

单词 鱼类的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WATER〕Dinosaurs were probably the first ancestors of amphibious reptiles and fish. 恐龙很可能是两栖爬行动物和鱼类的始祖。朗文写作活用〔bottom fishing〕The activity of fishing for bottom feeders.垂钓水底鱼类的活动美国传统〔compressed〕Biology Flattened, especially laterally or lengthwise, as certain leafstalks or the bodies of many fishes.【生物学】 扁平:扁平的,尤指宽平的或扁长的,如某些植物的叶柄或者一些鱼类的身体美国传统〔finny〕Of, relating to, or full of fish.鱼类的与鱼有关的或多鱼的美国传统〔flock〕These nouns denote a number of animals, birds, or fish considered collectively,and some have human connotations.这些名词用来指一些牲畜、鸟或鱼类的集合,有些也可指人。美国传统〔frostfish〕Any of several North American fishes, especially the tamcod, that appear during the fall frost season.大西洋小鳕:北美鱼类的一种,尤指在秋霜季节出现的鳕鱼美国传统〔gudgeon〕Any of various similar or related fishes.与此鱼近似或近缘的鱼类的一种美国传统〔isinglass〕A transparent, almost pure gelatin prepared from the air bladder of the sturgeon and certain other fishes and used as an adhesive and a clarifying agent.鱼胶;牛皮胶:一种从鲟鱼或其它鱼类的鳔中提取的透明,几乎纯净的明胶,用作粘合剂或净化剂美国传统〔needlefish〕Any of several marine fishes of the family Belonidae, having slender bodies, needlelike teeth, and narrow jaws.颌针鱼:一种颌针鱼类的海洋鱼,有细长的身躯,似针的牙齿和狭窄的鄂美国传统〔nuke〕The nuke was directly responsible for the death of the fish in the river.那座核发电站对河里鱼类的死亡负有直接责任。英汉大词典〔operculum〕A lid or flap covering an aperture, such as the gill cover in some fishes or the horny shell cover in snails or other mollusks.鳃盖:覆盖在一孔或缝隙上的盖,如一些鱼类的鳃或覆盖在蛇或其它软体动物身上的角质壳美国传统〔percoid〕Of or relating to the Percoidea, a large suborder of spiny-finned fishes that includes the perches, sunfishes, groupers, and grunts.鲈形亚目:属于或关于鲈鱼目的,包括河鲈、翻车鱼、石斑鱼和石鲈的针鳍鱼类的大亚目美国传统〔piscine〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a fish or fishes.鱼的,鱼类的,似鱼的:鱼或鱼类的,与其相关的或以其为特征的美国传统〔piscivorous〕Habitually feeding on fish; fish-eating.食鱼类的,食鱼的:习惯上以鱼类为食的;食鱼的美国传统〔pound〕An enclosure in which animals or fish are trapped or kept.围地鱼塘:捕捉或蓄养动物或鱼类的围栏美国传统〔sea eagle〕Any of various fish-eating eagles or similar birds, such as the bald eagle or the osprey.海鹰:任一种食鱼类的或类似的鸟,如白头鹰或鹗美国传统〔threadfin〕Any of various chiefly tropical marine fishes of the family Polynemidae, having threadlike rays extending from the lower part of the pectoral fin.马鲅科鱼:有从胸鳍的下部垂下的丝状飘带的马鲅科热带海洋鱼类的任一种美国传统〔threaten〕Overfishing threatens the survival of certain fish species.过度捕捞对某些鱼类的生存构成了威胁。韦氏高阶〔trout〕Any of various similar but unrelated fishes, such as the troutperch.鲑属鱼类的鱼:各种类似但无亲缘关系的鱼类,如鲑鲈美国传统〔world〕The sea is the fishes' world.海洋是鱼类的世界。英汉大词典




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