

单词 音乐风格
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕The two new members added nothing to the band's sound. 那两位新来的成员并没有给乐队的音乐风格注入新的特色。朗文写作活用〔Adderley〕American jazz saxophonist who was noted for skillful improvisation and who promoted the musical styles known as soul jazz and bop.阿德利,朱利安:美国爵士乐萨克斯管演奏家,以其技巧娴熟的即兴创作闻名,发扬人们熟知的灵魂爵士乐及波普的音乐风格美国传统〔COPY〕This relatively new style of music is derivative of ragtime and blues. 这种相对新兴的音乐风格是拉格泰姆和布鲁斯的衍生物。朗文写作活用〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕Certain styles of music will never date, and will always be popular. 有些音乐风格永远不会过时,总是广受欢迎。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Taylor's latest CD presents the listener with an intriguing mixture of musical styles. 泰勒最新的唱片使听众领略到了迷人的音乐风格大杂烩。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕O'Connor uses a wide variety of musical styles in his performances. 奥康纳演奏时采纳了各种各样的音乐风格。朗文写作活用〔Martinù〕Czech composer and violinist. His modern symphonies combine Czech folk music with the formal principles of ragtime, jazz, and Baroque music styles.马替奴,博胡斯拉夫:捷克作曲家与小提琴家。其现代交响曲将捷克民间音乐与拉格泰姆音乐、爵士乐和巴洛克音乐风格的正规原则结合在一起美国传统〔authentic〕Of, relating to, or being a medieval mode having a range from its final tone to the octave above it.中世纪音乐风格的:具有从末音到位于其上的八音度之间范围的中世纪风格的,或与之有关、有联系的美国传统〔bhangra〕A popular style of music combining traditional bhangra drumming with modern Western instruments and rhythms.旁遮普音乐风:融合旁遮普鼓乐和现代西方乐器、节奏的流行音乐风格美国传统〔blues〕Music A style of music evolved from southern Black American secular songs and usually distinguished by slow tempo and flatted thirds and sevenths.【音乐】 蓝调音乐,布鲁斯:一种源于美国南部黑人通俗歌曲的音乐风格,通常表现为音速低缓,演奏第三和第七音节的降音调美国传统〔collage〕The album is a collage of several musical styles.这张专辑是几种音乐风格的汇集。韦氏高阶〔countrified〕The sound veers between jazz and countrified blues.音乐风格在爵士和乡村布鲁斯之间来回切换。外研社新世纪〔crossover〕The adaptation of a musical style, as by blending elements of two or more styles or categories, in order to appeal to a wider audience.混合音乐:为了吸引更多的听众对音乐风格所作的调整,如把两种或两种以上的风格交融在一起美国传统〔delight〕She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world.她创造出了一种能令全世界的听众都感到快乐的音乐风格。柯林斯高阶〔disco〕They play a mixture of seventies disco and garage music.他们演奏了一首混合70年代迪斯科和车库音乐风格的曲子。外研社新世纪〔folk music〕Contemporary music in the style of traditional folk music.当代音乐:带有传统民间音乐风格的当代音乐美国传统〔folkie〕Of, relating to, or in the style of folk music.民族音乐的:属于或关于民族音乐的,或有民间音乐风格的美国传统〔folksong〕A song composed in the style of traditional folk music.传统音乐风格歌曲:由传统音乐的风格组成的歌曲美国传统〔groove〕Latin and African grooves拉丁和非洲音乐风格外研社新世纪〔harmolodic〕Relating to a style of modern improvisational music in which different, contrasting instruments are played in different keys or tempos.现代即兴创作音乐:有关一种不同或音质相反的乐器用不同的键或速度演奏的现代即兴创作的音乐风格的美国传统〔house music〕A style of disco music with a heavy bass beat, initially popularized in underground all-night parties held in abandoned warehouses.仓库音乐:有着重贝斯低音的迪斯科音乐风格,原来为在废弃仓库所举办的地下彻夜舞会中广受欢迎美国传统〔imaginable〕He seems to have been influenced by every imaginable musical style.他似乎受到各种能想到的音乐风格的影响。朗文当代〔mix〕Their musical style mixes elements of Eastern culture and Western pop.他们的音乐风格融合了东方文化和西方流行音乐中的元素。朗文当代〔mould〕Their latest album includes several songs in the classic folk mould.他们最新的专辑收录了几首古典民间音乐风格的歌曲。麦克米伦高阶〔soca〕A style of music, originating in the West Indies, that is a blend of soul and calypso.索加音乐:一种音乐风格,起源于西印度群岛,是灵歌和即兴讽刺歌的混合体美国传统〔sound〕He's got a unique sound.他有自己独特的音乐风格。外研社新世纪〔sound〕I like their sound.我喜欢他们的音乐风格。牛津高阶〔sound〕Music A distinctive style, as of an orchestra or a singer.【音乐】 (如交响乐队或歌手的)独特音乐风格美国传统〔sound〕The Beatles were just part of the Liverpool sound.披头士乐队正是利物浦音乐风格的一个构成部分。英汉大词典〔sound〕The Moog synthesizer created a whole new sound.穆格电子音响合成器创造出一种全新的音乐风格。牛津搭配〔sound〕The band's sound is a distinctive mixture of funk and rap.这支乐队结合了乡土爵士乐和说唱乐的音乐风格,很有特色。剑桥高阶〔sound〕They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound.他们的音乐风格中开始有了明显的灵乐元素。外研社新世纪〔sound〕We're trying to develop a harder, funkier sound.我们正尝试形成一种更硬朗、节奏更强劲的音乐风格。朗文当代〔straight〕The band's sound is straight out of the 60s.这个乐队的音乐风格和60年代乐队的风格相似。麦克米伦高阶〔throwback〕The band's music is a throwback to the 1980s.这支乐队的音乐风格回归到20世纪80年代。韦氏高阶〔unformed〕Her musical style is as yet too unformed to hold the attention for long.她的音乐风格尚不成熟, 无法长时间抓住听众的注意力。外研社新世纪His work is a fusion of several different styles of music. 他的作品是几种不同音乐风格的融合。译典通Mozart had the ability to transform the popular musical styles of his day into something sublime.莫扎特能将当时流行的音乐风格转化成高雅艺术。剑桥国际The band's sound is a distinctive mixture of funk and rap.这个乐队的音乐风格是爵士乐和说唱乐的独特结合。剑桥国际




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