

单词 饥饿
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕An estimated 1 million Irish people died from starvation and disease during the Famine. 大饥荒时期,估计有100万爱尔兰人死于饥饿和疾病。朗文写作活用〔DECAY〕In some countries food is left to rot, while in others people are dying from hunger. 在有些国家人们任由食物腐坏,而在另一些国家人们却死于饥饿。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕A global fall in the price of rice spread hardship and even starvation to many parts of Indochina. 全球米价下跌,使贫穷甚至饥饿的现象扩大到了印度支那的许多地区。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕Hungry people crowded around the relief wagon for food. 饥饿的人们拥在救济车周围要食物。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕Many slimming diets don't provide enough calories to satisfy hunger. 许多瘦身食谱不能够提供足够的热量满足饥饿感。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕The slum-dwellers suffer from poverty, hunger, and disease. 贫民区居民遭受着穷困、饥饿和疾病的折磨。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕Thousands of refugees are on the brink of starvation in camps south of the capital. 首都南面的难民营里有成千上万的难民因为饥饿而濒临死亡。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Thousands of people in this area are dying from hunger and disease. 本地区有数以千计的人正死于饥饿和疾病。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Thousands are dying from disease and starvation and yet no one seems to care. 成千上万的人死于疾病和饥饿,然而似乎没有人在意。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Each week, over 250,000 children die needlessly from starvation and disease. 每个星期都有超过250,000名儿童因饥饿和疾病而白白死去。朗文写作活用〔afflict〕Much of the region is afflicted by hunger and poverty.这一地区有很多地方处于饥饿和贫困之中。韦氏高阶〔appease〕We had no way to appease our hunger.我们无法缓解饥饿。韦氏高阶〔assuage〕The meat assuaged their hunger.肉缓解了他们的饥饿。外研社新世纪〔beget〕Hunger begets crime.饥饿招致犯罪。21世纪英汉〔beget〕Hunger begets crime.饥饿招致犯罪。朗文当代〔bondage〕All people, she said, lived their lives in bondage to hunger, pain and lust.她说,所有人的生活都受缚于饥饿、苦痛和欲望。柯林斯高阶〔collapse〕It's commonplace to see people collapsing from hunger in the streets.人们因饥饿倒在街上是寻常的事情。外研社新世纪〔combine〕Disease and starvation combined to kill thousands.疾病加上饥饿使数以千计的人丧生。外研社新世纪〔constrain〕Hunger constrained him to eat.饥饿迫使他进食。21世纪英汉〔day〕It's unbelievable that in this day and age people are still dying from hunger.现在还有人死于饥饿,真是不可思议。韦氏高阶〔deaden〕Drugs deaden the pangs of hunger.药物可以减轻饥饿之苦。外研社新世纪〔depopulate〕The region was depopulated by disease/famine/war.该地区的人口因疾病/饥饿/战争而减少。剑桥高阶〔desperation〕Hunger drives men to desperation.饥饿使人铤而走险。文馨英汉〔die〕She died of/from hunger/cancer/a heart attack/her injuries.她死于饥饿/癌症/心脏病/伤病。剑桥高阶〔dispatch〕The hungry boy quickly dispatched the meal.那个饥饿的男孩几口就把饭吃了。英汉大词典〔drive〕Hunger drove her to steal.饥饿迫使她去偷窃。牛津高阶〔dwell on sth〕In his speech, he dwelt on the plight of the sick and the hungry.演讲时他一直在说遭受疾病和饥饿折磨的人们所处的困境。剑桥高阶〔eat〕The hungry children devoured the grapes.那群饥饿的孩子狼吞虎咽地吃下了葡萄。韦氏高阶〔expressive〕A baby's cry may be expressive of hunger or pain.婴儿的啼哭可能表示饥饿或疼痛。英汉大词典〔famine〕Severe hunger; starvation.极度饥饿;饥饿美国传统〔feed〕Feed the world/starving.养活全世界/饥饿的人。剑桥高阶〔feed〕How can we feed a hungry world? 我们如何养活一个饥饿的世界?