

单词 饭食
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔K ration〕An emergency field ration for U.S. armed forces in World War II, consisting of a single packaged meal.K口粮,应急口粮:二战期间美国军队战场应急口粮,由包装好的一顿饭食构成美国传统〔board〕To receive meals in return for pay.搭火:付费换取饭食美国传统〔freeze〕These meals are ideal for home freezing.这些饭食很适合家庭冷藏。牛津高阶〔portion〕The factory portions and packs over 12 000 meals a day.这个工厂每天分装 12 000 多份饭食。牛津高阶〔reason〕They complained about the food, and with good reason (= rightly).他们抱怨饭食不好,也确实如此。牛津搭配〔relish〕He is so hungry that he will relish plain food.他饿极了,素淡饭食也会吃得津津有味。英汉大词典〔relish〕Hunger will relish the plainest food.肚子饿了,最粗淡的饭食也会有滋味。英汉大词典〔responsibility〕Will you take responsibility for arranging the food? 你来负责安排饭食怎么样?牛津搭配〔room and board〕Lodging and meals earned, purchased for a set fee, or otherwise provided.膳宿:通常有固定的价格或由别人提供的赚得或换得的住宿和饭食美国传统〔unsettle〕Foreign food always unsettles my stomach (或 me).异国饭食常会使我的胃不舒服。英汉大词典All (=The only thing) I need is a roof over my head and a decent meal.我需要的一切就是一个栖身之处和一顿像样的饭食。剑桥国际He's always cadging free meals and free trips from/off his clients.他总是从客户处讨得免费饭食和旅行。剑桥国际The price includes travel and accommodation but meals are extra (= there is an additional charge for meals).价钱包括旅行和住宿,但饭食另加。剑桥国际




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