

单词 隆重
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ceremonious〕a ceremonious reception 隆重的接待英汉大词典〔ceremonious〕looking splendid and ceremonious in his gold dressing gown 穿上他的金色长袍显得既高贵又隆重麦克米伦高阶〔ceremony〕the pomp and ceremony of a splendid celebration豪华庆典的隆重仪式外研社新世纪〔elaborate〕an elaborate ceremony that lasts for eight days一场持续八天的隆重典礼外研社新世纪〔formality〕the formality of the occasion 这一场合的隆重严肃性英汉大词典〔gravity〕the gravity of a state occasion.隆重礼仪场合的庄严气氛。牛津同义词〔high-profile〕the high-profile reception being given to Mr Arafat. 阿拉法特先生所受到的隆重接待柯林斯高阶〔high-profile〕the high-profile reception being given to Mr Harper给予哈珀先生的隆重接待外研社新世纪〔honorable〕received an honorable burial. 得到隆重体面的葬礼美国传统〔honourable〕an honourable burial 隆重的葬礼英汉大词典〔mannered〕a solemnly mannered ceremony (形式) 隆重的仪式英汉大词典〔opening〕the state opening of Parliament (in the UK) 隆重的议会开幕式牛津搭配〔pomp and circumstance〕the pomp and circumstance of a presidential inauguration 总统就职典礼的隆重场面韦氏高阶〔pomp〕all the pomp and circumstance (=an impressive ceremony) of a treaty signing 条约签署仪式的隆重场面朗文当代〔red-carpet〕give a person a red-carpet reception 舖红地毯热烈而隆重地欢迎某人;殷勤地招待某人文馨英汉〔red-carpet〕give sb. red-carpet reception 给予某人隆重接待英汉大词典〔red-carpet〕receive red-carpet treatment 受到隆重接待英汉大词典〔royal〕a royal welcome 隆重的欢迎朗文当代〔solemnified〕to solemnify an occasion with rhymes and prayers以赞美诗和祈祷使盛会庄严隆重21世纪英汉〔solemnization〕to solemnize the 50th anniversary of the founding of the corporation隆重庆祝公司成立五十周年纪念21世纪英汉〔solemn〕a solemn High Mass. 隆重的大弥撒美国传统〔solemn〕a solemn ritual 隆重的仪式牛津高阶〔state〕foreign leaders dining in state at the White House. 外国领导隆重地在白宫进餐美国传统〔state〕music for state occasions (=special public events) 隆重仪式上使用的音乐朗文当代〔state〕the state opening of Parliament 隆重的议会开幕典礼剑桥高阶〔state〕the state opening of Parliament 隆重的议会开幕式牛津高阶




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