out of〕They ran the spies out of the country.他们将间谍驱逐出境。21世纪英汉〔security〕The students were deported because they posed a threat to national security.这些学生因对国家安全构成威胁而被驱逐出境。剑桥高阶〔spy〕Three of the embassy officials have been expelled for spying.大使馆的3名官员因从事间谍活动而被驱逐出境。英汉大词典〔starve〕In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported.在 20 世纪 30 年代,有几百万乌克兰人饿死或被驱逐出境。柯林斯高阶〔terrorist〕A number of people were deported for being suspected terrorists.一些涉嫌的恐怖主义分子被驱逐出境。韦氏高阶〔undesirable〕The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.内政部通常会迅速地将不受欢迎人士驱逐出境。柯林斯高阶〔undesirable〕The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.内政部通常会迅速将不良分子驱逐出境。外研社新世纪〔undesirable〕The two journalists were expelled from the country as ‘undesirable visitors'.那两个记者被作为“不受欢迎的人”驱逐出境了。麦克米伦高阶〔vice〕He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.他说,那些被指控与卖淫、赌博和吸毒有关的人一旦罪名成立就应该被驱逐出境。柯林斯高阶〔vice〕Those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.那些被指控与卖淫、赌博和吸毒有关的人一旦罪名成立就应该被驱逐出境。外研社新世纪〔work〕He was found to be working illegally and was deported.他因被发现非法工作而遭驱逐出境。牛津搭配An EU national could not be deported solely on the ground of his conviction.一名欧盟公民不能只因为被宣判有罪而遭驱逐出境。剑桥国际He is advised by a panel as to whether he should rescind or modify deportation decisions in cases where no right of appeal exists.一个专门小组给他建议,是否应该在没有申诉权的情况下废除或修改驱逐出境决定。剑桥国际He was deported for entering the country under false pretences.他因冒名入境而被驱逐出境。剑桥国际The emperor ordained that all foreigners be expelled. 皇帝下令将所有外国人驱逐出境。译典通The government has ruled that the refugees must be deported.政府已作出决定,难民必须被驱逐出境。剑桥国际The man was sentenced to deportation for robbery. 这个男人因犯盗窃罪被驱逐出境。译典通The new government has ordered the expulsion of all foreign journalists from the country.新政府下令把国内的所有外国记者驱逐出境。剑桥国际The new law gives the police summary powers to expel suspected terrorists from the country.新法律使警方获得将可疑的恐怖分子驱逐出境的即决权。剑桥国际The students were deported because they posed a threat to national security.学生们因对国家安全产生威胁而被驱逐出境。剑桥国际Their applications for political asylum were rejected and they now face deportation.他们申请政治避难遭拒绝,现在面临着被驱逐出境。剑桥国际There were mass deportations in the 1930s, when thousands of people were forced to leave the country. [C] 30 年代有大规模的驱逐出境运动,那时成千上万的人被迫离开这个国家。剑桥国际They expelled the journalist from their country. 他们把这个记者驱逐出境。译典通Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and deported every year.每年有成千上万的非法移民被抓住并驱逐出境。剑桥国际




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