

单词 马利
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Madonna〕a picture of the Madonna 圣母马利亚的画像剑桥高阶〔affluent〕the affluent neighborhoods of Malibu. 马利布的富人区柯林斯高阶〔beauteous〕the beauteous Miss Flora Montgomery. 美丽的弗洛拉·蒙哥马利小姐柯林斯高阶〔blessed〕the Blessed Virgin 圣母马利亚朗文当代〔blessed〕the Blessed Virgin Mary 圣母马利亚麦克米伦高阶〔church〕the church of Our Lady and Saint Michael 圣母马利亚和圣米迦勒教堂麦克米伦高阶〔dreadlocked〕the dreadlocked Rastafarian, Bob Marley. 蓄“骇人”长发绺的拉斯塔法里教派成员鲍勃·马利柯林斯高阶〔mannered〕the exquisite, mannered 14th-century picture with Virgin and angels绘有圣母马利亚和天使的精致的、具有14世纪特有风格的画外研社新世纪〔march〕the march from Selma to Montgomery 从塞尔马到蒙哥马利的行程牛津搭配〔mystical〕the mystical rose 象征圣母马利亚的玫瑰英汉大词典〔package〕a package addressed to Miss Claire Montgomery. 寄给克莱尔·蒙哥马利小姐的包裹柯林斯高阶〔parable〕the parable of the Good Samaritan 关于仁慈的撒马利亚人的故事韦氏高阶〔parable〕the parable of the Good Samaritan. “好撒马利亚人”的寓言柯林斯高阶〔queen〕the Queen of grace 圣母马利亚英汉大词典〔reformation〕a famous statue of the Virgin which was destroyed during the Reformation. 在宗教改革运动中被毁的著名的圣母马利亚塑像柯林斯高阶〔soldier〕to soldier under General Montgomery在蒙哥马利将军麾下从军21世纪英汉




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