

单词 闹哄
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRITICIZE〕Kay was the target of a noisy demonstration in which 54 people were arrested. 针对凯的闹哄哄的示威游行中,有54人遭逮捕。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕There's a lot of activity downstairs - do you know what's going on? 楼下闹哄哄的一—你知道是什么事吗?朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕The place was full of noise and drunken shouting. 这个地方闹哄哄的,醉汉们在大声叫嚷。朗文写作活用〔ENERGETIC〕A large, boisterous crowd poured into the bar, singing and shouting noisily. 一大群闹哄哄的人拥进酒吧,大声地唱着叫着。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕The show was about to begin and behind the stage there were scenes of feverish activity. 演出就要开始了,舞台后面一片闹哄哄的景象。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕He sat and finished his drink, ignoring the raucous voices from the other end of the bar. 他坐着喝完自己的酒,并不理会酒吧那一头闹哄哄的声音。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕The children streamed out of the classrooms and rushed rowdily down the corridor. 孩子们涌出教室,闹哄哄地在走廊上狂奔。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕The hall resounded with the din of thirty children scraping violins, banging drums and singing loudly. 礼堂里闹哄哄的,三十个孩子有的在咝咝啦啦地拉着小提琴,有的在嘭嘭地打着鼓,有的在放声高歌。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕The meeting was a somewhat rowdy affair. 这次会议开得有点闹哄哄的。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕We made our way through the noise and confusion of the marketplace to our hotel. 我们穿过闹哄哄的市场来到下榻的旅馆。朗文写作活用〔activity〕The room was buzzing with activity.房间里闹哄哄的。牛津搭配〔arena〕Noise filled the arena.运动场内闹哄哄的。外研社新世纪〔attach yourself to sb/sth〕Being on his own, he attached himself to a noisy group at the bar.因为就一个人,他跟酒吧里一群闹哄哄的人搭上了话。剑桥高阶〔be like feeding time at the zoo〕Dinner at our house is like feeding time at the zoo! 我们家吃晚饭时就像动物园里喂食时一样到处闹哄哄的。剑桥高阶〔bedlam〕It was bedlam at our house on the morning of the wedding.婚礼的那天早上,我们家闹哄哄的。牛津高阶〔buzz〕My head was still buzzing after the day's events.一天的活动结束后,我头脑中还是闹哄哄的。牛津高阶〔buzz〕The hall buzzed with excitement as the audience waited for the show to start.观众们在等待演出开始期间,大厅里闹哄哄的。韦氏高阶〔buzz〕The place was buzzing with journalists.那个地方被记者搞得闹哄哄的。牛津高阶〔buzz〕There was a buzz of voices in the hall as the audience waited for the show to start.观众们在等待演出开始期间,大厅里闹哄哄的。韦氏高阶〔can〕He can't have slept through all that noise.他不可能在那种闹哄哄的环境里睡好觉。牛津高阶〔charge〕The boys charged noisily into the water.男孩们闹哄哄地冲进水里。朗文当代〔circus〕The first day of school is always such a circus.开学第一天总是这样闹哄哄的。朗文当代〔conventioneer〕Seminar groups and conventioneers spill noisily out of meeting rooms.研讨会小组和与会人员从会议室里闹哄哄地涌出来。外研社新世纪〔fuss〕There was a lot of fuss on moving day.搬家那天闹哄哄的美国传统〔gaggle〕There was the usual gaggle of journalists waiting for the star.像往常一样,一群记者闹哄哄地等着明星露面。剑桥高阶〔hiss〕He was booed and hissed during a stormy meeting.他在闹哄哄的会议中被人喝倒彩、发嘘声。朗文当代〔multitude〕Clamoring multitudes demanded a view of the Pope.闹哄哄的人群要求见教皇一面。朗文当代〔preferable〕Being taught in a small group is far preferable to being in a large, noisy classroom.小班上课比在闹哄哄的大教室里上课要强得多。朗文当代〔row〕What's that terrible row?那儿闹哄哄的是在做什么?外研社新世纪〔teenager〕Residents have been disturbed by large groups of rowdy teenagers.居民被一群群闹哄哄的青少年搅扰得不得安宁。牛津搭配〔thereupon〕Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.几个月前,愤怒的示威者在他的窗下发起了闹哄哄的抗议活动,随后他的邻居们坚决要求加强安全防范。柯林斯高阶〔three-ring circus〕I don't know how you can work in that office – it's like a three-ring circus.我不知道你怎么能够在那样的办公室里工作 — 那里就像一个闹哄哄的大马戏团。朗文当代〔uproarious〕The play came to its uproarious conclusion.这出戏收场时闹哄哄地非常有趣。英汉大词典〔want〕Who wants to go to a noisy disco anyway? 算了吧,谁想去闹哄哄的迪斯科舞厅!朗文当代Being on his own, he attached himself to a noisy group at the bar.由于他只是一个人,他就和酒吧里一群闹哄哄的人坐在一起。剑桥国际I had to raise my voice (= speak more loudly) in order to make myself heard over the noise in the classroom.教室里闹哄哄的,我不得不提高嗓音让学生听见我的讲话。剑桥国际




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