

单词 音域
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alto〕A singer whose voice lies within this range.中音歌手:声音在这个音域里的歌手美国传统〔alto〕A vocal or instrumental part written for a voice or an instrument within this range.中音乐曲:为这个音域的歌手或乐器创作的声乐或器乐曲部分美国传统〔alto〕An instrument that sounds within this range.中音乐器:声音在这个音域里的乐器美国传统〔alto〕The range between soprano and tenor.中音部:女高音和男高音之间的音域美国传统〔baritone〕A brass wind instrument with a range similar to that of a baritone voice.上低音乐器:指音域类似男中音的铜管乐器美国传统〔baritone〕A male singer or voice with a range higher than a bass and lower than a tenor.男中音:高于低音音域且低于高音音域的男音或男歌手美国传统〔baritone〕A part written for a voice with such a range.上低音部:为在这个音域内的声音谱写的部分美国传统〔basset horn〕A tenor clarinet, pitched in F, having a wider bell and greater range than a standard clarinet.巴塞管,次中音单簧管:F调的次中音单簧管,管口较大,音域比普通单簧管宽美国传统〔bass〕A singer who has such a voice.低音歌手:具有这种音域的歌手美国传统〔bass〕An instrument, especially a double bass, that produces tones in a low register.低音乐器:特别是低音提琴,产生出音域低的音调美国传统〔bass〕The tones in the lowest register of an instrument.乐器中最低音域部分的音调美国传统〔church mode〕Any of eight scales of medieval music, each distinguished by its ending note, its arrangement of pitches in intervals, and its range.教会调式:属于中古音乐的八个音阶的任何一个,各音阶在尾音音符、音调间隔的安排及其音域上均有差异美国传统〔compass〕It's a musical instrument made of brass, somewhat like a cornet and with a similar compass.这是一件黄铜乐器,跟短号有些类似,音域也与之相近。剑桥高阶〔compensate〕His voice doesn't have much range but he compensates with clever lyrics.他嗓音的音域不是很宽,但他用巧妙的歌词作了弥补。牛津搭配〔contrabass〕Pitched an octave below the normal bass range.倍低音的:比正常的低音乐器或嗓音在音域上低一个八度的美国传统〔contralto〕The lowest female voice or voice part, intermediate in range between soprano and tenor.女低音:最低的女声或女声部,在音域上处于女高音和男高音之间美国传统〔diapason〕Either of the two principal stops on a pipe organ that form the tonal basis for the entire scale of the instrument.主音枪:风琴上包括乐器全音域的两个主音栓之一美国传统〔diapason〕The entire range of an instrument or voice.音域:乐器或声音的整个音域美国传统〔distinguish〕It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that distinguishes him from other tenors.他与其他男高音大不相同,并非因为他那华美的声音,而是他宽广的音域。剑桥高阶〔flatly〕Her vocal range was, to say the least of it, limited, and she had a distressing tendency to sing flat.至少可以说,她的音域不够宽,而且令人不舒服的是,她总是音高偏低。柯林斯高阶〔ground bass〕A short musical passage that is continually repeated in the bass under the changing harmonies and melodies of the upper range.基础低音:一个音乐短段,在高音域变换的和声和变化的音调下由低音乐器连续重复美国传统〔head register〕One of the higher ranges of the voice in singing or speaking, including the falsetto.上音域:包括假声等唱歌或说话声的较高音域美国传统〔ledger line〕A short line placed above or below a staff to accommodate notes higher or lower than the range of the staff.加线:加于五线谱上方或下方用于记录高于或低于五线谱音域的一条短线美国传统〔lyric〕Having a singing voice of light volume and modest range.歌喉柔美的:具有轻柔歌音和适中音域的嗓音的美国传统〔mezzo-soprano〕A vocal part calling for a voice having such a range.次高音部:要求用处于这一音域的嗓音演唱的声部美国传统〔mezzo-soprano〕A voice having a range between soprano and contralto.次高音;女中音:音域在高音与低音中间的嗓音美国传统〔oboe〕A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece, having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound.双簧管:带有一个圆锥形孔和双簧管吹口的细小的木管乐器,具有三个八度音域和穿透力强而尖利的声音美国传统〔octave〕Her remarkable vocal range spanned three and a half octaves.她的音域达三个半八度,宽得惊人。剑桥高阶〔octave〕Orbison's vocal range spanned three octaves.奥毕森的音域跨越三个八度。牛津高阶〔plagal〕Of or being a medieval mode having a range from the fourth below to the fifth above its final tone.变格的:属于或作为中世纪音乐的一种形式的,具有第四调低于到第五调高于其最后音调的音域美国传统〔range〕His vocal range is amazing.他的音域令人惊叹。朗文当代〔range〕Music The gamut of tones that a voice or an instrument is capable of producing.【音乐】 音域:噪音或乐器所能达到音阶的全部美国传统〔range〕She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range.她歌喉甜美,音域奇广。英汉大词典〔range〕The singer's range has gotten broader over the years.这些年来,这位歌手的音域越来越广。韦氏高阶〔range〕The song is out of my vocal range.这首歌超出了我的音域,我唱不了。韦氏高阶〔register〕A part of such a range.部分音域:这样的声域的一部分美国传统〔register〕The range of an instrument or a voice.音域:乐器或嗓音的声域美国传统〔saxhorn〕Any of a family of valved brass wind instruments that resemble the bugle and have a full, even tone and wide compass.萨克斯风:一种似喇叭的带栓塞的铜管乐器,声调丰富而平稳,音域宽广美国传统〔second〕Singing or playing a part having a lower range.第二度音程的:演唱或演奏低音域部分的美国传统〔soprano〕An instrument with this range.高音乐器:拥有这种音域的乐器美国传统〔soprano〕The tonal range characteristic of a soprano.女高音声部,童声高音声部:适于这种声音音域的声部美国传统〔sousaphone〕A large brass wind instrument, similar in range to the tuba, having a flaring bell and a shape adapted to being carried in marching bands.苏萨号:一种大型铜管乐器,音域与大号相类似,有喇叭状口以及便于军乐队携带的形状美国传统〔tessitura〕The prevailing range of a vocal or instrumental part, within which most of the tones lie.应用音域:人声或乐器绝大部分音调所在的主要音域美国传统〔treble〕Music Relating to or having the highest part, voice, or range.【音乐】 高音:与最高部、最高音、最高音域有关的或有最高部、高音或音域美国传统〔treble〕The highest part, voice, instrument, or range.高音部:最高声部、最高声部乐器或最高音域美国传统〔viola da braccio〕A stringed instrument of the viol family with approximately the range of the viola.古中提琴:古提琴系的一种弦乐器,其音域大致与中提琴相当美国传统〔vocal〕The six principal roles in this opera have an average vocal range of two octaves.这出歌剧里6个主要角色的平均音域覆盖两个八度。剑桥高阶It's a musical instrument made of brass, somewhat like a cornet and with a similar compass.这是一件用黄铜做成的乐器,跟短号有些类似,音域也与之相近。剑桥国际It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that distinguishes him from other tenors.不是他音色美丽,而是他音域宽广,使他有别于其他的男高音。剑桥国际She's got an amazing vocal range of three and a half octaves.她的音域跨度达三个半八音度,宽得令人吃惊。剑桥国际The high notes are rather out of my range (= the total amount of difference between the highest and lowest notes that I can sing or play).高音超出了我的音域。剑桥国际The six principal roles in this opera have an average vocal range of two octaves.这个歌剧里面六个主要角色具有的平均音域为两个八度。剑桥国际




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