

单词 雾中
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔appear〕a peak that loomed through the mist; 薄雾中隐现的山峰;美国传统〔a〕a pale sun shining through fog 雾中惨淡的太阳英汉大词典〔barely〕could barely see the road in the fog. 在雾中几乎不能看清路美国传统〔blind〕flew blind through the fog. 在雾中盲目地飞行美国传统〔clearing〕a clearing in the fog. 雾中的一块空地美国传统〔disappear〕a skyscraper disappearing in the fog; 消失于雾中的摩天大厦;美国传统〔discriminable〕discriminable faults; a skyline that was discriminable even through smog. 可鉴别的错误;甚至在烟雾中也可分辨出的地平线美国传统〔emerge〕a ship emerging from fog从雾中露出的一艘船21世纪英汉〔envelop〕mountain peaks enveloped in mist 笼罩在薄雾中的群峰朗文当代〔formless〕formless horrors that await you in the fog 在雾中等待你的无形的恐惧朗文当代〔indistinct〕indistinct figures in the fog 雾中的模糊人影英汉大词典〔indistinguishable〕indistinguishable forms seen in the mist 在迷雾中见到的模糊人影英汉大词典〔invisible〕mountain peaks invisible in the fog. 隐藏在雾中的山峰美国传统〔mix〕snow-covered mountains blending into the clouds. 白雪覆盖的山峦融入云雾中。美国传统〔ram〕a police video ramming home the dangers of driving fast in fog 一再强调在雾中开快车危险的警方录像带朗文当代〔shroud〕covered in a shroud of secrecy/fog 笼罩在神秘气氛/浓雾中韦氏高阶〔vesture〕hills in a vesture of mist. 笼罩在雾中的山峦美国传统




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