

单词 那晚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕The moon was almost full that night. 那晚,月亮几乎是满月。朗文写作活用〔BAD AT DOING STH〕We spent the evening listening to third-rate writers read their poetry in a seedy nightclub. 那晚上我们就在一家邋遢的夜总会里听一些三流作家朗诵自己的诗作。朗文写作活用〔BEND〕She curled up in her bed that night, thinking of Michel. 那晚上她蜷着身子躺在床上,心里想着米歇尔。朗文写作活用〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕A patchy picture began to emerge of what happened that night. 那晚事件的一鳞半爪开始浮现。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕She decided to tell her mother all about it that evening. 那晚她决定把一切都告诉母亲。朗文写作活用〔RETURN〕Alastair returned from the office late that night. 那晚阿拉斯泰尔很晚才从办公室回来。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I was forced to sleep rough that night in a disused warehouse. 那晚我不得不在一个废弃的仓库里随便找个地方睡。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕From the evidence gathered from witnesses we should be able to work out what happened that night. 根据从证人那里搜集到的证据来看,我们应该能搞清楚那晚发生什么事了。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕Johnson unwillingly admitted he'd been drinking that evening. 约翰逊勉强承认那晚他在喝酒。朗文写作活用〔account〕Can you account for your movements on that night? 你能解释一下那晚的活动吗?朗文当代〔account〕The evening was accounted a great success.那晚的活动被视为巨大成功。外研社新世纪〔all〕That night, her heart all but stopped.那晚,她的心脏差点儿停止跳动。英汉大词典〔anxiously〕Her parents waited anxiously for her to come home that night.那晚,她的父母焦急不安地等她回家。韦氏高阶〔any〕I didn't sleep any that night.那晚我压根儿没睡着。英汉大词典〔bit〕Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.我渐渐回忆起了那晚的点点滴滴。牛津高阶〔blitzed〕She was/got totally blitzed that night.她那晚喝得烂醉如泥。韦氏高阶〔close〕I felt closer to Rob that evening than ever before.那晚我觉得和罗布比以前更亲近了。朗文当代〔close〕The weather that night was hot and close, with a hint of thunder in the distance.那晚的天气又热又闷,远处隐约传来雷声。朗文当代〔colour〕Michael was there so that added a bit of colour to the evening's proceedings.迈克尔的到场使那晚的活动有所增色。剑桥高阶〔contemplate〕As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future.那晚他躺在医院的病床上, 一想到未来, 就哭了起来。外研社新世纪〔context〕But let's put this in context. First of all, Shane wasn't the only celebrity to utter obscenities on the night of the awards.但让我们全面地来看一下这个问题。首先, 沙恩不是颁奖典礼那晚唯一一位爆粗口的名人。外研社新世纪〔contradict yourself〕The witness contradicted herself when she insisted she could identify the thief even though she had said that the night was too foggy to see clearly.证人的证词自相矛盾:她一口咬定能够认出那个小偷,又说那晚大雾朦胧看不清楚。韦氏高阶〔courageously〕If Coetzer fights as courageously as he did against Bowe, it could be an interesting night.如果科泽尔能打得像当初对阵鲍时一样英勇顽强, 那晚上的比赛就有意思了。外研社新世纪〔courageous〕If Coetzer fights as courageously as he did against Bowe, it could be an interesting night.如果科泽尔能打得像当初对阵鲍时一样英勇顽强,那晚上的比赛就有意思了。柯林斯高阶〔curse〕Insomnia is one of my curses, but not that night.失眠是让我苦恼透顶的一件事,不过那晚我没失眠。英汉大词典〔debauchery〕He recalled the evening's debaucheries with regret.回想起那晚的放纵,他感到后悔。韦氏高阶〔doleful〕You sounded so doleful about your future that night.那晚你的话听起来对自己的前途深感忧伤。韦氏高阶〔double up〕Matt Damon doubled up, winning two Oscars that night.麥特·戴蒙再次胜出,那晚获得了两项奥斯卡奖。剑桥高阶〔do〕They were doing AMidsummerNight'sDream that evening.那晚他们在演出《仲夏夜之梦》。英汉大词典〔faithful〕She gave a faithful account of what had happened on that night.她如实讲述了那晚发生的事情。剑桥高阶〔fasten〕He fastened himself upon me for the rest of evening.那晚余下的时间他缠住我不放。21世纪英汉〔foot〕We camped that night at the foot of the mountain.我们那晚在山脚下露营。麦克米伦高阶〔fort〕All was calm at the fort that night.那晚城堡内风平浪静。牛津搭配〔goof〕He was pretty goofed up that night.那晚他服用麻醉剂后被搞得昏昏沉沉。21世纪英汉〔guard〕Who was on guard the night the fire broke out? 火灾发生那晚是谁在执勤?朗文当代〔herself〕You must have noticed that my wife wasn't quite herself that evening.你肯定注意到我太太那晚有点儿不大对劲。麦克米伦高阶〔incidental〕The playing of music proved to be incidental to the main business of the evening.音乐演奏最后成了那晚主要活动的陪衬。外研社新世纪〔kindly〕He had very kindly asked me to the cocktail party that evening.他很客气地邀请我参加那晚的鸡尾酒会。柯林斯高阶〔like〕It was a beautiful sunset. I've never seen the like before.那晚霞真漂亮。我以前从未见过这样的美景。韦氏高阶〔mark out〕There were several things about that evening that marked it out as very unusual.那晚因几件事情显得非同寻常。