

单词 闹事
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bolshie〕Hadley was the bolshie anti-everything fellow.哈得利是个喜爱吵闹事事都要反对的家伙。英汉大词典〔CROWD〕A mob of fans caused millions of pounds worth of damage in the area surrounding the stadium. 一帮闹事的球迷在体育馆周围的区域造成了数百万英镑的损失。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕English soccer fans are notorious for their drunkenness. 英格兰足球迷以醉酒闹事而声名狼藉。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕He said that the rioters had been killed accidentally, the reverse of what had actually happened. 他说闹事者被杀是意外,但事实正好相反。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The violence was started by a small group of troublemakers. 这起暴力事件是由一小撮闹事者引起的。朗文写作活用〔PROTEST〕Gangs of youths rioted for two nights on the streets of the capital. 有两个晚上,年轻人团伙在首都街头闹事。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Over 200 British football fans were sent home after the violence in Rimini. 两百多名英国球迷在里米尼闹事后被遣送回国。朗文写作活用〔START〕The Football Association are to open an inquiry into recent crowd trouble. 足球协会将对最近观众闹事一事展开调查。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The new measures are intended to stop troublemakers from travelling abroad to football matches. 这些新的措施旨在阻止喜欢闹事的人出国观看足球比赛。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Football clubs have been told that they must get tough with violent fans. 足球俱乐部被告知对闹事的球迷必须采取强硬手段。朗文写作活用〔aggro〕There was some aggro between rival fans at the station.足球比赛对阵双方的球迷在车站寻衅闹事。剑桥高阶〔bad news〕A troublemaker within a group is always bad news.组织中的闹事者总是不受欢迎的人美国传统〔baton -charge〕The police officer baton-charged the mob.那位警官手持警棍向聚众闹事者发动攻击。21世纪英汉〔baton〕The riot police batoned the mob.防暴警察用警棍打聚众闹事者。21世纪英汉〔be〕Troublemakers are encouraged to leave.闹事者被力劝赶快离开。剑桥高阶〔bind over〕Demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.示威者被要求具结保证不闹事。外研社新世纪〔bind over〕On many occasions demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.很多情况下,示威者都要具保不闹事。柯林斯高阶〔bind〕She was bound over to keep the peace for a year.她被责令具保一年内不再闹事。牛津高阶〔bind〕The demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.游行示威者被责令具结保证不再闹事。朗文当代〔bind〕The judge may bind over those who are notoriously troublesome.法官有权命那些出名的捣乱分子具结保证不再闹事。英汉大词典〔bind〕They were bound over to keep the peace.他们被责令具结保证不再闹事。麦克米伦高阶〔blackguard〕He used to blackguard about the streets.他过去经常在街上闹事。英汉大词典〔brawl〕Fans brawled outside the stadium.球迷们在体育馆外面闹事。朗文当代〔break〕The police were called in to break up the rioters.警察被叫来制止聚众闹事者。麦克米伦高阶〔charge〕The police charged the rioters with batons raised.警察举起警棍驱赶闹事暴徒。英汉大词典〔clamp down on〕The authorities have got to clamp down on these trouble-makers.当局必须制止这些闹事者。外研社新世纪〔demand〕The police demanded that the rioters disperse immediately.警察勒令闹事者立即散开。英汉大词典〔disorderly〕Bell denied being drunk and disorderly .贝尔否认醉酒闹事。朗文当代〔disorderly〕He was fined £50 for being drunk and disorderly.酗酒闹事的麦克米伦高阶〔drunkenly〕He was arrested for drunkenness on his way to the football ground.他在去足球场的路上因醉酒闹事而被捕。柯林斯高阶〔drunken〕A drunken brawl broke out at the bar.