

单词 非常认真
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕She was a very conscientious student and attended all her lectures. 她是个非常认真的学生,每堂课她都去听。朗文写作活用〔Downing Street〕Downing Street is taking this poll very seriously.英国政府对待这次民意调查非常认真。外研社新世纪〔PREPARE〕I made my preparations with great care. 我非常认真地做准备工作。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕All the other people in the office seemed to have a very serious attitude towards their work. 办公室里所有的人对待工作似乎都非常认真。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕Laura was always very serious about her work. 劳拉在工作上一向非常认真。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕She spoke lightly, but it was obvious that she was very much in earnest. 她说得轻描淡写,但显然是非常认真的。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕The band are only young, but they're very serious about their music. 该乐队成员只是还年青,但他们对待音乐却非常认真。朗文写作活用〔conscientiously〕We are generally very conscientious about our work.我们普遍对工作都非常认真。柯林斯高阶〔conscientious〕We are generally very conscientious about our work.我们通常对待工作非常认真。外研社新世纪〔deadly〕I'm deadly serious, this isn't a game! 我是非常认真的,这不是儿戏!朗文当代〔deadly〕I'm in deadly earnest.我是非常认真的。牛津高阶〔deadly〕Peter had often been accused of levity, but this time he was in deadly earnest.皮特经常被指责说太轻浮, 但这一次他却非常认真。外研社新世纪〔dead〕He's not joking. In fact, he's dead serious.他没在开玩笑。事实上,他是非常认真的。韦氏高阶〔diligent〕The historical research was extremely diligent.该项历史研究非常认真细致。外研社新世纪〔earnest〕He was a very earnest young man.他是个非常认真的年轻人。剑桥高阶〔formulate〕His ideas are always very carefully formulated.他总是非常认真地阐述自己的想法。牛津搭配〔go〕This area is to be gone over with the greatest of care.对这一地区一定要非常认真地进行搜查。麦克米伦高阶〔religiously〕He exercises religiously every morning.他每天早上都非常认真地锻炼。朗文当代〔religiously〕She followed the instructions religiously.她非常认真地按照说明操作。牛津高阶〔serious〕Joe is deadly serious in his beliefs.乔在信仰方面非常认真。牛津搭配〔sticker〕It was his job to put price stickers on each item and he took it very seriously.他的工作就是在每样物品上贴上不干胶价签, 他做得非常认真。外研社新世纪〔very〕I took my music lessons very seriously.我上音乐课非常认真。麦克米伦高阶I listened very hard to your explanation but I'm afraid I'm still no wiser/ none the wiser (= I still don't understand).我非常认真地听你的解释,但恐怕我还是不明白。剑桥国际She takes her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously.她非常认真地承担着护士的职责。剑桥国际




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