

单词 龃龉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔contretemps〕Have you got over your little contretemps with the neighbour yet, or are you still not speaking? 你和邻居消除龃龉了呢,还是仍然不说话?剑桥高阶〔contretemps〕The senator dismissed his disagreement with the President as a minor contretemps.那位参议员没把与总统的分歧当回事儿,认为这只是个小小的龃龉。韦氏高阶〔difficulty〕She had some difficulty with her husband when she came home with the jewels she had bought.她买了珠宝首饰回家,因此与丈夫起了龃龉。英汉大词典〔friction〕There's a lot of friction between my wife and my mother.我妻子和我母亲之间有很多龃龉。剑桥高阶The European Union has certainly helped to reduce the historic antagonisms between the countries of western Europe.欧洲联盟无疑帮助西欧各国缓解了它们之间长久以来的龃龉。剑桥国际We have never been at variance with our neighbors. 我们从未和邻居发生过龃龉。译典通




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