那个酒吧发生了酒后闹事。韦氏高阶〔drunken〕Tom got into a drunken brawl (=fight) in a bar.汤姆在酒吧里酒后闹事了。朗文当代〔eject〕A number of fans had been ejected from the bar for causing trouble.一些足球迷因为闹事被赶出酒吧。剑桥高阶〔exhort〕The governor exhorted the prisoners not to riot.典狱长告诫犯人们不要闹事。剑桥高阶〔fan〕Football fans began rioting in the streets.足球迷们开始在大街上闹事。朗文当代〔ferment〕He fermented prejudiced crowds to riot.他煽动有偏见的群众起来闹事。21世纪英汉〔force〕The rioters were taken away by force.聚众闹事者被强行带走。牛津高阶〔head〕He was accused of heading the revolt.他被指控带头闹事。韦氏高阶〔home ground〕They are banned from playing on their home ground because of crowd trouble.他们因观众闹事而被禁止在主场比赛。柯林斯高阶〔hurl〕Gangs rioted last night, breaking storefront windows and hurling rocks and bottles.昨晚有帮派闹事, 砸碎了店面玻璃, 还乱扔石块和酒瓶。外研社新世纪〔incite〕He incited the students to riot.他煽动学生闹事。韦氏高阶〔incite〕They denied inciting the crowd to violence.他们否认煽动群众闹事。剑桥高阶〔isolate〕The police isolated the trouble-makers.警方把闹事的人分隔开来。牛津同义词〔kick off〕The teams kicked off late because of crowd trouble.由于观众闹事, 球队开球晚了。外研社新世纪〔kickup〕They instigated a kickup about the new rules.他们煽动闹事反对新规章。英汉大词典〔kick〕Customers who kicked up a fuss have received refunds.闹事的顾客已经收到了退款。外研社新世纪〔label〕The newspapers had unjustly labelled him a troublemaker.报界不公正地给他扣上了闹事者的帽子。朗文当代〔make〕Someone was making a disturbance.有人正在闹事。韦氏高阶〔make〕There's a drunk at the door making trouble.有个醉汉在门口闹事。剑桥高阶〔masquerade as sb/sth〕Hooligans masquerading as protesters have once again caused disturbances.假扮成抗议人士的流氓恶棍再次闹事。剑桥高阶〔mix it〕Don't take any notice of Sally - she just likes to mix it.别理萨莉——她就是喜欢闹事。剑桥高阶〔mob〕The angry mob outside the jail was/were ready to riot.监狱外愤怒的暴民准备闹事。剑桥高阶〔obstreperous〕The riot police was there in case they got obstreperous.防暴警察在场以防他们闹事。英汉大词典〔peace〕The demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.示威者被责令具结保证不再闹事。外研社新世纪〔rage〕Cabin crews are reporting up to nine cases of air rage a week.乘务人员一周内报告的飞机上闹事行为多达9起。外研社新世纪〔rage〕Cabin crews are reporting up to nine cases of air rage a week.乘务人员一周内报告的飞机上闹事行为多达9起。柯林斯高阶〔rage〕It is clear that air rage is now on the increase.很明显,在飞机上闹事的现象现在越来越多了。麦克米伦高阶〔rampage〕The prisoners went on the rampage destroying everything in their way.囚犯撒野闹事,砸毁了所有挡路的东西。柯林斯高阶〔rampage〕The rioters went on a rampage and vandalized many shops.叛乱分子聚众闹事,捣毁了许多商店。英汉大词典〔rioter〕Last year 600 inmates rioted, starting fires and building barricades.去年,600名犯人闹事,他们纵火并设置路障。柯林斯高阶〔riot〕Last year 600 inmates rioted, starting fires and building barricades.去年, 600名犯人闹事, 他们纵火并设置路障。外研社新世纪〔riot〕Law A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose.【法律】 聚众闹事(罪):由三人或三人以上的人聚集起来为了某一共同目的而导致的破坏公共和平的暴力扰乱美国传统〔riot〕Local youths ran riot after the attack.攻击事件发生后,当地青年开始闹事。牛津搭配〔riot〕People were running riot in the streets.人们在街道上闹事。韦氏高阶〔riot〕The unsatisfied workers are rioting in the streets.心怀不满的工人们在大街上闹事。21世纪英汉〔riot〕To take part in a riot.闹事:参加暴乱美国传统〔riot〕University students rioted in protest at tuition fees.大学生闹事抗议学费过高。朗文当代〔saboteur〕The saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and offices.