

单词 镜检
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amnioscopy〕Examination of the amniotic cavity and fetus using an optical instrument that is inserted directly into the amniotic cavity.羊膜内视镜检法:把光学仪器直接插入羊膜腔以观察羊膜腔及胎儿美国传统〔arthroscopy〕Examination of the interior of a joint, such as the knee, using a type of endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision.关节内窥镜检查:使用通过一小的切口插入关节的一种内窥镜对关节内部,如膝盖进行的检查美国传统〔bacterioscopy〕Microscopic examination of bacteria.细菌镜检法:细菌的显微镜检查美国传统〔clinical〕If not found on clinical examination, it is easily recognized with the aid of a laparoscopy.如果门诊检查发现不了, 那么借助腹腔镜检查就很容易识别。外研社新世纪〔colposcopy〕Examination of the vaginal and cervical epithelia by means of a colposcope.阴道镜检查:用阴道镜对阴道和子宫颈膜进行的检查美国传统〔embed〕Biology To enclose (a specimen) in a supporting material before sectioning for microscopic examination.【生物学】 包住样品:作切片用显微镜检验前用支撑材料包裹(样品)美国传统〔laparoscopy〕An operation in which a laparoscope is used, as in an examination of the liver or the surgical treatment of endometriosis.腹腔镜检查:利用腹腔镜实施的检查,例如检查肝脏或实施外科子宫手术美国传统〔microscopically〕Microscopic examination of a cell's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus.利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以发现胎儿的性别。柯林斯高阶〔microscopically〕The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.利用显微镜检查组织,以排除或确认癌变。柯林斯高阶〔microscopic〕Microscopic examination of a cell's chromosomes can reveal the sex of the fetus.利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以看出胎儿的性别。外研社新世纪〔microtome〕An instrument used to cut a specimen, as of organic tissue, into thin sections for microscopic examination.超薄切片机:为作显微镜检查把标本,如有机组织等切成极薄切片的机器美国传统〔peephole〕The guards checked at the peephole before entering.卫兵进入前透过门镜检查了一下。柯林斯高阶〔perforation〕One possible complication of colonoscopy is a perforation through the bowel wall that could require surgery.结肠镜检查的一个可能的并发症是大肠穿孔,必须靠手术解决。剑桥高阶〔rhinoscopy〕Examination of the nasal passages by means of a speculum or similar instrument.鼻窥镜检查:采用张开器或类似设备所进行的鼻通道检查美国传统〔section〕Each section is mounted on a slide and examined under the microscope.每一份切片都放在载玻片上用显微镜检查。剑桥高阶Each section is mounted on a slide and numbered before being examined under the microscope.在显微镜检查之前,每一份切片都将置于载片上并编号。剑桥国际With infinite patience, members of his staff were using magnifying glasses to examine the piles of banknotes for signs of forgery.他手下的工作人员以极大的耐心用放大镜检查成堆的钞票,来寻找伪造的迹象。剑桥国际




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