

单词 钻过
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔burrow through〕Tom burrowed a path through the crowd.汤姆从人群中钻过去。21世纪英汉〔burrow〕They burrowed their way through the crowd.他们从人群中钻过去(或拱出一条通道来)。21世纪英汉〔fit〕I couldn't fit my head through the gap.我的头无法钻过这个缺口。麦克米伦高阶〔hole〕Armed robbers broke into the jeweller's through a hole in the wall.持枪劫匪钻过墙洞闯进了珠宝店。柯林斯高阶〔hole〕Armed robbers broke into the jeweller's through a hole in the wall.持枪劫匪钻过墙洞闯进珠宝店里。外研社新世纪〔obstacle race〕A race in which the participants are required to go through, under, or over a number of obstacles.障碍赛跑:参赛成员被要求通过、钻过或越过多种障碍物的比赛美国传统〔under〕Go over the fence, not under.从栅栏上面爬过去,别从下面钻过去。英汉大词典〔worm〕He wormed his way under the fence.他吃力地从栅栏下钻过。朗文当代Because he was so small he could worm (his way) through the crowd.因为他非常瘦小,所以能够钻过人群。剑桥国际He scraped through the narrow opening. 他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。译典通He wormed his small body through the hedge. 他蠕动他那瘦小的身体钻过了树篱。译典通The dog skinned through the small hole in the wall. 那条狗勉强钻过小小的墙洞。译典通




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