牛津搭配〔feed〕More food supplies are needed to feed the starving population.需要更多的食品供应来养活饥饿的人们。麦克米伦高阶〔free sb from/of sth〕He dedicated his life to freeing the world from famine and disease.他毕生致力于消除世界上的饥饿和疾病。剑桥高阶〔from〕They were weak from hunger.由于饥饿,他们很虚弱。韦氏高阶〔gnawing〕After three days, we felt an agonizing, gnawing hunger.三天后,我们开始感觉到饥饿的煎熬和折磨。剑桥高阶〔gnaw〕Hunger gnawed at the prisoners.饥饿折磨着犯人们美国传统〔goad〕Hunger goaded him to steal a loaf of bread.饥饿驱使他偷了一只面包。21世纪英汉〔gulp〕The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of soup.饥饿的男孩大口大口地把那碗汤喝了下去。21世纪英汉〔hallucinate〕Hunger made him hallucinate.饥饿使他产生了幻觉。柯林斯高阶〔hallucinate〕Hunger made him hallucinate.饥饿让他产生了幻觉。外研社新世纪〔harvesting〕Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests.几百万人因干旱和歉收而受到饥饿的威胁。柯林斯高阶〔harvest〕Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests.由于干旱和歉收, 数百万人正面临饥饿的威胁。外研社新世纪〔horror〕The population now faces the horrors of starvation.人们现在面临着饥饿的威胁。剑桥高阶〔human〕Feeding the hungry is only basic human decency.为饥饿者提供食物仅仅是人最基本的行为标准。麦克米伦高阶〔hunger〕Hunger is the body's signal that levels of blood sugar are too low.饥饿是血糖过低时身体发出的信号。外研社新世纪〔hunger〕It is usual to feel hunger during exercise.锻炼时感到饥饿是常事。牛津搭配〔hunger〕The discomfort, weakness, or pain caused by a prolonged lack of food.饥饿:由于长时间未进食造成的不适、虚弱或疼痛美国传统〔hunger〕The smells hungered him.这气味让他感到饥饿。外研社新世纪〔hunger〕Thousands of people are dying from hunger every day.每天都有成千上万的人死于饥饿。朗文当代〔hungry〕Experiencing a desire or need for food.饥饿的:感到食欲或进食的要求的美国传统〔in〕People are dying in their thousands from cold and starvation.成千上万的人死于寒冷和饥饿。剑桥高阶〔keep off〕Some bread will keep off hunger for a while.吃些面包会抵挡一会儿饥饿感。21世纪英汉〔million〕Millions are threatened by disease and hunger.许多人受到疾病和饥饿的威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔nature〕Hunger is nature's way of telling you to eat.饥饿是告诉你去吃饭的自然方式。韦氏高阶〔necessary〕Hunger and disease are necessary concomitants of war.战争势必伴有饥饿和疾病。英汉大词典〔nerve〕Cutting the nerves to the stomach does not affect hunger.切断通向胃部的神经不会影响饥饿感。牛津搭配〔only〕A lion will attack a human being only when it is hungry.狮子只有在饥饿的时候才袭击人。英汉大词典〔pang〕We hadn't eaten since yesterday and the hunger pangs were getting harder to ignore.我们从昨天起一直没有吃东西,饥饿引起的阵阵胃疼越来越难以忍受了。剑桥高阶〔pathetic〕The starving children were a pathetic sight.饥饿的儿童看起来是一幅凄惨的景象。牛津高阶〔peasant〕Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.数吨国际社会捐赠的食品被分给了这些饥饿的农民。剑桥高阶〔prey on〕The effect was to starve many animals and those that preyed on them.结果是使许多动物以及捕食这些动物的其他动物遭受饥饿之苦。外研社新世纪〔raid〕The hungry children made a raid on the pantry.饥饿的孩子们把食品室洗劫一空。英汉大词典〔raven〕The hungry rat ravened down the poison bait.饥饿的老鼠一口吞下毒饵。21世纪英汉〔rear its (ugly) head〕The familiar spectre of drought and famine has reared its ugly head again.人们所熟悉的干旱和饥饿的凶兆已经再度出现。剑桥高阶〔revolt〕It revolts me to know that the world spends so much money on arms when millions are dying of hunger.这个世界有数以百万计的人因饥饿挣扎在死亡线上,但却有那么多的钱花在军备上,这真让我感到震惊。剑桥高阶〔she〕Very early in life when the baby feels the pangs of hunger, she learns to scream.当新生儿感到饥饿时,就学会了喊叫。柯林斯高阶〔shock〕The photographs of starving children shocked people into giving money.