

单词 鱼饵
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔baitfish〕A small fish, such as a minnow, used for fishing bait.钓饵鱼:一种小的用作鱼饵的鱼,如鲤科小鱼美国传统〔bite〕If I don't get a bite in a few minutes I lift the rod and twitch the bait.如果几分钟没有鱼上钩, 我就提起钓竿晃动一下鱼饵。外研社新世纪〔bite〕If I don't get a bite in a few minutes I lift the rod and twitch the bait.如果几分钟没有鱼上钩,我就提起钓竿晃动一下鱼饵。柯林斯高阶〔bob〕To fish with a bob.用鱼饵钓鱼美国传统〔chum〕Bait usually consisting of oily fish ground up and scattered on the water.鱼饵,诱饵:鱼饵,通常由沾油的鱼类构成,在水底和散在水面上美国传统〔chum〕To fish with such bait.用鱼饵钓鱼美国传统〔chum〕To lure (fish) with such bait.用鱼饵诱(鱼)美国传统〔dap〕To fish by letting a baited hook fall gently onto the water.垂钓:将鱼饵轻轻点水面上钓鱼美国传统〔dew-worm〕An earthworm found on or near the surface of the ground and used as fishing bait.(适于作鱼饵用的)蚯蚓:在地表面或地表附近发现的,并被用作鱼饵的蚯蚓美国传统〔doctor〕Any of several brightly colored artificial flies used in fly fishing.假饵:用作鱼饵的人造蝇,色彩鲜明美国传统〔fly book〕A case, usually in the form of a book, in which artificial flies for fishing are carried.鱼饵盒:内装钓鱼用人造苍蝇的盒子,通常形状象一本书美国传统〔fly〕A fishing lure simulating a fly, made by attaching materials such as feathers, tinsel, and colored thread to a fishhook.假蝇饵:一种把羽毛、金银丝和彩线粘在鱼钓上制成的伪装成苍蝇的鱼饵美国传统〔lure〕He caught a 6lb rainbow trout using a white lure.他用一个白色的人工鱼饵钓到了一条6磅重的虹鳟鱼。外研社新世纪〔nibble〕A big fish is nibbling at the bait.一条大鱼正在轻咬鱼饵。英汉大词典〔nibble〕There's a fish nibbling at my bait.有条鱼正在咬我的鱼饵。朗文当代〔plop〕The fisherman plopped the bait into the river.钓鱼的人噗地一声把鱼饵扔进河里。21世纪英汉〔plug〕Sports A lure to which hooks are attached, used especially in angling.【体育运动】 鱼饵:系于鱼钩的诱饵,尤用于垂钓美国传统〔skitter〕To fish by drawing a lure or baited hook over the surface of the water with a skipping movement.抽动鱼竿:通过突然的移动从水的表面收回鱼饵或带鱼饵的钩来钓鱼美国传统〔spinning〕The act of fishing with a light rod, lure, and line and a reel with a stationary spool.钓鱼:用轻质鱼杆、鱼饵、线及装有固定线轴的绕线轮钓鱼的行动美国传统〔waterdogging〕The collecting of salamanders out of drinking troughs to use for fishing bait.从饮水槽中擒集蝾螈用作鱼饵美国传统〔worm〕We always used worms as bait for fishing.我们过去总用蠕虫做鱼饵。韦氏高阶I could feel fish nibbling at the bait. 我能感觉到有鱼在轻咬鱼饵。译典通The fish nibbled at the bait on the hook.鱼啃鱼钩上的鱼饵。剑桥国际There must be some fish nibbling at the bait. 肯定有什么鱼在咬鱼饵了。译典通They were digging up worms to use for bait.他们正在挖蚯蚓作鱼饵。剑桥国际




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