柯林斯高阶〔match up〕Their accounts of what happened that evening don't match up.他们对那晚所发生的事情说法不一致。剑桥高阶〔meal〕That night he made her favourite / favorite meal.那晚他做了她最爱吃的饭菜。牛津搭配〔memory〕I have vivid memories of that evening.我对那晚仍记忆犹新。剑桥高阶〔monumental〕That night there was a monumental hailstorm.那晚下了很大的冰雹。外研社新世纪〔moon〕There was some moon that night.那晚有点月光。英汉大词典〔narrate〕Mark narrated the shocking details of his night in jail.马克讲述了他在监狱的那晚骇人听闻的种种细节。麦克米伦高阶〔nor〕She did not return that night, nor the night after.她那天晚上没有回来,之后的那晚也没有。麦克米伦高阶〔noteworthy〕Nothing noteworthy happened that evening.那晚没什么重要事情发生。韦氏高阶〔note〕She said she was unaware of the problem and noted that everything was fine when she went home that night.她说她没意识到这个问题,并且指出那晚当她回家时一切正常。韦氏高阶〔party〕That night we partied until dawn.那晚我们痛饮到天亮美国传统〔query〕The police queried him on his whereabouts the night of the crime.警方问他出事的那晚在什么地方。英汉大词典〔remember〕She remembered that she was going to the social club that evening.她记起来那晚她正要去社交俱乐部。柯林斯高阶〔sequence〕Could you describe the exact sequence of events that evening? 你能准确描述那晚发生的一连串事件吗?麦克米伦高阶〔serenely〕The sunset was serenely beautiful.那晚霞宁静而美丽。韦氏高阶〔set〕The sun set at seven that evening.那晚太阳七点落下美国传统〔she〕When Ann arrived home that night, she found Brian in the house watching TV.那晚安回到家时,看见布赖恩正在屋子里看电视。柯林斯高阶〔silver〕Susan looked radiant that night in her white and silver dress.那晚苏珊穿着白色与银灰色相间的晚礼服,看上去光彩照人。麦克米伦高阶〔sink〕That night he sank into a deep coma.那晚他陷入了深度昏迷。柯林斯高阶〔sleep〕I only slept for four hours that night.那晚我只睡了 4 个小时。牛津搭配〔star〕That night, we slept out under the stars.那晚我们露宿在星空下。麦克米伦高阶〔steer〕The freighter steered out of the port that evening.货轮那晚驶出了港口。英汉大词典〔stir〕She had not stirred from the house that evening.那晚她没有离开过这幢房子。外研社新世纪〔straw〕When he didn't come home that night, it was the last straw.他那晚没回家,事情已让人忍无可忍了。麦克米伦高阶〔summons〕I stayed at home that night awaiting her summons.那晚我待在家里等待她的召唤。牛津搭配〔swallow〕It was vital that he swallowed the story about Juanita being in that motel room that night.关键是他对朱厄妮塔那晚住在那个汽车旅馆房间里一事毫不怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔too〕We decided not to go out that night. And it was a good thing too, because we had a big snowstorm.我们那晚决定不出去了。那可是明智的决定,因为正赶上大暴风雪。韦氏高阶〔version〕Could Donna's version of what happened that night be correct? 唐娜对那晚发生的事情的描述是否真实呢?朗文当代〔when〕Why do we take the flag down at night, when we just have to put it up again in the morning? 既然我们早上还得把旗升上去,那晚上又为什么要把它降下来呢?英汉大词典〔work〕My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.我的大脑疯狂地运转,把那晚发生的事情飞快地一幕幕重演。柯林斯高阶〔work〕My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.我的大脑疯狂运转, 把那晚发生的事情飞快地过了一遍。外研社新世纪Anyway, that evening, which I'll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel's place.不管怎样,那个晚上我最后待在了雷切尔那里,我以后会告诉你更多那晚的情况。剑桥国际He got plastered the night his wife left him. 他太太离他而去那晚,他喝得烂醉如泥。译典通He went to bed much earlier than was his wont. 他(那晚)就寝的时间比平常早了很多。译典通It was so warm we stayed (out) in the garden until ten that night.那晚天气非常暖和,我们在花园中一直呆到10点。剑桥国际It's unclear what actually happened that night. 不清楚那晚上到底发生了什么事。剑桥国际Most people can remember what they were doing on the night that Kennedy was shot.大多数人都记得肯尼迪被刺杀的那晚他们在干什么。剑桥国际My family and friends came to the opening night of my play. 我的家人和朋友出席了那晚我的话剧的首场演出。译典通She recalled seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery. 她想起抢劫那晚在商店外见过他。剑桥国际Supper was rushed since the family had to go out that evening.由于那晚全家要出门,他们匆匆吃了晚饭。剑桥国际That evening he was in an unusual light-hearted mood. 那晚他的心情异常轻松。译典通The court has heard accounts from several witnesses of what happened that night--now please tell us in your own words what you saw.法庭已经听了好几个目击者对那晚所发生事情的描述----现在请你用自己的话告诉我们你看到了什么。剑桥国际The moon was a brightly shining crescent.那晚的月亮是一弯闪闪发亮的新月。剑桥国际The two witnesses gave contradictory versions of what had happened that night.两名见证人就那晚发生的事提供的说法互相矛盾。剑桥国际They made love for the first time that night.那晚他们第一次做爱。剑桥国际Under deep hypnosis she remembered the traumatic events of that night.在深度催眠状态下,她记起了那晚痛苦的经历。剑桥国际You were at your most radiant that evening.那晚你容光焕发,神气极了。剑桥国际




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