

单词 马路
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔across〕go across the road 越过马路文馨英汉〔against〕cross a street against the traffic lights 置交通信号灯于不顾穿越马路英汉大词典〔along〕enormous traffic jams all along the roads. 马路上严重的交通阻塞柯林斯高阶〔backward〕a backward part of the country, with no paved roads and no electricity 该国的一个落后地区,没有铺设马路也没有电力牛津高阶〔break〕wait for a break in the traffic to cross the street 等待车流间歇时过马路 英汉大词典〔broken〕a single broken white line across the road 横穿马路的一条断断续续的白线牛津高阶〔cross〕a cross street 横马路(或交叉路)英汉大词典〔dangerous〕a dangerous road一条危险的马路外研社新世纪〔fork〕a fork in the road 马路的一条岔道牛津搭配〔hassle〕street gangs hassling passersby. 马路上聚集着混乱的过路人美国传统〔hum〕the hum of a city street 城市马路的喧闹声英汉大词典〔hustle〕hustle across a street 急急穿过马路英汉大词典〔icy〕icy roads 结冰的马路剑桥高阶〔just〕just down the road. 就在马路那头美国传统〔kirk〕the eighteenth-century kirk across the road. 马路对面18世纪的教堂柯林斯高阶〔link〕the Rama Road, which links the capital, Managua, with the Caribbean coast. 连接首都马那瓜和加勒比海岸的拉马路柯林斯高阶〔major〕a major road 一条大马路牛津高阶〔noise〕city (street) noises 城市里(马路上)的喧闹声英汉大词典〔other〕the other side of the street 马路的另一边英汉大词典〔paint〕a machine for painting white lines down roads. 用漆在马路上划白线的机器柯林斯高阶〔pop〕pop across the road 匆匆穿过马路英汉大词典〔recycling〕kerbside / curbside recycling bins 马路边的废品回收箱牛津搭配〔right-hand〕a church on the right-hand side of the road马路右边的一座教堂外研社新世纪〔round〕rounded a bend in the road. 绕过马路的拐角美国传统〔seal〕seal a blacktop driveway. 在马路铺沥青美国传统〔sparge〕to sparge water on the street往大马路上喷洒清水21世纪英汉〔splutter〕to splutter the road with water给马路洒水21世纪英汉〔step〕step across the road 穿过马路英汉大词典〔straight〕a straight road 一条笔直的马路麦克米伦高阶〔street〕cross a street 穿马路英汉大词典〔strew〕to strew salt on the street covered with snow往积雪覆盖的马路上撒盐21世纪英汉〔strike〕strike the track 走到马路来文馨英汉〔stripe〕workers striping the road 给马路画线的工人麦克米伦高阶〔sweeper〕a road sweeper (= a person whose job is cleaning the roads) 清道夫,马路清洁工剑桥高阶〔sweeper〕a road sweeper 马路清洁工; 马路清扫机朗文当代〔sweeper〕a road sweeper 马路清洁工牛津高阶〔turd〕dog turds on the pavement 马路上的狗屎剑桥高阶〔watcher〕the silent watchers on the pavement during the siege围攻期间马路上那些沉默的旁观者外研社新世纪〔without〕city slums without light, roads or water没有电灯、马路和供水的城市贫民区外研社新世纪〔wrong〕driving on the wrong side of the road 在马路上开车逆行朗文当代




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