闹事者原本计划用炸弹袭击公共汽车和办公楼。外研社新世纪〔saboteur〕The saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and offices.闹事者原本计划用炸弹袭击公共汽车和办公楼。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕Call the police at the first sign of trouble.一有闹事的苗头就叫警察。牛津高阶〔stir〕He was trying to stir up trouble at the factory.他想在工厂里闹事。英汉大词典〔subdue〕The police used tear gas to subdue the rioters.警察用催泪瓦斯制服闹事者。英汉大词典〔trap〕Police had set a trap for hooligans at the match.警方给比赛时的闹事者设了圈套。朗文当代〔trial〕He was brought to trial on charges of sedition.他以煽动闹事罪被送法院审理。英汉大词典〔troublemaker〕One that stirs up trouble or strife.闹事者:挑起麻烦或争端的人美国传统〔troublemaker〕The governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers.地方长官已得到授权, 可禁止罢工并驱逐有闹事嫌疑的人。外研社新世纪〔troublemaker〕The regional governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers.地方长官被赋予禁止罢工、驱逐嫌疑闹事者的权力。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕Fans wandered the town after the match looking for trouble.比赛结束后,球迷在城里转来转去想闹事。牛津搭配〔trouble〕Fans who make trouble during the World Cup will be severely dealt with.在世界杯期间闹事的球迷将受到严惩。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕They used fire hoses to turn the mob.他们用救火水龙来驱赶闹事人群。英汉大词典〔unspoken〕The other unspoken fear here is of an outbreak of hooliganism.这其中另一个未言明的担忧是足球流氓可能突然闹事。外研社新世纪〔unspoken〕The other unspoken fear here is of an outbreak of hooliganism.这其中另一个未言明的担忧是足球流氓可能突然闹事。柯林斯高阶〔vandalism〕The troublemakers embarked on a £30 000 vandalism spree.这帮闹事者开始了疯狂的破坏行为,造成 3 万英镑的损失。牛津搭配〔vandal〕The vandals throw stones at the building.打砸闹事者向大厦内扔石块。牛津搭配〔vent〕The rioters were prevented from venting their anger on the police.闹事者向警察发泄怒气的企图没有得逞。柯林斯高阶〔weaken〕Such policies weaken the resolve of potential troublemakers.这样的政策动摇了潜在闹事者的决心。朗文当代A mob was rioting against the municipal government. 一群暴民闹事反对市政府。译典通A number of football fans had been ejected from the bar for causing trouble.一群足球迷因闹事被逐出了酒吧。剑桥国际After starting a fight, he was bounced from the pub. 在打架闹事后,他被酒廊逐出来。译典通Hooligans masquerading as football fans have once again caused disturbances.流氓假扮球迷再次闹事。剑桥国际Several police officers were injured by the stones, bottles and other missiles that were thrown by the rioters.许多警官被闹事者投掷的石头、瓶子及其它投射物砸伤。剑桥国际Students are rioting in the streets of the capital.学生们正在首都的街道上闹事。剑桥国际The arrests were for possession of drugs, assault and being drunk and disorderly.因藏匿毒品、强奸和酒后闹事而被捕。剑桥国际The caretaker chucked out the troublemakers/chucked them out (of the hall).看守人把闹事者赶了出去/赶出大厅。剑桥国际The police and rioters clashed violently.警察与闹事者发生了激烈的冲突。剑桥国际The policeman grabbed the rioter and twisted (= bent and tightly held) his arm behind his back.警察抓住了闹事者, 把他的手臂扭到了身后。剑桥国际The road was blocked by a rioting mob.道路被闹事的人群阻塞了。剑桥国际The usual malcontents turned up to the meeting and made trouble.不满者到会场中闹事。剑桥国际They were trying to stir up trouble at the university. 他们想在大学里闹事。译典通Troublemakers are encouraged to leave.闹事者被请了出去。剑桥国际




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