

单词 隆起的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Africander〕Any of a breed of tall red cattle that were originally developed in South Africa, are well adapted to heat, and have a humped back and large spreading horns.南非牛:任一种原产于南非的高大的红褐色牛,非常耐热,有隆起的背部和展开的大牛角美国传统〔STICK OUT〕She saw a lump under the bedclothes. 她看到床单下面有一个隆起的地方。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕The car rattled every time it went over a bump. 汽车每次开过路上隆起的地方就格格作响。朗文写作活用〔belly〕She laid her hands on her swollen belly.她把双手放在自己隆起的肚子上。柯林斯高阶〔bump〕Every time I went over a bump in the road, my bicycle chain came off.每次我经过路上隆起的地方时我的自行车链条就会掉下来。麦克米伦高阶〔bump〕She tripped over the bump on the sidewalk.她被人行道上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。英汉大词典〔cantle〕The raised rear part of a saddle.鞍后桥:马鞍后部隆起的部分美国传统〔crown glass〕A form of window glass made by whirling a glass bubble to make a flat circular disk with a lump left in the center by the glass blower's rod.冠状玻璃:一种用玻璃吹制加工并使玻璃气泡旋转形成中心隆起的扁平圆盘而制成的窗玻璃形式美国传统〔endomorph〕Physiology An individual characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other soft body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer.【生理学】 胖型体质者:内胚层体型者,指以相对明显突出的腹部及其它由内胚房发展而来的身体柔软部分均较明显隆起的人美国传统〔fell〕An upland stretch of open country; a moor.高原,荒野:开阔地区隆起的地带;丘原美国传统〔gibbous〕Characterized by convexity; protuberant.突起的,凸状的:有凸出的特征的;突出的,隆起的美国传统〔gibbous〕Having a hump; humpbacked.有隆起的;驼背的美国传统〔hemangioma〕A benign skin lesion consisting of dense, usually elevated masses of dilated blood vessels.血管瘤:一种良性皮肤损害,由浓密且通常隆起的膨大血管群组成美国传统〔highland〕Elevated land.隆起的高地美国传统〔hump〕They sat on a hump of grass.他们坐在一块隆起的草地上。麦克米伦高阶〔hunchback〕An abnormally curved or hunched back.驼背:不正常地弯曲或隆起的背部美国传统〔keloid〕A red, raised formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair in response to trauma or surgical incision.瘢痕瘤:一种红的、隆起的纤维状疤痕组织,是在治疗损伤中由于过度的组织修补或外科伤口而引起的美国传统〔levee〕A small ridge or raised area bordering an irrigated field.土垄:围绕着灌溉畦田的小埂或隆起的地带美国传统〔list〕A ridge thrown up between two furrows by a lister in plowing.田垅:耕作时起垅机在两条犁沟间隆起的脊美国传统〔mill〕A steel roller bearing a raised design, used for making a die or a printing plate by pressure.轧模机:上有隆起的钢制滚筒,用来压制印模或印板美国传统〔phrenology〕The study of the shape and protuberances of the skull, based on the now discredited belief that they reveal character and mental capacity.颅相学:对颅骨形状和隆起的研究,基于他们揭示性格和大脑容量但现在还未被证实的信条美国传统〔plume〕Geology An upwelling of molten material from the earth's mantle.【地质学】 地柱:从地幔隆起的一段熔化物美国传统〔point system〕Any of various systems of printing or writing for sightless people, as Braille, that uses an alphabet of raised symbols or dots that correspond to letters.盲文点字体系:一种为盲人设计的印刷或书写体系,如布莱叶点字法,它用一种隆起的符号或圆点所组成的字母与字母对应美国传统〔proud〕Sand the surface with abrasive paper until no flakes of paint stand proud of the surface.用砂纸打磨表面,直到表面没有隆起的漆点。剑桥高阶〔rib〕A raised ridge or wale in knitted material or in cloth.凸纹:在编织物或布料中隆起的脊或条纹美国传统〔ridge〕A narrow, raised strip, as in cloth or on plowed ground.皱摺,田埂:衣服上或犁过的田里狭窄隆起的条带美国传统〔ridge〕The ridges on the soles of my boots stopped me from slipping.我靴子底上有隆起的纹路,使我没有滑倒。牛津高阶〔shake〕The car shook as it went over a bump.汽车驶过一个隆起的地方抖动了一下。朗文当代〔topgallant〕Raised above adjacent parts or structures.隆起的:超过临近的部分或结构的美国传统〔tumid〕Of a bulging shape; protuberant.隆起的:凸出的,膨胀的美国传统〔varicellate〕Having small varices, as certain gastropod shells.具有小螺层隆起的:有细小的螺形的,如一定的腹足纲软体动物的贝壳美国传统〔varicose〕Resembling a varix on the surface of a shell.螺层隆起的:象贝壳表面的螺层的美国传统〔venter〕Botany The swollen lower portion of an archegonium containing the egg.【植物学】 颈卵器腹:颈卵器的隆起的下部,内含卵细胞美国传统〔wale〕A mark raised on the skin, as by a whip; a weal or welt.伤痕:皮肤上隆起的痕记,如鞭痕;条状鞭痕或条痕美国传统〔wale〕To raise marks on (the skin), as by whipping.留下鞭痕:在(皮肤)上留下隆起的痕记,如用鞭子打美国传统〔weal〕A ridge on the flesh raised by a blow; a welt.抽打后皮肉上隆起的痕;鞭痕美国传统His back was covered with weals where he had been repeatedly beaten.他的背上布满了隆起的伤痕,这些地方曾多次挨过打。剑桥国际She tripped over a bump on the road. 她被路上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。译典通




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