

单词 饭菜
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FIRE〕a fire for making you warm, for cooking, or for burning things 取暖、煮饭菜或烧东西的火朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕to make a meal 做饭菜朗文写作活用〔adventure〕an adventure in exotic dining 品尝异国饭菜的新鲜经历英汉大词典〔ate〕to eat a dinner(或 meal)吃一顿(饭菜)21世纪英汉〔canteen〕canteen food. 食堂饭菜柯林斯高阶〔charcoal〕cooking over a charcoal fire 在炭火上烧饭菜朗文当代〔eatable〕an eatable meal. 可吃的饭菜美国传统〔exquisitely〕an exquisitely prepared meal 精心准备的饭菜韦氏高阶〔first-class〕a first-class meal一流的饭菜外研社新世纪〔hot〕a hot meal(= one that has been cooked) 热的饭菜牛津高阶〔humble〕a meal made of humble ingredients 用普通原料做成的饭菜韦氏高阶〔indescribable〕an indescribably delicious meal 极其可口的饭菜韦氏高阶〔infamous〕an infamous dinner (house) 质量糟糕的饭菜(房屋)英汉大词典〔leftover〕leftovers A dish made of food remaining from a previous meal. leftovers 残羹剩菜:上一顿饭菜中剩下的部分所做成的一道菜美国传统〔microwave〕microwaveable meals 可用微波炉制作的饭菜牛津高阶〔modest〕modestly priced meals 价格适中的饭菜朗文当代〔no-nonsense〕the no-nonsense tones of a stern parent; plain, no-nonsense meals at a diner. 一位严厉的父母严肃的口气;宴会上简单、实用的饭菜美国传统〔outgoing〕outgoing orders of Chinese food. 中国饭菜的外带订购美国传统〔plate〕the $10-a-plate dinner 10美元一客的饭菜英汉大词典〔popular〕a restaurant that is popular for light meals 一家因饭菜清淡而受欢迎的餐馆牛津搭配〔popular〕meals at popular prices 价格大众化的饭菜英汉大词典〔prepare〕prepare a meal 做饭菜英汉大词典〔prepare〕prepared a meal; prepared the lecture. 做饭菜;编写讲演稿美国传统〔put〕to put together a model plane/an essay/a meal 组装飞机模型;构思文章;准备饭菜牛津高阶〔quick〕meals that are quick and easy to prepare 准备起来既快捷又简单的饭菜牛津搭配〔ready〕ready-cooked meals 现成的饭菜牛津高阶〔repast〕a light repast简单的饭菜外研社新世纪〔restaurant〕restaurant prices餐馆的饭菜价格外研社新世纪〔satisfying〕a satisfying meal 可口的饭菜牛津高阶〔serve〕serve sb. up a sumptuous dinner 给某人端出丰盛的饭菜 英汉大词典〔set〕a set menu 客饭菜单英汉大词典〔single〕a single portion of food 一客饭菜英汉大词典〔solid〕a solid meal. 丰盛的饭菜美国传统〔spartan〕a spartan diet/meal 简单的饮食/饭菜剑桥高阶〔supersaver〕supersaver fares; supersaver tickets. 便宜的饭菜;廉价的车票美国传统〔unappetizing〕serve unappetizing meals 供应倒胃口的饭菜 英汉大词典〔unimaginative〕unimaginative food. 毫无吸引力的饭菜柯林斯高阶〔vacuum-packed〕vacuum-packed meals/coffee 真空包装的饭菜/咖啡韦氏高阶〔wholesome〕wholesome home-cooked meals 有益健康的家庭烹调的饭菜麦克米伦高阶〔wretched〕a wretched meal 难吃的饭菜英汉大词典




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