那些饥饿儿童的照片让人们深感震惊,都纷纷解囊相助。剑桥高阶〔squall〕The hungry kid began to squall.那个饥饿的小家伙开始号啕大哭起来。21世纪英汉〔starvation〕Millions are threatened by starvation and disease each year.每年都有数以百万计的人受到饥饿和疾病的威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔starvation〕The act or process of starving.饥饿:挨饿的行为或过程美国传统〔starveling〕One that is starving or being starved.饥饿者:正在挨饿的人美国传统〔surrender〕The villagers were starved into surrender.村民们饥饿难忍,只好投降。牛津搭配〔tear sb's heart out〕The thought of those poor, hungry children is tearing my heart out.想起那些贫穷、饥饿的孩子,我心如刀绞。剑桥高阶〔zest〕The hungry man ate with zest.那饥饿的汉子吃得津津有味。英汉大词典About half of the prisoners were murdered or died after torture or starvation.大约有半数的囚犯被谋杀或因拷打或饥饿而死亡。剑桥国际After not eating for three days, we felt an agonizing, gnawing (= continuously painful) hunger.三天没吃东西后,我们有一种痛苦难熬的饥饿感。剑桥国际He dedicated his life to freeing the world from famine and disease.他毕生致力于消除世界上的饥饿和疾病。剑桥国际Her face was pinched by hunger. 她的脸因饥饿而消瘦了。译典通Homeless children in the street sniffed glue to dull their hunger pains (= make the pains less severe).街上无家可归的孩子吸胶毒以减轻饥饿带来的痛苦。剑桥国际I have known hunger and hardships. 我经历过饥饿和困苦。译典通I often suffer from hunger pangs (= have the feeling of needing something to eat) in the middle of the afternoon.下午过半时,我经常忍受饥饿的折磨。剑桥国际In his speech, he dwelt on the plight of the sick and the hungry.在演讲中,他详细讲述了那些病痛饥饿的人们所处的困境。剑桥国际It revolts me to know that the world spends so much money on arms, yet millions of people are dying of hunger.得知全世界在武器上花费了这么多钱,而数以百万计的人却死于饥饿,这使我反感。剑桥国际People are dying in their thousands from typhoid, cold and starvation.人们成千上万地因伤寒、寒冷和饥饿而死去。剑桥国际The Red Cross dealt out food to hungry villagers. 红十字会把食品分发给饥饿的村民。译典通The West's inaction on the famine puts millions of people at risk of starvation.西方对饥荒不采取行动使无数人面临着饥饿的威胁。剑桥国际The animals had died of starvation.动物因饥饿而死亡。剑桥国际The hunger in parts of Africa is terrible--there's (quite) simply (= without question) no other word for it.非洲一些地区的饥饿很可怕----无疑对此没有其他词语可形容。剑桥国际The hungry child asked for a piece of bread. 饥饿的孩子要一块面包吃。译典通The hungry children crammed food down their throats. 那些饥饿的儿童狼吞虎咽地吃著。译典通The hungry children made a raid on the pantry. 饥饿的孩子把食品柜洗劫一空。译典通The pictures of hungry children tore at my heart/tore my heart out (= made me very sad).饥饿儿童的照片使我心如刀绞。剑桥国际The pictures of the starving children in the newspaper were absolutely heartrending.报纸上刊登的饥饿儿童的照片实在太令人心酸了。剑桥国际The smell of bread beckoned the hungry boy. 面包香味吸引著那个饥饿的男孩。译典通The starving crowd are clamoring for food. 饥饿的人群吵著要食物。译典通The tiny children, their bellies swollen from hunger, stared dumbly at the cameras.那些小孩无言地盯着摄像机,他们的肚子因饥饿而浮肿。剑桥国际The villagers took pity on the hungry travellers and gave them hot food. 村民们很同情饥饿的旅行者,端出热的食物给他们吃。译典通There is a heartbreaking news report about starving children. 有一则关于饥饿儿童的令人心碎的新闻报导。译典通Thousands have already died of starvation and international relief organizations say a million others are threatened.成千上万的人已因饥饿死去,国际救济组织说还有100万人处于危险之中。剑桥国际




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