

单词 马达
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔alive〕yank a motor alive 使劲起动马达英汉大词典〔antigravity〕an antigravity motor that could fly a manned spaceship to the stars 能使载人太空船飞向其他星球的抗引力马达文馨英汉〔burr〕the burr of a motor 马达的呼呼声朗文当代〔cut〕to cut an engine/a motor 关上引擎/马达剑桥高阶〔endemic〕species endemic to(= only found in)Madagascar 马达加斯加特有的物种牛津高阶〔friendly〕the friendly sound of the motor 解人寂寞的马达声英汉大词典〔growling〕growling sounds from motors 马达的轰鸣英汉大词典〔gunk〕the gook and gunk that drains out with motor oil 与马达机油一起流出来的黏稠的东西英汉大词典〔idle〕idle down the motor 让马达空转英汉大词典〔inboard〕an inboard engine/motor 舱内发动机/马达韦氏高阶〔inboard〕an inboard motor 舱内马达牛津高阶〔jazz〕jazz a motor 使马达加速运转英汉大词典〔kill〕kill the motor to conserve fuel 关掉马达以节省汽油英汉大词典〔kill〕killed the motor. 关掉马达美国传统〔motorized〕a motorized vehicle 装有马达的车辆文馨英汉〔motor〕an electric motor 电动马达朗文当代〔outboard〕an outboard motor 船外马达,船尾的外装马达文馨英汉〔propel〕a boat propelled by a small motor 由小马达驱动的小船朗文当代〔sequel〕a sequel to the hit movie ‘Madagascar’ 热门影片《马达加斯加》的续集牛津高阶〔temperamental〕a temperamental motor. 一台性能不稳定的马达美国传统a hybrid vehicle (= for example, one that has both a petrol engine and an electric motor) 混合动力汽车(例如,既有一个汽油发动机,又有一个电动马达)牛津商务




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